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Tag: Bob Bickford


Replant Bootcamp
Replant Bootcamp

Hey Bootcampers, welcome to this side of history as the Bootcamp bros make history as the longest running (as far as they know) Replant Podcast. Today the guys spend time talking about hospitality and guest experience in the normative size Replant church.  Here are some of the highlights.

  • Emphasize genuine hospitality
  • Don’t assume people know where to go
  • Work hard at making your service welcoming
  • Create a follow up process and enlist a team to assist you in welcoming guests

How are you helping to welcome others to your Church?  Drop us a line and let us know.

Is your online presence welcoming to the community?  Our awesome sponsors at One Eighty Digital can walk you thru setting up an online presence that is effective and consistent with who you are.  Contact them today and let them know you are a Bootcamp listener.


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Replant Bootcamp
Replant Bootcamp

Greetings Bootcampers,  we hope you are staying cool, hydrated and ready for a next episode. This time the guys take up the subject of dispensing with negative thoughts. We get it, there are a lot of things that can go wrong as you are leading church renewal. And one of the most difficult aspects of leadership is keeping a positive outlook.

Let’s ground this in scripture:  For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ, being ready to punish every disobedience, when your obedience is complete.  1 Corinthians 10:3-6

Mindfulness is a research-based practice that involves both dedicated meditation time and present-moment awareness in everyday life. It’s been shown to be helpful for reducing stress, calming anxiety, and improving overall mental and physical wellness.

However, most modern mindfulness research comes from a secular point of view. So our faith in Christ can both enrich and deepen our use of mindfulness. Also, learning to live mindfully will give us more peace, joy, and gratitude in our walk with God.[1]

Here are some suggestions from the guys for keeping your mind centered on God and healthy:

12 I appeal to you therefore, brothers,[a] by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.[b] Do not be conformed to this world,[c] but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.[d

  1. Regularly present yourself before the Lord – living sacrifice (devotional time, meditation time)
  2. Perform a spiritual audit – “do not be conformed to this world.”
    • What are my concerns, worries, anxieties?
    • What is driving me right now?
    • What is underneath my frustration?
  1. Apply the scripture to the things that God reveals.
  • Pride
  • Worry
  • Bitterness
  • Doubt
  1. Test your attitudes and actions by the truth of God’s word



Recommended Resource: The Other Half of Church by Jim Wilder

Fun Link: Poor Pitiful Me by Linda Rondstadt

Well Bootcampers, we love our sponsor, One Eighty Digital. We recommend you connect with them to get the inside scoop about revamping your website, digital branding and online presence. Tell them you are a Bootcamper.

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Making Sure Busy Doesn’t Equal Burnout

“You need a break.  We’re a little concerned that you’re stretching yourself too thin. You just seem really busy and stressed out.” My friend was concerned, and to be honest, I was, too.  I was going through our busiest season of ministry and I was so exhausted that I was snapping at my family regularly enough that my kids were walking on eggshells around me. I was mentally, emotionally, and even spiritually drained.

I agreed with my friend that I did absolutely need a break, and I was grateful that they at least acknowledged how hard I was working.  But then, in the very next breath, they said, “It would be great though if you could please counsel with my friend– I told her you’d be happy to call her and talk her through some emotional stuff she’s going through.”


Unfortunately, this story isn’t unique.  Pastors everywhere are facing jam-packed schedules and struggling under the weight of congregational expectations. Replant pastors are often their church’s pastor, discipleship leader, janitor, maintenance man, events coordinator, interior designer, and communications director. With all these jobs and more, there simply aren’t enough hours in the day!

In 2021, a study conducted by Soul Shepherding, a Christian leadership training ministry, found 75% of pastors reported feeling extreme stress, 90% reported feeling extreme fatigue, 90% were working an average of 55-75 hours per week, and 85% had never had the opportunity to take extended time off. 

With those statistics in mind, the latest episode of the Replant Bootcamp podcast sought to give pastors some tips to prevent our busyness from leading to burnout. 

The Truth About Being Busy

a busy man with multiple arms and legs juggling a briefcase, clock, cell phone, and papers

We are wired to enjoy being needed– and as a pastor, you are definitely needed! Usually by everyone, all at once!  But there is a danger in finding your satisfaction in being needed: eventually, you make yourself so necessary that you can never take a break.

