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We Need More Volunteers! Picture this: You wake up in the morning, ready to preach God’s word and love on God’s people. As you head to church, you go through your sermon points a few times in your mind, spend some time in prayer, and walk into the c…
We hear a lot about a post-Christian nation and a post-Christian culture. Studies have shown that Christianity, especially practicing Christianity, where church attendance and biblical discipleship are customary, is on the decline in America. But di…
We’ve all been there. It’s Wednesday or Sunday night, and it’s been almost an hour. And you’re still caught up in a business meeting after church. As you wait, a few comments come up: “Why are we still here?” “Are these necessary?” “Is there a bette…
I recently revamped the front entrance to our home. I bought a new doormat and new pillows for the bench, and spruced up a wreath for the door.  Then I did something I’ve never done before… I hung up a sign to greet visitors with large letters that…
Three years ago, you started at Random Church. You were so excited! There was some traction at first, but one failed idea after another, you started meeting heavy resistance from the people. Now, you don’t even want to stay after church and talk to…
“You need a break.  We’re a little concerned that you’re stretching yourself too thin. You just seem really busy and stressed out.” My friend was concerned, and to be honest, I was, too.  I was going through our busiest season of ministry and I was…
On September 4, 2019, the Replant Bootcamp podcast debuted with hosts Jimbo Stewart and Bob Bickford. The modern world of Replanting and Revitalization needed a great podcast, especially through all of the life changes that the years 2020-2022 broug…
During the start of our replant at Central, my husband was doing double duty as both the youth pastor and the senior pastor.  And while he was working hard and doing both jobs well, there were definitely times where he simply couldn’t be everywhere…
Every one of us has had painful experiences in our relationships with others. This is because when sinners do life together, we are bound to be selfish, say hurtful words, and do hurtful things. Relationship “hurt” is unfortunately inescapable, and…