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Tag: setting goals

EP 260 – Setting Personal Goals with Mark Hallock and Brandon Moore

Replant Bootcamp
Replant Bootcamp
EP 260 - Setting Personal Goals with Mark Hallock and Brandon Moore

Mark Hallock and Brandon Moore joined the Bootcamp for a Replant Roadtrip episode. In this episode, we talk about setting personal goals.

Goals need to be clear, attainable, and measurable.

Personal goals need to prioritize personal spiritual growth and family time.

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EP 253 – Evaluating Church Health and Setting Goals with Brandon Moore

Replant Bootcamp
Replant Bootcamp
EP 253 - Evaluating Church Health and Setting Goals with Brandon Moore

Welcome back to the bootcamp! Brandon Moore stops by again to continue our conversation focused on setting goals and evaluating church maturity.

To hear more you can listen to the audio from Brandon’s breakout session at the 2024 CalvaryCon by clicking here and scrolling down to his breakout session. You can access his PowerPoint file by clicking here.

This episode is packed with practical insights to help you assess and enhance the health and maturity of your church. Here’s a quick summary:

Evaluating Church Health
Identities: Worshipers of God, family with one another, and missionaries to the world.
Foundations: Growth through the gospel, scripture, and prayer.
Structures: Leadership, membership, and discipleship pathways.

Steps for Assessing Church Maturity
Rating System: Leaders rate each area on a scale from 1 to 10.
Evidence: Provide two pieces of tangible evidence for each rating.
Gap Analysis: Identify why the rating isn’t higher to pinpoint improvement areas.

  • Identities (Love)
    • Worshipers of God: Measure joy in the Lord.
    • Family with One Another: Measure unity and tangible evidence of unity.
    • Missionaries to the World: Measure compassion that leads to action.
  • Foundations (Humility)
    • Hope in the Gospel: Where does your church place its hope for growth?
    • Submission to Scripture: Are the members living under the authority of the Word in practical ways?
    • Dependence on Prayer: Is there a deep-rooted dependence on prayer in your church’s culture?
  • Structures (Wisdom)
    • Leadership: Evaluate the structure for self-governing and development of leaders.
    • Membership: Look for clear covenant commitments and stewardship of time, talent, and treasure.
    • Discipleship: Establish pathways for growth from new believers to potential leaders.

Practical Takeaways:

Start with Foundations: Ensure the gospel, scripture, and prayer are central to your church’s growth strategies.
Focus on Identities: Cultivate worship, family unity, and missionary compassion before addressing organizational structures.
Implement the Rating System: Use the 1-10 rating system with your leaders to assess readiness and improvement areas.
Encourage Open Dialogue: Foster open conversations among leaders about church health and maturity.
Highlight Positives: While discussing areas for improvement, also acknowledge and celebrate your church’s strengths.

We hope these insights help you lead your church toward health and maturity. Join us for our next episode as we dive deeper into practical ministry advice.

  • 00:00 Introduction and Recap
  • 00:44 Evaluating Church Health
  • 01:54 Steps for Assessing Maturity
  • 05:12 Understanding Ecclesiology
  • 06:48 Unity in the Church
  • 11:24 Foundations of a Mature Church
  • 11:38 The Role of Humility
  • 12:57 Submission to Scripture
  • 14:39 Dependence on Prayer
  • 16:47 Setting Goals for Church Structures
  • 17:47 Maximizing Momentum with Structures
  • 18:51 The Role of Wisdom in Church Structures
  • 19:58 Indigenous Church Planting Principles
  • 20:39 Wise Self-Governance in Leadership
  • 21:30 Self-Sustaining Church Membership
  • 22:43 Self-Replicating Discipleship Pathways
  • 23:48 Evaluating Church Maturity
  • 26:36 Encouragement and Prayer

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Show transcripts are an approximation of the podcast, audio should be consulted for exact detail

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EP 251 – Setting Effective Goals in Church Renewal (Part 2): Practical Insights with Brandon Moore

Replant Bootcamp
Replant Bootcamp
EP 251 - Setting Effective Goals in Church Renewal (Part 2): Practical Insights with Brandon Moore

In today’s episode, Brandon Moore is back with us to share some practical insights we discussed on setting and establishing goals as church renewal leaders.