Here is a fun fact about work– our brains are also wired to find accomplishing tasks rewarding. Recent studies have proven that your brain releases dopamine when you achieve goals, and that checking off a “to-do” list can make you feel happier.  

There are two problems in this, as Bob pointed out. First, sometimes we allow ourselves to love the ministry that we have for Christ more than we are loving Christ. Second, as Jimbo says, ministry never ends– there is always another meeting, someone in the hospital, someone’s house you need to visit, some marriage that needs counseling, a committee that needs to be met with, or a contractor that has to be negotiated with for your AC or your copier lease. Then, of course, you always need to get a weekly sermon prepared. (Whew.) 

If the ministry is never “done,” then we never get that rush of dopamine from checking things off.  Instead, we just keep feeding the ministry beast– but it’s a monster that is never satisfied. And if you aren’t careful, you will feed your own ego, as well.

Another truth about our busy schedules is that we don’t always allow ourselves to have a proper “Rest Day.”  For us, Sunday is a work day.  It may be a “day of rest,” for many of our congregation members, but for us, it’s Game Day. It’s the day we show up early, stay late, and preach the Gospel in between. 

The command to honor the Sabbath and keep it holy wasn’t about making sure you went to church and then napped.  It is a command from our creator to rest– not because He needed it, but because we do. God knew we needed time to reset our minds and to refocus on Him. He knew this about us because He created this need in us!  When we get so busy that we neglect the Sabbath, we operate outside of God’s will and His power.

Too Busy or Too Distracted?

Here’s the thing– many times, when we’re busy, it isn’t because we are doing everything God has called us to do.  Some of us have lists of ministries, activities, and tasks that aren’t ours to do.  Either we have taken on someone else’s responsibilities or we have placed too much emphasis on our own abilities.

Take a look at your life– where are you feeling the most stress?  The most anxiety?  What task feels like it’s taking more time than you can possibly give?  Is this something that God called you to do?  Sometimes we forget that while, yes, God called us into ministry, He never asked us to do every part.  We forget that He said we are all one body, but different parts, and instead we try to take on every single role in the church.  This is a trap of Satan– if we get busy enough, we get stressed, then burnt out, and then distracted.  We take our eyes off the goal of loving God and loving people and start to focus on working for God and working for people.

Sometimes it’s not that it’s someone else’s responsibility, but their expectation.  Frequently, pastors are approached by people who really feel their church needs a specific ministry or a specific event. These are good projects, and pastors may agree they are needed.  But when asked about who will lead it, typically members will say, “Well, not me.  I just had the idea.  Can’t you lead it or head it up or find someone else to do it?”  Their expectation is that we have the time and energy to lead every single thing at the church.  In reality, God most likely called them to that ministry.  He gave them the vision and he impressed it upon their heart. 

When we take on someone else’s expectations of what we should be doing, we shortchange God’s work in their lives, while simultaneously creating unnecessary stress on our own. We feel this pressure to make sure they know we’re working hard.  We want our members to see that our car is always in the parking lot, that we are the first to arrive and the last to leave, and that we are always in the office (never mind the fact that so much of ministry happens outside of normal office hours). We feel like being present at every event and every meeting somehow secures our job and makes us seem like the hardest worker in the room.

But here is a hard truth:  You’re not God.  You aren’t omnipresent. You can’t be everywhere, all the time.  The faster you operate knowing that you aren’t capable of doing it all, and the quicker you remind other people of that, the better your schedule looks.

Before You Burn Out

a sloth hanging from a tree

Now that we’ve diagnosed why we’re busy, what can we do about it?  Should we just quit everything and become sloths?  Tempting, but no.

First, you need to set a sane work schedule.  Look at everything you do in a week– literally everything.  How much of your time is spent in sermon prep?  Bible study?  Personal time with God?  Kids sporting events?  Date night with your spouse?  Now start recognizing what is important versus what is urgent. A recent podcast and blog can help you identify those terms better to help you make that decision.

Next, focus your work according to your wiring.  You are naturally geared toward specific schedules and productivity times.  I am not a morning person– I don’t come alive until after the coffee is in my system and my body is sufficiently awake, usually around 10 am.  I am super productive until about 2 pm, then I eat lunch.  Typically I have an afternoon slump after lunch but pick back up around 4 and stay powered up until 9 pm.  If I schedule an intense meeting at 8:00 am and pencil in my bible study at 3 pm, it’s a recipe for disaster.  

