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Podcast: Replant Bootcamp


Replant Bootcamp

This episode has the guys answering a question from Pastor Gary: Our church (7 to 11 members) has decided to stop meeting publicly and wants to regroup in my home-they are also considering a name change and a move closer to town-what advice or wisdom can you offer?

Listen in as the guys have an awkward start, talk Covid19, break it down, and consider some of the options in stopping, restarting and moving a church to another location for greater missional effectiveness.


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Episode #40 – Head, Heart, Hands, and Habits of Effective Replanters and Revitalizers

Replant Bootcamp
Episode #40 - Head, Heart, Hands, and Habits of Effective Replanters and Revitalizers

The guys continue their discussion on the 13 characteristics found in Replanters and offer a grid for better understanding each of them in categories we can wrap our minds around.


First, we must understand that we begin with the biblical qualifications for Pastors/Elder, these are the foundation and cannot be overlooked. 


Jimbo mentioned the three levels of leadership taught in the Airforce: personal, interpersonal, team, organizational. It’s important to think about growing in each of these levels as you develop as a leader.


Leaders-please understand that you will not be “aces” in all the areas of leadership-this is by God’s design-to make you depend on him and work with others.


For those who are married-it is imperative for your spouse to sense a strong call to Replanting. We’ve found that many Replanters experience the greatest challenges in years 3-5, a spouse must be prepared for and anticipate the struggle as well as being convinced of the call to stick it out.


Stay tuned as the guys talk more in future episodes about these characteristics in depth.

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Episode #39 – The Importance of Self-Awareness

Replant Bootcamp
Episode #39 - The Importance of Self-Awareness

The guys began the conversation on the 13 Characteristics of a Replanter/Revitalizer by unpacking Self-Awareness. In future episodes they will walk through the rest of the characteristics.


Of all the characteristics, Self-Awareness is foundational to pastoring whether you are a Replanter or Revitalizer.


Crisis provides a great opportunity to develop self-awareness.


He shepherded them with a pure heart
and guided them with his skillful hands.  Psalm 78:72


Ministry is a work of the Holy Spirit-your skill is important but you must be aware of your ultimate dependence on the Holy Spirit.


The greater your skills and gifting the greater the challenge for you personally to rely on your abilities and not the Holy Spirit.


One of the important aspects of self-awareness is understanding that God designed you uniquely. God also places people with other gifting and strengths who will compliment your ministry.  Embrace them as part of God’s design for your ministry.


Your strengths will help you be successful in an aspect of your ministry, not the entirety of your ministry.


Your home of origin impacts your life and ministry. Becoming self-aware of how that creates challenges and conflict is vitally important. Do the hard work of exploring your hope of origin dynamics.  We recommend, How We Love by Milan and Kay Yurkovich.


Ministry is painful because it creates


Jimbo share this quote from Tennessee Williams: There comes a time when you look into the mirror and you realize that what you see is all that you will ever be.  When that happens, you either kill yourself or stop looking in mirrors.


Accepting how God designed you is key to embracing your role in ministry. Find a good personality test like the DISC, get the results and understand your strengths and weaknesses.


One caution-some personality tests suggest that if you are not a certain type of personality. We do not believe that to be the case. Our observational experience has revealed that any personality type can successfully replant a church-with the understanding how their strengths and weaknesses impact their leadership.




Episode #38 – Leading Well in Racial/Ethnic Tension with Dr. James Hawkins

Replant Bootcamp
Episode #38 - Leading Well in Racial/Ethnic Tension with Dr. James Hawkins

Last week the guys talked with Dr. James Hawkins about how to lead during times of racial tension. As Replanters/Pastors understanding the perspective of our African American congregants, community members and friends is imperative.

Q: As a white pastor with a predominately white congregation how do we lead well in this time of racial tension?

Dr. Hawkins: Some of the reason why we are where we are is because of past sin-we have to understand that. Today, the lines of segregation are still evident in many of our communities even after civil rights victories. In the church, we (Black and White Christians) have not done theology together and not dealt with our shared past trauma together. We’ve also not been equipped to handle this, in many ways we were set up for this moment-the question is now, what will we do with this moment? We have to equip and disciple each other to see these ethnic moments thru the lens of scripture. Here are some helpful questions:

How has my particular ethnic group read and understand scripture related to the kingdom of heaven?

Do I know what I don’t know? (where are my blindspots)

Q: How does a pastor lead a congregation that is reluctant to explore their own biases?

