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Tag: Replant Bootcamp

Resources for the Replant Wife

“You can’t be a pastor!  That would make me a pastor’s wife!  And I am NOT a pastor’s wife.”  These were the very first words I said to my husband after he confessed to me that he felt God was calling him to be a pastor.  (Encouraging, I know… Bear with me.) Some women attend seminary and meet their future husband while he is studying for a career in ministry.  She’s prepared to be known as the “pastor’s wife” for their marriage.  That is not what happened to me.  I was completely unprepared to be a pastor’s wife– my husband was in logistics at a warehouse. I never imagined God would call him to be a pastor and I would be a “PW”– I didn’t even know what PW meant!

Thankfully, God brought me around and I joyfully accepted this new role. I looked at it as a big, new adventure we would go on together.  My husband and I, in ministry, doing the Lord’s work.  Proclaiming the Gospel to hurting and broken people, together! What could be better than that?

If you’re reading this and thinking, “Oh man… She might be in for a shock.”  You’re right.  I was!

After 16 years in ministry, I can honestly say it has been a big adventure– one that has included many wonderful, joyful mountains, but one that also included several painful and dark valleys. Most of those valleys have happened in the season of replanting/revitalization in our church.  In those valleys, it’s easy to feel isolated and alone in ministry.  Looking at other churches, I would think, “They have it all figured out.  They don’t seem to struggle the way we’re struggling!  Maybe we just aren’t called to this.” Perhaps you have felt that way, too. If you’re a pastor reading this, I can almost guarantee your wife has felt that!

On a recent episode of the Replant Bootcamp podcast, host Jimbo Stewart spoke with three replant wives (one of whom is probably his favorite guest of all time) to take a look at the resources available to the wives working alongside their husbands in church renewal.

The Replant Wife Experts

A woman prays alone

During those moments of isolation and loneliness, sometimes all we need is a small reminder that we aren’t alone. This is where I found myself at the first Replant Summit I attended with my husband.  We had navigated some very discouraging and hard times in our church and we signed up hoping to be refreshed and renewed.  I was burdened with many needs, some spiritual and some within our own family. When I saw a breakout session for “Replant Wives,” I thought, “Nope.” The last thing I wanted to hear was how amazing life was for all those wives and how wonderful their churches were.

My husband convinced me to go, and I entered that room overwhelmed and anxious.  I sat at an empty table prepared to sit quietly and speak to no one. But before I could enact that plan, other women came to sit at the table.  These women were all so friendly and kind, and I found myself sharing some of my concerns with them briefly before the session even started.  They seemed to understand everything I had experienced.  They seemed like they “got it,” in a way that my other friends didn’t.  Those women were Audrea Stewart, Darlene Dryer, and Barb Bickford, the hosts of the breakout session and the spouses of Jimbo Stewart, Josh Dryer, and Bob Bickford, respectively.  Turns out, I hadn’t sat down at an empty table– I was at “their” table! (I had somehow missed the purses, laptop bags, and materials they had around the table.)

For the next couple of hours, I sat with many other women in the room as these three incredible women poured into us with biblical, practical advice for this journey.  They each shared their stories, complete with heartaches and struggles.  They were transparent and relatable, but also gently and wisely continued to point us each back to Christ and His leadership.  As we each began to open up with our own worries and anxieties, I realized I had been wrong. I wasn’t alone or isolated.  There were so many women struggling with the same issues I was– and these three “expert Replant Wives” had struggled with them, too!

I know these three women would object to being called “experts”– they are just wives who are doing their best to assist their husbands in this work of church renewal. But that day, Audrea, Darlene, and Barb gave us more than the resources of books to read, biblical passages to study, and tangible tools for problem-solving– they gave us the resource of friendship.  We were able to connect with each other, as women all over the room began to bond over shared trials, joys, and everything in between.  The connections I formed that day reminded me that I wasn’t alone.  The resource of friendship was something that I will never forget.

The Replant Wife Facebook Page- a Source of Connection

After the Summit, I went home and immediately joined the Replant Wife Facebook Group.  There, I get to interact with Audrea, Darlene, and Barb, but I have also met Replant Wives from the Midwest, the Pacific Coast, and the Northeast United States.  It is a closed group, so wives can be transparent without worrying about breaking confidentiality.  They can share their burdens and know that someone out there understands what they are going through.  They can share helpful articles and books they’ve read, but they also share prayer requests and biblical questions.  It’s a forum for pastor’s wives in church renewal, so there are even helpful tools for struggling congregations.