Look at your rhythms of productivity and schedule accordingly. When are you most creative?  When is a good time for administration related tasks that require less brainpower?  When are you at your best physically for those tasks that require more physical strength?

I am also an introvert.  I know if I have “peopled” too much for too long, I will eventually run out of power in my social meter.  I have to remember to schedule myself appropriately and leave time for me to recharge so I don’t grow weary of socialization.

Now, delegate and elevate.  Those people who thought of a great ministry activity and expected you to lead it?  Empower them!  Allow them the grace to find their footing and lead it themselves.  They may make a mistake– that’s OK. You can train them and release them much easier that you can try to do everything yourself. Is there something you’re doing that falls under the description of a committee, elder, or deacon responsibility?  Delegate it.  They have a job God has called them to do; it’s time for them to do it.

And last, but certainly not least— remember to pencil in time with Jesus at the top of your list.  He calls us to come to Him and receive rest when we are weary (Matthew 11:28). Before you burn out completely, start making it a priority to come to Him.  Meditate on His words, not just for sermon preparation, but for your own personal time with Him.  Allow Him to show you areas of weakness and areas where your ego may be leading instead of Him.  Take time to talk to Him, but make sure you include time to listen, too.  Jesus longs to bring rest to your exhausted soul– let Him.

Resources for the Busy Pastor

a front copy of the book Redeeming Your Time by Jordan Raynor

Many of the applications we mentioned in this podcast and the accompanying blog are tips we’ve learned from our friend, Jordan Raynor.  Jordan’s book, Redeeming Your Time, has reshaped and changed our schedules for the better and we highly recommend it.

Right now, Jordan is offering Bootcamp listeners a discount for his online course where you will learn the principles Jordan teaches on how to make your work more productive and more meaningful. The course is normally $249, but Bootcamp listeners can sign up for only $49 using the discount code “JImbo.” Email us to connect with Jordan’s online course.

We also have the Replant Summit coming up in exactly one month.  If you haven’t registered for it, please do so now!  The theme this year is “Renew” and we are excited to meet each of you and spend time with one another.  

As always, if digital marketing is taking up too much of your time, our friends at 180 Digital are happy to help.  Contact them and see what resources they have to make your life a little easier!


Replant Bootcamp
Replant Bootcamp

Welcome back Bootcampers! We hope you are doing well.  Every single one of us has on occasion dealt with the challenge of “brain fog” and struggled to do even the most simple of tasks.  Why? Pastoring is a 24/7 job and we never are fully disconnected from the weight of ministry.  Brain drain and fatigue are real, you have to be proactive and get rest.

In a recent survey Pastor’s said:

A study conducted by Soul Shepherding, a Christian leadership training ministry, found the following:

  • 75% of pastors report feeling extreme stress;
  • 90% work an average of 55-75 hours per week.
  • 90% feel fatigued each week
  • 70% struggle with depression.
  • 80% say their ministry has negatively impacted their marriage and family
  • 85% have never had the opportunity to take extended time off.[1]

What can a pastor do when they are just totally exhausted?  The guys break down some practical realities and then offer some solutions.  If you’re tired, worn out and struggling to do the next thing, give this EP a listen.


  • We love to work-get stuff done and it feeds us (ego, drive, sense of accomplishment)
  • We love to feel needed.
  • Ministry is exhausting-it is never finished
  • We were not made to work and work and work (God mandated a day of rest, for reflection and renewal)


  • Set a sane work schedule
  • Focus your work according to your wiring.
    • Creative
    • Admin
    • People
    • Meditation/Evaluation
  • Delegate and elevate – you cannot and are not supposed to do it all
  • Establish a daily quitting time (of course respond to emergencies)
  • Fellowship with Jesus (prayer, devotion, meditation)




Don’t let your lack of inspiration or knowledge keep you from getting a handle on your church web presence. Get with our great sponsor, One Eighty Digital. They have the know how and expertise to get you up and running. Let them know you are a Bootcamp listener.



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Replant Bootcamp
Replant Bootcamp

Well Bootcampers we made it!  This is the 200th Episode! We had the opportunity to turn over the mic to one of our Replanter friends, Evan Skelton. He asked some great questions about our podcast, what we’ve learned and where things are heading in the future. We also get to hear from some of the friends of the Podcast along the way.  This EP is a bit longer than usual, but there’s some real gold in the conversation and comments.

We’re grateful for your listening ear, thanks for giving us the opportunity encourage you in your work of renewal at the local church.

