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Episode #18 – Replanter Wives – The Unsung Heroes of Replanting

Replant Bootcamp
Replant Bootcamp
Episode #18 - Replanter Wives - The Unsung Heroes of Replanting

Joining the guys on this episode are Barb Bickford and Audrea Stewart, they share from their experience as spouses of Replanters.

Is it harder for the Pastor’s wife than anyone else?

-Yes, a lot of times it is. When people attack or criticize your husband (the pastor) you feel the need to defend.

-You often feel alone.


What do you wish someone would have told you about Replanting?

-It’s hard and it is supposed to be

-It’s lonely. Replanting is unique, it’s not like anything else.

-Friendships are difficult, you often benefit from having friends outside your Replant.


What are some helps during the difficult days?

-Other pastors, often more seasoned older pastors and their spouses who can listen, pray and encourage you.

-Reading helpful books (see some of them below)

-Be prayed up, be ready.


How do you deal with personal attacks?

You have to let a lot of things roll off your back

-Recovering from serious attacks-is a very long process.

-Give yourself time to recover-spend time in prayer, give the hurt to God.

-Be okay with not being who people think you should be, be who God has made you to be, and do what he has called you to do.


How do you deal with the revolving door of people coming and going from your church?

Maintain perspective, people come and go.

-Many of the people who join you in the first years of your Replant will not be with you in the second or third year.

-The more adamant a person is that they will stay with you regardless are most often the ones who will leave.

-Often you will be tempted to think you are not enough-but the truth is you never were, only God is enough.


What are the unique joys of being a Replanter’s wife?

Remember what it was like in the early days and look at what the church is like now!

-Stories of life change!

-The personal transformation that has taken place in our lives personally.


Links Mentioned on the Show

Brother’s Taco House (the place where we ate breakfast, twice!)

The Google “Florida Man” Phenomenon

She can’t even Play the Piano

Leading and Loving it

Replanters Wife Facebook Group


Checkout our Sponsor:


Episode #17 – Websites, Social Media, and Marketing in a Replant with Wesley Lewis from OneEighty Digital

Replant Bootcamp
Replant Bootcamp
Episode #17 - Websites, Social Media, and Marketing in a Replant with Wesley Lewis from OneEighty Digital

It was great to have Wesley Lewis from our podcast sponsor talk all things Website, social media and all relevant topics.

It’s a good probability that one of the first things needing to be changed is the website of a Church needing Replanting.

The Website is the “front door” of your church.


Things to avoid your church website:

-Using stock photos

-Representing something that you are not

-Not including contact information, address, email and a map


The web is the “yellow” pages of today-you want to be found, you want to provide good information that helps people know who you are.


Things to make sure your website has:

-A good header image (you have 5 seconds to make a good impression)

-Where you are, your service schedule, how to contact your church

-A brief description about what your church is like (using language that any outsider who si not part of your church could understand) 

-All this needs to be available within one scroll


Is it important to have sermon archives/sermon podcast on your website?

-Definitely, your members are most likely to listen to the entire message, guests will listen to clips.

-Consider transcribing your sermons this creates more hits on search engines.

-Use key words to give an SEO boost.


Should a Replant or Normative Size Church “live stream” their services?

-Livestream is mostly likely for your members or attenders who cannot be there

-Guests will most likely watch clips

-One positive is that live streaming extends your ministry a bit beyond your local area. 

-In some cases this allows for you to reach out to those who might want to partner with your church financially.

-Mark Zuckerberg has said that the future of Facebook is video.


Is there a way to get the passwords from someone who may be disgruntled and won’t give them? 

-Yes, you’ll need to contact Wesley to find out how.


What kind of person should run your website?

-Someone who knows how to connect with your community.

-Someone who possesses a missions mindset that desires to reach people with the gospel.

-They don’t have to be the most tech-savvy or the most social media savvy, but someone who knows how to tell stories well-people really respond to stories.


What can you do if you struggle to think about what to put on the website?

-Tell good stories

-Celebrate your strengths


Should you work with a company or just use a site builder?

-You always get a better product when you work with a team to develop your sites through a creative collaborative process.

-Predefined sites which you can customize are good but may limit what you can do in terms of telling your stories.


Wesley’s toolbox recommendations for your website

-Develop a good content team: to capture and write up stories for your site.

