Episode #34 – Lessons from the Loss of Another Pastor

Bob and JimBo discuss the serious topic of losing another Pastor to an untimely death. Our hope is that you would be encouraged as we discuss some of the challenges we face as Pastors and if you need help and assistance you would reach out and find the help and hope you need.
Challenges Pastors Face
The Work is Hard: we just have to be honest, pastoring is difficult work, especially during the days we are experiencing of Covid19.
Performance/Work: feeling like you are on always-having to do ministry week in and week out.
Doing ministry in Isolation: going alone, bearing the weight of ministry in the church by yourself.
The Lack of Consistent Positive Feedback and Encouragement: it often happens that encouragement and affirmation come after a Pastor has left, departed or passed.
Capital “F” Friendships: finding and developing close relationships with people you can be honest with.
Family of Origin Trauma and Drama: our personal past influences the way we interact with others, the way we view the world, the way we lead. Christian counseling is incredibly helpful to unwind a lot of the hurt, pain and dysfunction that occurs in our families of origin.
Pastor, please remember that Jesus died for the church so we don’t have to, He is our Savior and the Church belongs to Him.
If you are hurting or in need, please reach out and find support. Email us here at the Bootcamp or consider contacting the Pastor’s Help Line: 1-844-PASTOR1 a free, confidential helpline for Pastors and their spouses.
Ordering Your Private World by Gordon Mcdonald
Pray for and consider supporting the family of Darrin Patrick as they navigate the days ahead.
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