A special thanks to our great sponsor who makes this all possible, One Eighty Digital. Let them know you are a bootcamp listener and get their help with your website, branding and social media needs.

Stay tuned, EP 201 is on the way.


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Don’t Miss the Role of Relationships in Ministry

During the start of our replant at Central, my husband was doing double duty as both the youth pastor and the senior pastor.  And while he was working hard and doing both jobs well, there were definitely times where he simply couldn’t be everywhere at once. One of those weeks was our yearly Vacation Bible School.  He needed to be with the kids and their families at VBS, but also needed to be able to lead the youth VBS.  A volunteer saw there was a need and stepped in to lead the youth, and a man who felt called to preach offered to give the messages each night. 

This man was a new Christian and a recent member of the church.  He had enthusiasm for preaching and for giving his testimony.  He was willing to call out and confront sin.  He was bold in his approach to teenagers and felt strongly about the necessity of preaching about Heaven and Hell. Unfortunately, he lacked one thing– he had zero relationship with those students. They didn’t know him or trust him, and he hadn’t listened to their stories enough to know them.  They listened to his preaching, but he couldn’t meaningfully connect to them on a personal level.

While he had a passion for preaching, he had failed to recognize the three key ingredients for ministry: Ministry is about relationships, relationships, and relationships. 

Without Relationships, There is No Ministry

a sanctuary sits empty

I have often heard the joke, “Ministry would be a lot easier if it wasn’t for all the people.” And it’s true– replanting a dying church might be easier without confronting sin, changing minds, or having difficult conversations about long-standing traditions. 

But without the people, what have you replanted? A church without people is just a beautiful, empty building.

In Episode 199, Jimbo and Bob discussed the danger of missing people while doing ministry. When we start seeing people as the problem and not the solution to the problem, we miss the most important factor of our ministry.  Relationships are the guiding factor of every ministry of the church.

Evangelism Must be Relational Evangelism

When we think of evangelism, we may initially think of the revival evangelist or the old gospel tracts that used to be given out in door to door evangelism. (I was once given a gospel tract under the stall in a gas station restroom– true story).

While those methods have their places, we have found that far more often, the unchurched world responds better to relational evangelism. In a study by LifeWay, 79% of unchurched people said they don’t mind a friend who really values their faith talking about it with them.

As pastors, there are going to be people who you cannot reach. They may be uncomfortable talking to a pastor, especially if they have experienced church hurt in the past. Many people still believe they have to act differently in front of a pastor or clean themselves up to have a conversation.

Fortunately, there are people in your congregation who have relationships with those people already. They are their co-workers, family, and friends. They have greater opportunity to share the gospel with those in their circle of influence than you ever will.

But if you haven’t cultivated relationships with those in your church, they will never feel comfortable bringing their unchurched family and friends into your presence.  

Cultivating relationships means we must be willing to listen to the people to whom we minister. Active listening is a crucial piece of relational evangelism. Hearing someone’s story gives you insight into why they act the way they act and into how they think about the world around them. Johnny Rumbough, DOM/AMS of the Lexington Baptist Association in South Carolina, asks three questions when he begins working with a church.  First, tell me your Jesus story– how did you come to know Christ?  Next, tell me your church story– how did you come to this church? And third, does anyone else know these stories? Those three questions give incredible insight into the people he is leading– where they are spiritually and emotionally.

Unfortunately, many of us fail to employ active listening skills. James 1:19 tells us to be quick to hear and slow to speak, but many times we are too caught up in telling our own stories, arguing our points, or simply waiting to move to the next thing on our agenda. We rush to speak, leaving others feeling unheard and unloved.

Evangelism is about relationships.  You have to know people to reach people.

Discipleship is Relational Discipleship

a group of people read their bibles together

As a replant pastor, one of your main goals is likely starting a new discipleship program or revamping an existing one.  In doing so, you may want to start addressing sinful behavior and stubborn attitudes immediately. But without relationships, you run the risk of resenting people and seeing them as the enemy instead of loving them and leading them well, and as Mark Clifton has said, you can’t reach what you resent.

Loving people is central to our calling not only as pastors, but as followers of Jesus.  When asked what the greatest commandment is, Jesus answered that it was loving God first, then the second is like it- loving people! We cannot escape the command to love others.