-Use a social media scheduler

-Invest in marketing: understand that you are marketing even if you don’t market. Empower people to share news about your church through good content.

-Develop a google my business page: make sure it’s accurate and up to date.

-Get info from a professional: even if you just buy someone lunch-pick their brain, get their opinions about marketing, sites and how your church can connect with the community.


Episode #16 – Rebranding and Replanting with Special Guest Rodney Richardson of Rare Design

Replant Bootcamp
Replant Bootcamp
Episode #16 - Rebranding and Replanting with Special Guest Rodney Richardson of Rare Design

When NBA, NFL teams, and other major sports franchises want to rebrand they call Rodney Richardson at Rare Design. Rare Design also helps a lot of churches and Rodney is a lay elder at The Church at 4 Points. Rare Design and 4 Points help support and manage Ddembe Ministries in Uganda. Rodney has served in various forms of lay leadership in local churches – including one replant. The combination of his ministry experience and professional expertise give him a unique and valuable perspective on replanting and rebranding.

“Branding” is about much more than good looking images. “When I use the word ‘brand’ it is synonymous with story. It is your story.”

We need to understand who we are. Where we come from. Our heritage. A lot of times we forget why we got into things in the first place. So much about replanting and rebranding is remembering. Remembering the story of the church. Embracing the story and the legacy of the church.

A vital characteristic for a replanter is a Respect for a Church’s Legacy – “A pastor with Respect for a Church’s Legacy knows how to love and build off of a church’s past without allowing people in the congregation to idolize it in an unhealthy way.” This requires a posture of humility.

Replanters need to recognize that God planted the church they are pastoring intentionally. Each church is a unique place in the world. No other church has the exact same story.

Sometimes when looking into the history of the church you are pastoring you might find things you wish weren’t there. We have to be honest about the past and approach it with grace. We have to recognize and repent of things like this when we find them. Sometimes there are things that must be dealt with. Sometimes there are wounds and there has to be a healing process. Part of replanting is facing the ugly stuff. “If we don’t know it, if we don’t admit it, then we can’t know how to deal with it to move forward in right ways.”

Ecclesiastes 4:12 – Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

  • The three strands of any organization are:
    • The Story – Vision, Mission, History, Beliefs, The Stories of Who We Are
    • The Culture – Systems, Structure, Personnel, Processes, Protocols, The Daily Living of Who We Are
    • The Expression – Identity, Marketing, Public Relations. The Outward Expressions of Who We Are

The story is the most vital. We need to build our structures and expressions according to our story. When all 3 strands converge, your entire organization will come into alignment, positioning you for success.

People aren’t coming to your church because they want a cool logo and/or website. People are hurting. People are looking for connection. They are looking for real relationships. They are looking for real answers as to who they are and who they are created to be.

It is important to discover who God has wired you to be as an individual and as a church. When Jesus called the disciples he called a tax collector, a zealot, a doubter,  and an impetuous guy who just said whatever came to his mind. Each of these men served God through their personality of who God wired them to be.

Replanters need to figure out what the personality of the church is. Effective replanters have a good sense of Organizational Awareness – A replanter with Organizational Awareness is adept at understanding how power dynamics work within the church, anticipating how changes would be received, recognizing where change may produce friction, and showing an awareness of how current practice and changes affected their position within the community in which they served.

At Rare Design we challenge people to practice the law of asymmetry – dare to be different. You have permission to be who God has called you to be. Don’t measure against the “crowd” – don’t fall into herd mentality. Be empowered in who God has called you to be as a church. You don’t have to be cool and trendy – you have to be who God has called you to be.

When we say we want a good logo or branding usually we are saying we want good expression. But you can’t express what you don’t know.

We are always story telling. Let’s make sure we are telling the greatest story ever told.


Replant Bootcamp is Sponsored by OneEighty Digital

OneEighty Digital is a team of design, development, and marketing experts that love working with churches big and small, and they’ve just launched two awesome new products to help churches, plants, and replants. The first is called Launchpad, it’s an all-in-one custom branding and website bundle developed specifically for planters, replanters, & revitalizers who need to get things moving quickly. The second is Church Quicksite. It was created for churches working with tight budgets and can help get them an amazing new church website in as little as 1 week at a really affordable price. Check out OneEighty.Church to learn more about these special new offerings and how OneEighty can help your church Move Forward!