Some of the questions that are asked and answered are practical– “Has anyone done VBS on a budget?  What tools were helpful?” “Has anyone been involved in rewriting bylaws?  What did you run into that you didn’t expect?” “What is a great meal for unexpected company or for feeding a large crowd?”  These questions are answered by other women in the context of church renewal– churches with normative attendance, budgets, and resources.  Churches a lot like yours.

This online connection fosters a community.  Now, when I go to a replant conference with my husband, I can connect with the women I know from the Facebook page and get updates on their lives and ministries.  We look forward to seeing each other and catching up.  Our community has borne each others burdens and celebrated each others successes.  We are truly in it together.

The Replant Wife Website, Blog, and Podcast

women shaking hands in collaboration

Another important resource for Replant Wives is the website, which also houses the blog.  Audrea, Darlene, and Barb have all penned blog posts regarding common issues in this renewal life.  Audrea wrote on navigating the post-holiday blues, Barb has written a series on longevitiy in ministry, and Darlene is writing about finding joy in trials. Think of this website as the “landing page” for all things Replant Wife.  In addition to Audrea, Darlene, and Barb, there are also resources from Kathy Addis (wife of Andy Addis), Jeanette Pugh (wife of Colin Pugh), and Joyce Jackson (wife of David Jackson), each of whom bring their own stories of  ministry mountains and valleys.

In addition to the incredible resources the three women have cultivated, they also have links to NAMB’s replanting resources.  NAMB is consistently looking for ways to support and care for pastors in ministry and one of those focuses has to be the pastor’s family.  In a replant/revitalization, where there are potentials for seasons of change and conflict, this is even more important.  A pastor does not weather the conflict alone– his family will feel it, too.  His wife will need support and encouragement, and she can find it within those resources.

But I think the best resource the women leading this effort have cultivated is their podcast.  This podcast seeks to be a refuge for the replant wife to be equipped and encouraged for the work God has called her to do.  Listening to it, you feel like you’re sitting around with three friends discussing Jesus, the bible, ministry, and families.  There, the three women discuss their blogs and talk about important topics in church renewal. They take the time to really dive into scripture and give biblical, practical advice.  They remind the listener that she is not alone in this work.  But they also remind her that this work is God’s glorious calling.

For every replant pastor, there is a replant wife who needs to know she is not alone.  We are here for you and we want to hear from you!  The Lord has called us to bring dying churches back to life– that’s an amazing honor!

If you want to meet these amazing women in person, you can do so at the Am I a Replanter conference at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary April 5-6 or at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary April 12-13.  (And, yeah, their husbands will be there, too.)


Replant Bootcamp
Replant Bootcamp

Hey Bootcampers, thanks for joining us this week! Today after Jimbo recounts his misadventures with “hot chicken” the guys get down to the serious business of speaking about an important leadership move, sharing the Pulpit.  Do you share preaching responsibilities in your church?  How would you start? What is the benefit?  Listen in and follow along and be encouraged to take steps to add to your preaching team.


Why should you share the pulpit? 

    • Gives your congregation a diverse diet of preachers
    • It is an avenue for raising up, empowering, and sending out new leaders
    • Helps keep you in a humble posture
    • Creates space for personal renewal

Gives your congregation a diverse diet of preachers

    • Sometimes it can be helpful to hear from different but unified perspectives or styles 

Avenue for raising up, empowering, and sending out new leaders

    • Move toward decentralized leadership 
    • There is a shortage of pastors right now – there is no better place to raise them up than in local churches – normative-sized local churches
    • There is no better way to help raise up preachers than to let them preach 
    • It is a blessing to see others thrive in their God-given gifts and passions 

Helps keep you in a humble posture

    • Makes sure Jesus is the main hero
    • Sets the church up better for your eventual exit via death, retirement, or resignation. Every pastor is an interim pastor

Creates space for personal renewal

    • As wonderful as the opportunity and blessing to preach are it can become burdensome (6 weeks seems to be a consistent pattern from people I have talked with)
    • It can be very refreshing and encouraging to sit under preaching
    • It frees you up to spend more energy on other pastoral tasks instead of prep

Get the help you need Bootcamper with your digital presence. Our good friends over at One Eighty Digital can get you up and running in the right way. Contact them today and let them know you are a listener.



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Replant Bootcamp
Replant Bootcamp

Welcome Bootcampers! We got our math right!  Next week we’re celebrating our 200th EP! We’d love to hear from you!  Drop us a line about how the Bootcamp has helped you!