Yes, loving someone can mean telling them the truth about their sin– but that truth must be surrounded by care for the person’s well-being.  We must recognize that without relationships with people, we have very little “buy-in” to speak truth into their lives.

When we are creating discipleship pathways and programs, we have to remember that people are at the center of it.  Real, flawed, broken people– and we are real, flawed, broken people leading them!  Our own selfish ambitions can push us to move too fast, go too far, or simply forget that people need to feel loved.

Relational Discipleship takes time and effort.  Sure, it would be far easier to just hand someone a list of behaviors and tell them to change. But we aren’t called to simply tolerate people or to force change on them.  We are in the unique and wonderful position of encouraging people toward spiritual growth and development!  It’s a greater blessing to see your congregation as friends and family who are growing in their faith!

Community is a central human need.  Hebrews 10 reminds us that we as believers need to encourage each other, all the more as the day of the Lord draws near. Paul reminds us in Colossians 3 that we must forgive each other, and bear with each other, but above all “put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.” Loving people brings unity.  Do you have a divided church?  Build relationships with those on both sides of an issue and encourage them to find ways to show love to the other side– you’ll be surprised at how quickly division turns to unity.

Ministry is Relational Ministry

a strip of shorter grass is mowed from tall grass

Without relational ministry, you have no ministry.  It’s that simple, and it’s that difficult. Before you begin planning new programs, processes, and pathways, you must build relationships.  You cannot skip this step. You have to make the Lord your number one and people your number two. And all of your systems, programs, and processes have to serve those two things. 

There used to be a saying that people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.  I think that’s because God designed us that way.  When we feel cared for, loved, and safe, we are able to express our fears, desires, and needs more readily.

This is especially true if you are trying to meet the needs of the community around you– particularly if your church has been resentful or hurtful to the community around it in the past.  Before you offer to help someone, they need to know you care about them.

Let me give an example: There is a house beside your church with knee-high weeds and grass.  It’s obvious they aren’t going to cut it, and it’s an eyesore.  So one Saturday, you grab a group of volunteers and head over to cut the grass.  They call the police and accuse you of trespassing and the relationship with that family becomes a hostile and angry one.

Now, imagine if you went over, introduced yourself, and got to know the family.  You realize that it is a single mom with young children who is working two jobs to make ends meet.  Her lawnmower broke a few months ago, and she hasn’t had the money to replace it and even if she could, she doesn’t have time to cut the grass.  Her children are too young to help, and she’s doing all she can.  She confides that she would love a yard her children could play in and feel safe in.  You ask if it would be alright if you had some people come over and clean up the yard, making it a safe space for kids to play. She knows you care and want to help, so she is excited to have the church’s involvement in her life.

In both scenarios, you’ve done ministry in your community.  But in one, you’ve built a connection and cultivated trust.  In another, you’ve damaged the relationship, possibly irrevocably. 

People Need You, and You Need People

When you forget that your primary ministry is building relationships with your community and congregation, you will run people over in the name of progress. You will become a bulldozer instead of a builder. 

Ministry requires relationships with people.  To go back to the old joke, yes, ministry is easier without people– but that’s because without people, ministry fails to exist! 



Replant Bootcamp
Replant Bootcamp

Welcome Bootcampers! We got our math right!  Next week we’re celebrating our 200th EP! We’d love to hear from you!  Drop us a line about how the Bootcamp has helped you!

In this EP the guys take some time to break down their thoughts about the importance of not missing people in the midst of doing ministry.

Here are some of the highlights:

  • Loving people is central to our calling:
    • Greatest commandment (and the second is like it) Love God and Love Others
    • John 13 – Jesus says people will know us by our love.
  • Loving and leading people well requires that we LISTEN well
    • Patch Adams says his initial interview with a new patient is 3-4 hours
    • “In the midst of a turbulent, often chaotic world, ministers are called to be contemplatives, to be people who ‘listen’ to the voice of God and to the voices of those who suffer.” – Henri Nouwen
    • James 1:19 – My dear brothers and sisters, understand this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger,
  • Community is a central human need
    • Dietrich Bonhoeffer said “Christian community is like the Christian’s sanctification. It is a gift of God which we cannot claim.”
    • Acts 2:42, 44-47 – “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer… All the believers were together and had everything in common… And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.”
  • Its ok to not be ok but its not ok to stay there
    • Loving people means LEANING into sanctification

We’d love to hear your thoughts, drop us a line, voice mail, comment.