Episode #15 – Dealing with Depression and Discouragement with Special Guest Mark Clifton

Replant Bootcamp
Replant Bootcamp
Episode #15 - Dealing with Depression and Discouragement with Special Guest Mark Clifton

Mark Clifton, Sr. Director of Replant of the North American Mission Board, stopped by the bootcamp and dropped some great knowledge and advice about how to deal with discouragement and depression as a Replanter.

How can a Replanter stay encouraged and healthy?

  • Unfortunately many don’t.
  • Pastors operate wounded and then wound others-spending $20 on a 10 cent problem.
  • Satan’s number 1 tool against a Pastor is depression/discouragement.
  • The weight of ministry creates a cycle of discouragement and depression that often creates a victim mentality and a context in which operating with emotional intelligence is difficult.

If you find your purpose, joy and meaning in how well your church is doing–you’ll be feeding off the congregation and not feeding them. And you’ll always be searching for Joy.

Find your joy in Jesus alone.

Talk to yourself, instead of listening to yourself.

Should a Pastor admit struggles and weaknesses?

  • You need to be vulnerable as a Pastor, but you also need to be cautious about how and with whom you are vulnerable.
  • Find a group of Leaders (Other Pastors, Director of Missions, Associational Missional Strategist, Elders) who you are living in community with and be vulnerable with them.
  • Be wise about your struggles with the congregation during your preaching.
  • We must remember that we have the Gospel-our trust is not in ourselves but in Jesus.
  • Use your weaknesses and inadequacies to point to the cross instead of using them to garner sympathy. 

What are some other sources of encouragement for a discouraged Pastor/Replanter?

  • Read the Scriptures
  • Read the Puritans
  • Listen to good sermons (Spurgeon, Martin Lloyd Jones)
  • The Valley of Vision
  • Read good biographies
  • Watch historical documentaries
  • Find a Hobby
  • Enjoy your family
    • Two rules for parenting: love Jesus and have fun
    • Don’t unload your church frustrations on your spouse/family.

Relax and remember that the church is the Lord’s, he is the one who will grow it and care for it.

Fight for your joy, the gospel and your church.

Are there some signs that it’s time to consider transitioning away from your church?

  • If the work is destroying your family, faith and your Christian walk-you may need to consider stepping down.

To be honest, some men should not be Pastors, and they need to come to terms with that. They could be called to be a good church leader, a great church member.

Every Pastor must have a clear call from God-or he shouldn’t be pastoring.

Often, in the midst of discouragement a Pastor is prone to choose isolation over community.

Find a good Christian counselor-for yourself and for your congregation. 

If you are a Pastor experiencing serious discouragement please reach out to someone for help today.

Helpful Resources

Revitalize by Andy Davis

Sermons by Martin Lloyd Jones

Medication and Depression by Bob Bickford

Pastor Hotline: 1-844-PASTOR1  (1-844-727-8671)

Episode #14 – Dealing with Church Debt in a Replant with Boots on the Ground Guest Kyle Bueerman

Replant Bootcamp
Replant Bootcamp
Episode #14 - Dealing with Church Debt in a Replant with Boots on the Ground Guest Kyle Bueerman

Pastor Kyle Bueermann, First Baptist Church Alamogordo NM

Background: Kyle was called to Replant/Revitalize a church with 60 people that was in 900K in debt.

Q: How do you deal with debt in a Replant?

Be certain of your call: the call to Replant a church is a necessity-especially when that church is in a difficult situation.

Commit to the church: Kyle says; “We bought a house to show the congregation that we were all in, we put ourselves on the line, I knew I needed to do that so I wouldn’t have an out.”

Find/Partner with a friendly lender and communicate with them regularly. FBC had the benefit of their note being with their denominational lender.

Be open and honest about your situation with those who are coming to be part of your church.

Look for ways to reduce your debt: we’ve been praying and seeking sell our land but also exercising patience.

Steady consistent and faithful leadership is important to create a positive attitude and culture among your people.

We are confident that God is not surprised by our circumstances-and we’re trusting him to provide and lead.

Define Reality and provide hope, and understand the thing that brings hope is the Gospel.

Be patient-in a Replant nothing happens fast.



