Episode #40 – Head, Heart, Hands, and Habits of Effective Replanters and Revitalizers
The guys continue their discussion on the 13 characteristics found in Replanters and offer a grid for better understanding each of them in categories we can wrap our minds around.
First, we must understand that we begin with the biblical qualifications for Pastors/Elder, these are the foundation and cannot be overlooked.
Jimbo mentioned the three levels of leadership taught in the Airforce: personal, interpersonal, team, organizational. It’s important to think about growing in each of these levels as you develop as a leader.
Leaders-please understand that you will not be “aces” in all the areas of leadership-this is by God’s design-to make you depend on him and work with others.
For those who are married-it is imperative for your spouse to sense a strong call to Replanting. We’ve found that many Replanters experience the greatest challenges in years 3-5, a spouse must be prepared for and anticipate the struggle as well as being convinced of the call to stick it out.
Stay tuned as the guys talk more in future episodes about these characteristics in depth.
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