Get with our fantastic sponsor, One Eighty Digital, they can help your church develop a clear, concise and focused communication strategy designed to connect with your community and communicate the hope we have in Christ.  Contact them and let them know you are a loyal Bootcamper.

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Replant Bootcamp
Replant Bootcamp

The boys are back from the Big Easy and SBC23 and take some time to stop down and talk about food, connections, fun and Resolution One from this year’s convention: On the Importance of Revitalizing and Replanting.  Listen in on the conversation between the guys and Luke Holmes, Pastor of FBC Tishomingo, and author of resolution one from this year’s annual gathering in New Orleans.

SBC Resolution One

Read more of Luke’s writings here


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A spring flower comes up out of leaves signifying renewal and growth

The Importance of Spiritual Renewal

When we started our replant, we had all the tools to implement structural and administrative renewal in our congregation.  We read all the books, we listened to the podcasts, we went to all the conferences.  We were equipped to begin the hard work of changing culture and engaging our community.  We were prepared for conflict and criticism.

But we weren’t prepared for one thing– the need for our own spiritual renewal.  We worked tirelessly to patch holes in what many times felt like a sinking ship– all while feeling like we, ourselves, were drowning.

Perhaps you feel this way today.  Perhaps you are like the pastor Jimbo was counseling who, when Jimbo reminded him not to let a situation steal his joy, responded with, “What joy?”

I’ve been there.  If I’m being really transparent, I’m still there some days.

Thankfully, the fellas at Replant Bootcamp addressed this need and gave us some keys to living a renewed life: Joy, Prayer, Worship, and Resting in Christ.

A person trying to scoop water from a sinking ship with a small glass

Renewed by Joy

“Restore to me the joy of my salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit.” Psalm 51:12

Do you remember the “joy of your salvation?” The moment that you realized that Christ had forgiven you of your sins and you no longer carried the penalty of death and eternal separation? I do. There was such peace in that moment. I prayed at the altar and when I stood up, I felt completely different.  I was changed.  The fear and anxiety that I carried with me at all times seemed to fall off; it was like a heavy coat was removed from my shoulders.  I was happy and excited for the future, because I knew that from now on Jesus was in control.

When I think back to that day so many years ago, I remember that feeling of peace and joy.  I find myself praying with David that God would restore to me the joy of that day, just as David does in Psalm 51, verse 12.  

But we sometimes forget that verse 12 is one of 19 verses.  And that Psalm 51 is not merely David calling out to God for joy– it is David’s confession to sin and his shame. David’s request for restoration comes only after his repentance.

When I find myself lacking the joy of my salvation– that feeling of awe and wonder that God would forgive my sins– it’s often because I am struggling with those very same sins.  Before I can pray Psalm 51:12, I have to pray through Psalm 51:1-11, and especially verse 10: “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.”

There is a temptation for us as Christians to fail to recognize our need for continued sanctification.  The sin of pride leads us to believe that we can live in the same way as the lost world and have no consequences. But in order to experience spiritual renewal, we must examine our lives and see if we have allowed sin to creep in.  

Ephesians 4:17-24 tells us that the lost world will act in a certain way– they will be callous, sexually immoral, greedy to practice impurity.  But in verse 20, Paul writes, “But that is not the way you learned Christ.” He calls us to something different, something new. He writes that we as Christians will experience a spiritually renewed mind when we remember to change out of our old selves and to put on our new self.  It is a picture of removing a filthy, smelly old coat and instead wearing a new, fresh, and clean one. Paul is saying that we are called to look, act, and be different than the lost world

When I find myself lacking joy, one of the hardest things to do is to admit that perhaps I am not feeling the joy of my salvation because I am not seeking the things of God as much as I did then.  Perhaps it is not that God feels distant, but that I have moved too far from Him.

Reminding myself to seek God and His purpose and plan brings me back into a restored relationship.  When I repent and acknowledge my sins, I am able to once again experience the joy of knowing that I am never too far from God’s grace and mercy.

Joy comes not only when I remember what Christ has done for me, but also what He continues to do.

a person stands with hands lifted high and arms spread in a sunset background

Renewed by Prayer and Worship

It seems clear, doesn’t it? When you need spiritual renewal, going to God in prayer and worshiping Him seem like obvious first steps. But I often unintentionally leave it as one of the last steps I take.