Dr. Hawkins: First, we have to acknowledge that exploring the unknown is scary-we have a natural reaction to avoid what we don’t know. We have to grow to understand the importance of seeking and seeing the kingdom of God over and above ourselves. As Pastors we need to validate our congregations reluctance and defensiveness-but we also have continue to lead toward the kingdom of God.  Be patient with yourself and your congregation. Honor their fear but also ask them communicate their hopes.

Q: What is healing conversations?

Dr. Hawkins: It is a gathering of churches/people to intentionally jump into the deep end in dealing with the pain and problem of racial tension in the church. We facilitate conversations so people can find healing, help and hope and move forward.


Check out these helpful resources:

Watch the Healing Conversations video mentioned in the Podcast.

Listen to more from Dr. Hawkins on his podcast, A More Excellent Way.

Dr. Hawkins’ Book Recommendation: The Color of Compromise by Jemar Tisby

Episode #37 – Pursuing Emotional Health During Crisis with Dr. James Hawkins

Replant Bootcamp
Episode #37 - Pursuing Emotional Health During Crisis with Dr. James Hawkins


Dr. James Hawkins talked to the guys about how to stay emotionally healthy as a leader during a time of crisis.


Q: Is it okay for us to feel emotionally off right now as leaders?

A: Absolutely, 100%. God has wired us to understand that emotions are signals which help us to respond to the world around us.

Pastors carry the emotional burdens of the congregation as well as their own.

There are some good things that have come from Covid19

  • Slower pace of life
  • Spending time with family


Q: What are some additional warning signs we might need to pay attention to that signal we need to seek help?

A: One of the things to pay attention to is a tendency to stuff emotions, ignore them or stay in their heads intellectually or theologically. Emotional avoidance is a key sign to pay attention to – pastoring is work that is done in times of crisis and stress.  Extreme fatigue, irritability with others, inability to sit in silence. Emotional suppression = you trying to be God. God gave us emotions as signals to understand how to relate to others and respond to situations. When we turn emotions off, we are not acting in concert with the way God has made us.


Q: Sometimes in our homes of origin we learn or are told to suppress or not feel, how do we begin to reverse that?

A: We often become emotionally avoidant because of the hurt we experienced when we took a risk to be vulnerable. We were told; “don’t feel that way.” “We don’t do that.” When in pain if we reach out and receive a pain message back-we put our vulnerability away. When we do this-we lose the ability to be comforted. How do we reverse this? We need to tune into our emotions. First, bring that vulnerability to God, ask for reassurance and then reach out to others so that we are not alone-we bring our vulnerability to safe others in the context of community.


Q: What are some ways Pastors can learn to not sacrifice their families during a time of intense crisis with incredible demands?

A: You have to be in tune with your own emotional struggles – ministry is difficult.  One thing to do is to invite your family in-let them know of your work and struggle. Your wife is your helper-invite her and let her in, she is your helper and companion.  A good question to have her ask you is: “How are you doing today?”  Second, help your children understand how God us working in and through you-how you are being pressed, what you are learning. Help them have a shared experience with you as you minister.  Third, your family is your primary support unit-your safe haven. You have to lean into that and find comfort and support in your family.  A pastor should never seek to have his emotional needs met by the congregation he serves.


Q: Some pastors may be at their end, they may feel like they can’t go on-how should they respond?

A: You have to accept that as a Pastor you will experience and feel burnout, this is part of ministry. Burnout is often a sign of the seriousness of the work that you are doing.  Given that, what should you do now?  Jesus even felt heaviness, Elijah was exhausted and depressed – who are we to think that we won’t feel the same.  We need to build in moments to reset. Getting away, taking a break every week, doing what it takes to renew yourself. These are very important practices for pastors.


Q: What are some practical next steps a Pastor can take during a time like this?

A: The spiritual discipline of getting in tune with your inner world. For instance the questions God asked Adam after he sinned are helpful for us:  Adam, where are you? (The connection question-where am I at in relationship to God, family, church, others, self) Who told you that you were naked? (The influence question-who/what is influencing you? What standard are you accepting as your measure?) What is this that you have done? (The responsibility question-am I taking personal responsibility?)


Check out Dr. James’ podcast; A More Excellent Way


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Episode #36 – Making Decisions When The Path Is Not Clear

Replant Bootcamp
Episode #36 - Making Decisions When The Path Is Not Clear

The guys take some time to talk about the difficult decisions we are facing as Replanters/Pastors in reopening the church. If you’re weighing all the options, if you are frustrated and concerned, the guys will give you some encouragement.

Are you a Pastor struggling with the many competing voices regarding how you should lead and what you should do about reopening the church? 