In this EP the guys take some time to break down their thoughts about the importance of not missing people in the midst of doing ministry.

Here are some of the highlights:

  • Loving people is central to our calling:
    • Greatest commandment (and the second is like it) Love God and Love Others
    • John 13 – Jesus says people will know us by our love.
  • Loving and leading people well requires that we LISTEN well
    • Patch Adams says his initial interview with a new patient is 3-4 hours
    • “In the midst of a turbulent, often chaotic world, ministers are called to be contemplatives, to be people who ‘listen’ to the voice of God and to the voices of those who suffer.” – Henri Nouwen
    • James 1:19 – My dear brothers and sisters, understand this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger,
  • Community is a central human need
    • Dietrich Bonhoeffer said “Christian community is like the Christian’s sanctification. It is a gift of God which we cannot claim.”
    • Acts 2:42, 44-47 – “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer… All the believers were together and had everything in common… And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.”
  • Its ok to not be ok but its not ok to stay there
    • Loving people means LEANING into sanctification

We’d love to hear your thoughts, drop us a line, voice mail, comment.


Get with our fantastic sponsor, One Eighty Digital, they can help your church develop a clear, concise and focused communication strategy designed to connect with your community and communicate the hope we have in Christ.  Contact them and let them know you are a loyal Bootcamper.

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Replant Bootcamp
Replant Bootcamp

The boys are back from the Big Easy and SBC23 and take some time to stop down and talk about food, connections, fun and Resolution One from this year’s convention: On the Importance of Revitalizing and Replanting.  Listen in on the conversation between the guys and Luke Holmes, Pastor of FBC Tishomingo, and author of resolution one from this year’s annual gathering in New Orleans.

SBC Resolution One

Read more of Luke’s writings here


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Replant Bootcamp
Replant Bootcamp

This on the road, mobil edition of the Bootcamp finds Jimbo at home and Bob on the Road to Amarillo and a great EP, catching up with Dr. Joe Crider, the Dean of the School of Church Music and Worship at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Ft. Worth Texas.  The guys welcome Joe and ask a few questions about Worship.  Joe has great insights and drops some real gold when it comes to understanding the theological foundations of worship in the local church.

Here are some of the highlights:

  • The typical definition of worship in a church is held together by a musical thread, not a theological one.
  • We often end up defining worship by what we like to sing.
  • God never called the church to gather around something that changes so much, so often.  We are called to gather around Jesus Christ, to worship him.
  • Worship is a response to a self revealing God – we worship Him as he reveals himself to us.
  • Churches, regardless of size can have God glorifying, Jesus exalting, biblically faithful worship because worship is not tied to a musical style.
  • Worship is not a “hot band” and a “great sound system”
  • Use the scriptures as your foundation.

There are tons more great insights in this EP of the bootcamp. Pick up Dr. Crider’s book, Scripture Guided Worship over at Seminary Hill Press for more great insights and equipping.


Our awesome sponsor, One Eighty Digital, has the skill and insight to get your website in a place where you can accurately portray your church to your community in a winsome way.  Get with them today and let them know you are a Bootcamper.



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Replant Bootcamp
Replant Bootcamp

The Bootcamp Bros are joined by none other than, Walker Armstrong, Associational Mission Strategist, stopped by the bootcamp during the Replant Practitioner Training and joined us for chat about Discipleship.  Walker and the guys spent time talking about some of the barriers commonly experienced in the effort to make disciples in the local church.  Here are some of the barriers:

  1. Human Ego
  2. Spiritual Consumerism
  3. Organizational Complexity
  4. Theistic Pragmatism
  5. Programmatic Ossification
  6. Truncated Vision

Check out the rest of the podcast for the details and while you are at it, drop us a line and let us know your thoughts, challenges. Remember to rate the bootcamp on your favorite podcast platform.


Get some help for your website today, our great sponsor, One Eighty Digital has the right stuff to get you going and connecting with your community.


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Episode #6 – Preparing for The Call to Replant – Boots on The Ground Highlight w/ Evan Skelton

Replant Bootcamp
Replant Bootcamp
Episode #6 - Preparing for The Call to Replant - Boots on The Ground Highlight w/ Evan Skelton

The guys welcomed Replant Pastor Evan Skelton to the Bootcamp to talk about preparing for the call to Replant a local church, Replant Residencies and failed Youth Internships. Buckle up, grab a snack and settle in for this slightly longer (than usual) but super important episode.

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