Establishing clear goals is crucial for any church renewal leader. Goals help to keep the mission focused and the congregation aligned with the overarching vision of the church. Here are the main points we covered:

Starting with Evaluation: One consistent theme in our conversation was the importance of starting with an evaluation to define reality. Whether it’s leadership, ecclesiology, or missiology, the first step is to assess where your church currently stands.

Here’s how you can break it down:

  1. Leadership (Shepherding and Strategy): – Evaluate your current leadership team and their effectiveness. Ask questions like: Who are the potential leaders? Who can you pour into?
  2. Ecclesiology (Church Maturity): – Assess the spiritual maturity of the church. – Measure factors like joy in worship, unity in the congregation, and compassionate outreach.
  3. Missiology (Mission and Outreach): – Get to know your community. Conduct surveys or simply meet with community leaders. – Assess how well your church’s mission aligns with meeting community needs.

Clarify Direction: Once you’ve evaluated your current situation, the next step is to clarify the direction.

  1. Vision and Mission: Ensure that your church’s vision and mission statements are not just words on a napkin but are lived out and understood by the congregation. – Realign your vision and mission if they do not clearly inform your strategic objectives.
  2. Set Leadership Goals: Identify key leadership goals, such as developing and mentoring new leaders. – Establish clear objectives for equipping, resourcing, and encouraging your leadership team.
  3. Define Ecclesiology Goals: Focus on church maturity. For instance, set goals to improve areas in need, such as increasing unity or encouraging more compassionate actions within your community.
  4. Set Missiology Goals: Based on your community assessment, set actionable goals to reach out and serve your community better. – Prioritize engaging with your community beyond the church walls.

Implementation: Now that you have a clear direction, it’s time to set those goals into action:

  1. Create a Quarterly Plan: Break down your goals into manageable quarterly actions.
    1. For instance:
      1. Quarter 1: Evaluate and define the reality of your current leadership, health, and community engagement.
      2. Quarter 2: Clarify and refine your church’s vision, mission, and set specific objectives.
      3. Quarter 3-4: Implement the strategies and start executing your goals.
  2. Build a Team: Work with a supportive team throughout this process. Involving others helps to distribute responsibilities and creates a sense of ownership.
  3. Regular Check-Ins: Consistently revisit and review your goals and progress. Adjust as necessary to stay on track.

Practical Examples Here are some practical examples of the goals we discussed:

  1. Leadership Goal: Month 1: Identify three potential leaders. – Month 2: Meet with each potential leader to gauge their willingness to grow. – Month 3: Develop a plan to train and develop these leaders.
  2. Ecclesiology Goal: Focus on increasing church unity. Plan small groups or community events that encourage members to connect more deeply.
  3. Missiology Goal: Set up quarterly community service projects based on the needs identified during your community assessment.

Closing Thoughts: Setting effective goals in church renewal involves evaluating your current situation, clarifying your direction, and implementing actionable steps. These goals should align with your church’s vision and mission, fostering leadership, ecclesiology, and missiology growth. By taking intentional steps and involving your team, you can make significant strides toward a healthier and more dynamic church community. I hope this episode provides a practical framework to start setting and achieving your church renewal goals. If you have any tips or experiences to share, please let us know. Let’s continue this journey of replanting and renewing our churches, one goal at a time!

00:00 Welcome Back to Replant Bootcamp
00:19 Exploring Denver and Calvary Con
01:53 Goal Setting in Church Leadership
03:31 Practical Steps for Leadership Goals
15:32 Evaluating and Setting Ecclesiology Goals
21:53 Understanding and Setting Missiology Goals
24:58 Concluding Thoughts and Prayer

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