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In two separate conversations I’ve recently had with individuals involved in replanting a dying church, pastoral moral failure emerged as a significant factor contributing to the church’s decline. Similarly, in another conversation, an affinity gr…
None of us like conflict. If you like conflict, then you better quit being a pastor. As pastors, most of us want to avoid conflict. Like the plague. If we have a problem with somebody in our church or know there are two people who are arguing or f…
Parenting is tough, and it’s even tougher when you don’t have a plan. Perhaps this is why the mother was so torn. Her family had been active in our church for almost eight years, but their child had started a new school and made new friends who a…
Replanting often involves adoption: A healthy church enters a conversation with a declining church so that two congregations, each with different stories, can prayerfully unite to reach a community for the glory of God. Let’s say, for example, Red…
When I was twelve years old, I saw down in the living room with my mom, dad, brother, and sister. My dad was having a family pow-wow with us, and it seemed important. “Kids,” he said,” Me and your mother love you all. And I want you to know that G…
A quote from Martin Luther hung in my grandparent’s bedroom when I was younger.  It said, “I have so much to do that I shall spend the first three hours in prayer.”  I remember thinking how backward that seemed to me at the time.  If you have so m…
Agoraphobia Agoraphobia: the fear of public places.  This term is normally used when someone is afraid to go into public due to an anxiety disorder. But the word, “Agoraphobia” is associated with ancient Greek culture due to its origin. “Agora” tr…
“You can’t be a pastor!  That would make me a pastor’s wife!  And I am NOT a pastor’s wife.”  These were the very first words I said to my husband after he confessed to me that he felt God was calling him to be a pastor.  (Encouraging, I know… B…
This week, the Bootcamp sat down with Will Cofield, pastor at Central Baptist Church in York, South Carolina. Will shared some highlights of his ministry over the past 15 years at Central Baptist, where he started as the youth pastor. Throughout h…