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Tag: Pastoral Grit

EP 238 – Pastoral Perseverance with Brian Croft

Replant Bootcamp
Replant Bootcamp
EP 238 - Pastoral Perseverance with Brian Croft

In this episode of the bootcamp podcast, I have the pleasure of welcoming back Brian Croft, a veteran pastor and the founder of Practical Shepherding to discuss his latest book, Pastoral Perseverance.

Brian shares his journey through 25 years of pastoral ministry, including facing significant challenges in the early years at Auburndale Baptist Church which tested his perseverance. Despite hardships like threats, financial crises, and health issues stemming from stress, Brian witnessed the church flourish under his guidance. You can read more about this and the lessons that Brian learned in his book, Biblical Church Revitalization.

Brian also discusses his transition to leading Practical Shepherding full-time, a ministry dedicated to equipping pastors and church leaders with practical tools for ministry.

This episode dives into the importance of pastoral qualifications, the concept of perseverance, and the critical understanding of suffering in ministry. Additionally, Brian introduces The Shepherd’s House, a retreat initiative for pastors needing rest and rejuvenation, emphasizing the importance of self-care among ministry leaders.

00:00 Welcome to the Bootcamp: Introducing Brian Croft
00:31 Brian Croft’s Journey: From a Dying Church to Thriving Ministry
02:08 The Birth and Growth of Practical Shepherding
03:34 Understanding the Five-Year Rule in Church Revitalization
06:33 The Impact of Practical Shepherding and the Shepherd’s House
11:03 Diving into ‘Pastoral Perseverance’: A Guide for Struggling Pastors
21:59 The Importance of Self-Care and Perseverance in Ministry
23:57 Closing Thoughts and Prayer for Perseverance

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EP 229 – Serving in Bi-Vocational Ministry

Replant Bootcamp
Replant Bootcamp
EP 229 - Serving in Bi-Vocational Ministry

Are you a bi-vocational pastor? Take a couple of minutes and fill out this survey:

Pastor Matt MacNaughton is back on the Bootcamp to talk further about bi-vocational ministry. This time we are also joined but Pastor Colin Pugh. Collin pastors Clinton Baptist Church in the D.C. area.

Maintaining Spiritual Appetite and Pastoral Grit: Colin emphasizes the importance of maintaining a strong relationship with God, especially in the challenges of bi-vocational ministry. He highlights key verses from Jude (20-21) as instrumental in his spiritual growth. JimBo explores how Colin managed the high expectations of pastoring two churches and the importance of maintaining energy and spiritual vitality.

Serving Your Spouse: The guys discuss practical ways to serve and support their wives amid busy and demanding schedules, highlighting the significance of intentional communication and quality time.

Shared Leadership: Matt shares strategies for bivocational pastors, including determining priorities, developing leaders, and delegating responsibilities to create margin for essential tasks. Colin emphasizes the role of small groups, one-on-one meetings, and showing appreciation for small wins in developing leaders within the church.

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Replant Bootcamp
Replant Bootcamp

The boys are back in their normal domiciles and in today’s EP they break down an important subject related to developing the ability to cultivate passion in your work as a Replanter.

Passion is white hot flame and red glowing embers.

Here’s a quote to kick us off: “Light yourself on fire with passion, and people will come from miles to watch you burn.” — John Wesley

Our good friend Mark Hallock adds this: “People long to follow passionate leaders in the church, in the same way that heat-seeking missiles follow fire. . . As for those of us called to revitalize a dying church, passion is a priceless aspect of our leadership.”

This exhortation from Romans 12:11; “Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord”

Know the difference between contrived passion and cultivated passion.

  • Passion is contagious
  • Passion inspires hope
  • But we have to be passionate about the right things
    • Gospel
    • God’s Word
    • God’s Bride
    • The lost
    • Our community

What do you do when the Passion is gone? How do you cultivate passion?

  • Get Clarity-is your season of ministry in that location over? Is God calling you to continue?
  • Cultivate and nurture your soul by getting into God’s word, praying and practicing solitude.
  • Get an outside opinion and perspective from a trusted friend, mentor, leader.
  • Take something off of your plate, you might be out of energy from overwork.

Recommended resources:

Join the Replant team at this year’s Replant Summit, August 29-30, 2022. Sign up today, there are a limited number of free rooms the first 100 registrants. (Replanter, bring your wife!)

Shout out to our friends at the Alaska Baptist Resource Network, check out their work and ministry, many great opportunities for you to serve the kingdom there.

If your website has you down and is sapping your passion, contact our good friends at 180 digital and they can give you the help you need.

Drop us a line, a voice mail, share this podcast with your friends and fellow pastors, we’d love to hear from you.

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Episode #44 – The HANDS of a Replanter: Pastoral Grit, Resourceful Generalist, and Initiative

Replant Bootcamp
Replant Bootcamp
Episode #44 - The HANDS of a Replanter: Pastoral Grit, Resourceful Generalist, and Initiative

It’s hot in Florida and Missouri, Jimbo is another year older and we’re continuing the discussion related to the 13 Characteristics of a Replanter.  Grab a glass of sweet tea or lemonade and join us as we look at the “Hands” Quadrant and discuss: Pastoral Grit, Resourceful Generalist and Initiative.


Pastoral Grit: Pastoral Grit is the ability to persevere through the inevitable difficulties of replanting and remain steadfast to shepherd the church forward as God uses the Replanter to turn a dying church around.

Resourceful Generalist: the ability to speak into and lead in a variety of areas in order to lead the church well. There is no task beneath him.

Initiative: The replant pastor with Initiative leads the church with a passion rooted in biblical convictions and demonstrated in a bias for action. He proactively works to avoid problems, as well as finding or creating new opportunities.


Check out the Am I a Replanter? Online Preview event Monday, July 27th at 7-9pm CST over at the ChurchReplanters Facebook page.

Are you interested discerning your call to Replanting and wondering if you possess the characteristics required?Check out the 13 Replanter Characteristics Survey at


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Episode #24 – ?Jason Rumbough Boots on the Ground Highlight?

Replant Bootcamp
Replant Bootcamp
Episode #24 - ?Jason Rumbough Boots on the Ground Highlight?

**Show Note** Early Wednesday morning East Nashville TN was it with a severe tornado. Many business and homes in the area were impacted, 24 lives were lost and the community is in great need. Jason’s church, Hope Church was undamaged yet just blocks from the church the damage was severe.  Pray for Jason and his church as they provide much needed support, care and the hope of the Gospel to those impacted by this storm.

Here are some of the show highlights

Jason Rumbough is the Replant Pastor of Hope Church Nashville, a Replant from Eastland Baptist Church

Eastland Baptist Church was 106 years old, down to 40 people, average age of the congregation was 72 years.

As a Replant from within, this is the most difficult type of Replant.

One Sunday, the attendance was 13, six of which were Jason’s family. This was a low point and also a turning point.

Things began to turn around-God began brining people to the church, assembling a team of unlikely people who formed the Replanting core group.

Jason began doing the work of an Evangelist, people came to faith and the Church has grown.

In a Replant people may not know exactly what the Gospel means, how it informs us and how it leads us on mission. It’s important define the Gospel.

When you preach the Gospel, people may leave.

Replanting from within is difficult, it’s hard. One of the things that helps, is being honest about where you are with yourself and the church.

One of the long time members at Eastland said: “I knew we needed to change, I just didn’t know it would be this hard.”

Advice to Replanters: Love your people, preach the gospel, take care of your family.

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