Here’s a diagram that was super helpful to the guys which was first seen by us on Craig’s social media. The origin of the graphic is original to another source (if you know-let us know) but h/t Craig Tuck


Q: How do we make decisions when the path isn’t clear?

What are my legal requirements?  Romans 13 is a good guide for us in thinking through what is required by us.

Pray and ask for wisdom: James 1:5

Survey your people-find out where they are.

Be discerning about the sources you listen to for advice/counsel.

Take it one day at a time: James 4:13-16

Choose your sources wisely: avoid inflammatory and divisive voices. 

Take care of yourself (rest, renewal, silence, solitude, reading God’s word, taking a break from ministry)

Involve others in the decision making process to enlarge your understanding of the issues you are facing.


Check out all the great resources from the Charleston Baptist Association 

Avoiding Conflict as You Reopen Your Church, a great resource from Replant Team member Steve Dighton.

Consumer Corona Virus Conflicts mentioned by JimBo

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Need help with your website? Check out the official Sponsor of the Replant Bootcamp OneEighty.Church they can help you build a custom site within your budget.


Episode #35 – Outreach during COVID

Replant Bootcamp
Episode #35 - Outreach during COVID

The present pandemic has changed the rules of engagement for everyone – especially the church and outreach. The guys break down some of their thoughts on outreach in the time of Covid 19.

Q: What does outreach look like in the time of social distancing?

We have to acknowledge that there are new rules of personal engagement. Going digital is an easy way to connect with people who have questions and concerns. Encourage, support and coach your members to start an online prayer gathering or bible study for their friends or family.

Taking regular walks in the neighborhood and interacting with people at a safe distance – focusing on how you might pray for or encourage them specifically.

Offering a drive-up prayer table at your local church.

Reaching out to neighbors through door hangers which offer practical and prayer support as well as inviting them to listen to services online.

Practical ministry through safe giveaways: supplies, clothes, food.

Offering your church facilities as a place of refuge, service.

  • Sports practice: soccer fields, baseball, softball, basketball etc.
  • Your parking lot: kids learning to ride their bikes, social distance circle up meetings

Developing a greater social media footprint of engagement: Jimbo has been doing Coffee meetings every morning at 7am on Facebook.  (He has now shifted to 1x a week on Monday morning)

One thing to keep in mind is that people are not looking for “polished” and “professional”, they are looking for things that are authentic.

Think outside the box, use what you have and pray for God to lead your church to connect with people.

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Episode #34 – Lessons from the Loss of Another Pastor

Replant Bootcamp
Episode #34 - Lessons from the Loss of Another Pastor

Bob and JimBo discuss the serious topic of losing another Pastor to an untimely death. Our hope is that you would be encouraged as we discuss some of the challenges we face as Pastors and if you need help and assistance you would reach out and find the help and hope you need.


Challenges Pastors Face

The Work is Hard: we just have to be honest, pastoring is difficult work, especially during the days we are experiencing of Covid19.

Performance/Work: feeling like you are on always-having to do ministry week in and week out.

Doing ministry in Isolation: going alone, bearing the weight of ministry in the church by yourself.

The Lack of Consistent Positive Feedback and Encouragement: it often happens that encouragement and affirmation come after a Pastor has left, departed or passed. 

Capital “F” Friendships: finding and developing close relationships with people you can be honest with.

Family of Origin Trauma and Drama: our personal past influences the way we interact with others, the way we view the world, the way we lead. Christian counseling is incredibly helpful to unwind a lot of the hurt, pain and dysfunction that occurs in our families of origin.

Pastor, please remember that Jesus died for the church so we don’t have to, He is our Savior and the Church belongs to Him.

If you are hurting or in need, please reach out and find support.  Email us here at the Bootcamp or consider contacting the Pastor’s Help Line:  1-844-PASTOR1   a free, confidential helpline for Pastors and their spouses.


Ordering Your Private World by Gordon Mcdonald

Pray for and consider supporting the family of Darrin Patrick as they navigate the days ahead.

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Episode #33 – Leading in the Aftermath of a Crisis with Special Guest Joe McKeever

Replant Bootcamp
Episode #33 - Leading in the Aftermath of a Crisis with Special Guest Joe McKeever

The guys welcome Dr. Joe McKeever to the bootcamp. Joe shares some great wisdom from his years of experience as a Pastor and as a Director of Missions in New Orleans. 

 Q: What is it like to lead in the aftermath of a crisis?

J: Crises never announce themselves, you have to be prepared ahead of time. For example, in the 90s the Wedgewood shootings and how Dr. Al Meredith handled all the interviews. I asked him about it and he said; “I didn’t know what I was saying-I was so tired.” I think that is evidence of Matthew 10-God gave the words. When did he prepare? When he got up in the morning and opened up the word.