In our world as Replant pastors, there is a temptation for prayer and worship to be relegated to Sunday morning duties.  My own daily prayer time can get pushed aside as I strive to complete ministry related tasks.  As a Worship Leader at our church, listening to Worship music becomes less about tuning my heart toward God and more about listening for specific instruments and vocal parts.

When I feel a need for spiritual revival, I will often turn toward advice from others to help. I will talk to trusted Christian friends about it, read books about it, and even ask others to pray for me. When I’ve exhausted those options, I usually feel a little tug on my heart… God will remind me that I’ve talked to everyone but Him.

Philippians 4:6-7 tells us, “do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” When we seek God, He gives us the promise of His peace to protect our troubled minds.

Worshiping God with our lives and our actions results in spiritual renewal.  My aunt used to tell me all the time that the key to fighting discouragement was to find someone to help.  She’s onto something there– when I meet someone else’s needs, I am acting as the hands and feet of Jesus.  And this act of worship turns my heart and mind from anxiety and worry to a renewed sense of peace and purpose.  

Renewed by Rest

Man… If there’s one thing I know, it’s that there is so much work to do in a Replant.  I often tease my husband that he is incapable of just resting when a project is done.  He is always looking to the next thing, because there is a never ending list of things that need to be done.

Unfortunately, that is reality for many of us in this type of calling.  There is always something that demands our attention and time.  We could spend our days from here to eternity on the next building improvement or maintenance project, the next community outreach, the next evangelism training, the next new member’s class… (I could keep going, but I’m starting to exhaust myself!) And, if you’re in the early days of your replant, it’s likely all falling on you until you have more leaders equipped to help.

There are multiple problems with getting too little rest, from physical health risks to emotional and mental struggles.  But for us as Christians, one of our biggest issues with too little rest is that we often try to find our rest in the same place we find our worthour own selves.

When I try to find rest in myself, it can seem almost impossible.  Last week I told a friend that I was so mentally tired, even resting felt like a chore that needed to be penciled into my schedule. Trying to get enough sleep while also trying to do everything that needed to be done resulted in me being so anxious that I actually woke up at 3 am in a panic because I needed to do laundry (true story). I relied on my own strength to get it all done.

But spiritual renewal requires us to rest in the right place– we must rest in Christ and in His faithfulness.  When we are feeling overwhelmed and discouraged, looking to the past can help us remember that Christ has been faithful and we can find true rest in knowing that just as Christ has met our needs in the past, He will continue to be faithful in the future. Think back on those times that God met your needs in the past.  Was everything done on your timetable?  Probably not.  But God used His timing to bring His plans to fruition.  He will continue to do so.

Our rest can be found in Christ.  Do you believe that Christ loves your church and your congregation? Do you believe that Christ loves you? Then we can trust that He is using your present circumstances for His glory.

NAMB Replant Summit 2023- a Time for Renewal

several people are gathered around a circular table at a conference in 2021.
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All of these thoughts come as we at Replant Bootcamp prepare for the Replant Summit in Atlanta on August 28-29. The theme this year is “Renew.” We will have multiple guest speakers and breakout sessions to help you (and your spouse) experience spiritual renewal.  It is an awesome time of refreshing words, songs, and fellowship with replant pastors and spouses from all over the U.S.  If you haven’t already registered, please do so!  You will not regret taking this time to refresh your spirit!


Replant Bootcamp
Replant Bootcamp

Hey Bootcampers, this week the guys have been sweating it out at the SBC Annual meeting in New Orleans LA, the Big Easy! Aside from great food and connecting with friends we took some time to stop down and discuss the important work of renewal in a Pastor’s life and direct you to a great event we have coming in late August, The Replant Summit.  We’d love for you to join us.

When it comes to the the church, especially in Replants and Revitalizations the most important work is not structural or administrative the most important work is first and foremost is Spiritual.

What are some of the keys to living a renewed life?

  • yJoy – Psalm 51:12
  • Renewing our minds  Ephesians 4
  • Put off the ways of the world
  • Pray regularly as a priority
  • Worship
  • Resting in Christ  as the foundation of your joy

What about you Bootcamper? Are you fighting for joy on a regular basis?  Is your joy based fully in Christ?We’d love to hear from you! Drop us a line and join us at the Replant Summit this year.

Make your website a centerpiece of your communication to your community. Get support, coaching and consultation for your church’s digital footprint by contacting our great friends, One Eighty Digital.  Let them know you are a bootcamp listener.






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