Q: What are the key elements of a Leader’s relationship with the Lord?

 J: Your past experiences always prepare you for your present challenges. Difficult pastorates, suffering, battle scars all helped me in the challenges I faced.


Q: What advice do you have for a local pastor who is dealing with the polarization of response to a crisis like Covid19?

 J: Stay on your knees in prayer, be informed, connect with other Pastors and find out what they are doing. I would also stay close to my leaders at church—gather them on zoom and ensure we have unity.


Q: How do you continually develop as Leader?

J: I would be afraid of any leader who acted like they know everything. I admire humble leaders. One of the keys is to read widely-from a variety of sources. For instance, I’m reading the journal of a Christian German woman from WWII.


Q: How can we continue to safely and wisely minister to our church members who may still be shut in and slow to return poste Covid19.

J: Keep contacting them, mobilize leaders and ensure you speak to them personally. Write notes-people save and keep handwritten letters.


Q: As we regather the church what is important for a leader to do in those first few weeks?

 J:Stay informed, know what your local officials are saying, stay close to your key lay leadership, connect to your people. Make decisions, don’t wait for a poll, the recipe for misery as a Pastor is to wait till everyone is happy.


Q: What are some other great things happening right now in the Church that should continue?

 J: Suffering has come to us here in America-that is a good thing. We, as the church, have been lulled to sleep We should not go back to business as usual.

 During Katrina I told guys this; “If there is a program you want to stop-stop it. If there is something you want to start, start it.”


Q: What would you say to the guys who are concerned about the viability of their congregation in the future?

J: Some will have to start all over again-from scratch. Another thing, if you know someone who is in need? Send them money-we sent some money from our stimulus check the other day.


Joe dropped some great lines as we closed:

 Leadership really earns the right to be called leadership when there is a Crisis – we’re in a crisis! When you step up and say this is the way we should go-and people follow-you’re a leader.

 Anyone can lead a group in the way it was going.

 Judges 5:2 When the leaders lead in Israel, when the people volunteer, blessed be the Lord.

 When leaders are leading, and people are volunteering you can get things done!

 Sometimes you have people volunteering and no one leading

 Where there are no leaders leading, or volunteers volunteering the church is dead.

 Check out Dr. Joe’s blog here: Pastor Joe McKeever

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Episode #32 – Coping with the Covid19 Crazies We Feel As Pastors

Replant Bootcamp
Episode #32 - Coping with the Covid19 Crazies We Feel As Pastors

EP 32 – Coping with the Covid19 Crazies We Feel As Pastors

Are you beaten down by the pervasiveness of the Covid19 pandemic? The boys talk about what they are finding encouraging, challenging and how they are personally navigating this unique season in ministry.

Bob has been encouraged by the activation of the body for ministry and mission

Jimbo is finding a lot of joy in connecting with people from his church and past years in ministry through his morning Cup of Coffee with Jimbo on Facebook.

Both of us are struggling with the disconnect with people from our church.  

It is important to be honest-this is impacting us mentally.

How are we coping?  What are our outlets?

  • Prayer
  • Getting outside
  • Walking and exercise
  • Hobbies and productive activities


It is also important to lament, to be honest about your sadness.  

It is important to understand that the pain that we are feeling connects us to the work of God in us.

As we think through returning to the church what are some important things to consider?

  • Be aware of the guidelines for returning from the federal, state and local officials.
  • Develop a “Phase” approach with clear steps and instructions.
  • Prepare Now! Don’t wait until the last minute.
  • Walk through your building and see everything from the perspective of someone who is concerned about infection.
  • Involve medical personnel, get their advice and input.
  • Pastor-prepare your heart, adjust your expectations, understand that people may not return right away.

Don’t go this alone-if you are struggling, reach out for help. 

Here’s a copy of the plan Bob’s church put together: The Groves Church Regathering Plan

Previous Episodes of the Bootcamp that we recommend listening or re-listening to:

EP #28 Predictable Success with Les McKeown 

EP #30 Leveling the Church with Micah Fires

EP #31 Reopening the Church 

EP #32 Pastoring in a Pandemic, En Espanol 

Check out  The Bi-Vocational Pastor’s Cohort on Tuesday evenings with Mark Clifton


Articles we are finding helpful:

4 Suggestions as You Reopen Your Church by Trevin Wax

What relaunching church might look like in the next 12 months by Ed Stetzer

What to consider before opening your church by the Union Baptist Association