Not Another Baptist Podcast

Replanting Rural Churches

Wiley Drake

Ed Ogeron

Arkansas vs. LSU 2019

Episode #13 -Which Comes First In A Replant? Elders Or Deacons?

Replant Bootcamp
Replant Bootcamp
Episode #13 -Which Comes First In A Replant? Elders Or Deacons?

Nathan Pittman, Pastor, Mountain Bible Church, Livingston MT

Q: Is there a correct order regarding Elder or Deacons? Which should you have first in a Replant?

“Delders” leaders in a local church who are actually Deacons but lead like Elders. (h/t Mike Hubbard, Pastor, Genesis Church)

Baptist Faith and Message side by side comparison 1925, 1963, 2000 (search the terms Elders, Deacons, Pastor)

Which came first in the emerging church? A case can be made for Deacons from Acts chapter 6. 

In most cases, even in dying or declining churches, you likely have men who are serving as Deacons. If they are serving well, meet the qualifications of Elders and desire the office this group can become a primary source from which to develop potential Elders.

One of the keys in preparing your church for Elders is to teach about them from the scriptures.

In some instances a campus church or mission church can lean on the processes of their sponsoring/sending church to vet, train and install deacons and elders.

You may want to begin your potential selection of Deacons and Elders by inviting them into an informal before formal process.

Be patient and wise, take your time, don’t get in a rush choosing Deacons and Elders.

Make note, Elders need to desire to the office. Pressuring, pursuing and encouraging a man who doesn’t aspire to the office will not go well.

Finding Elders and Deacons, Thabiti Anyabwile

Paul’s Vision for the Deacons, Alexander Strauch

On Being a Deacon, Mark Hallock

EP7: How NOT to build a lasting Elder team


Fun Links

Ed Ogeron

Calling the Hogs “Razorback” style

Calling the hogs, farm style


Episode #12 – Redeeming a Church’s Bad Reputation with BOOTS ON THE GROUND GUEST Carey Long

Replant Bootcamp
Replant Bootcamp
Episode #12 - Redeeming a Church's Bad Reputation with BOOTS ON THE GROUND GUEST Carey Long

Carey Long, Pastor, Northside Baptist Church, Slidell LA

Q:  What are some practical ways we can help change our church’s reputation/image in the community?

This is a complicated and layered question.

A bad reputation is not built, nor is it fixed overnight.

Discover/Ask: what has our church done that has created a bad reputation in the community?

A way to learn what the community thinks of your church: FourFold Panoramic Assessment by Keelan Cook

Ask the community: “If our church was to be an asset to this community what could we do?”

Consider your church’s history: repent and make reconciliation where possible.

Own and repent of past sins.

Process with your people the findings of your community assessments about your church’s reputation.

A name change is not a strategy to jettison your church’s bad reputation.

Keeping the name is at times, a more powerful picture of the Gospel and the power of forgiveness and redemption Jesus brings to us and the church.

Salvation doesn’t erase our past, it changes it.

Changing a church’s reputation involves changing the church’s culture.

The Pastor’s leadership is key in helping to change the church’s reputation.  

Pastoral involvement in the community along with some church members is key.  As your people engage in the community people get a new image and experience with your church.

Utilize your church’s facilities to bless the community.

Changing the image or reputation of your church takes a long time.

At times, you may need to help correct mis-information about your church in the community proactively.

Let God be your defender, it’s His church.

You will rarely win over the critics who will not engage with you.  You can win over the folks who will interact with you as you patiently help them see what God is doing in your church.

Seek the welfare of the community: Jeremiah 29:7

Engage your community with no-strings attached.



Episode #11 – Thankfulness and Encouragement with Mark Hallock

Replant Bootcamp
Replant Bootcamp
Episode #11 - Thankfulness and Encouragement with Mark Hallock

Mark Hallock Lead Pastor, The Calvary Family of Churches, Englewood Baptist Church

In Replanting you can be thankful that 

  • God has called you to the mission of seeing churches raised from the dead
  • You have been called to preach the word
  • You have been placed in a particular community that needs to hear the gospel

The last thing a church needs is a thankless pastor!

How to cultivate thankfulness

  • Your personal devotion life is key-being in the word everyday.
  • Remember and be amazed at how you have been saved by Jesus!

 The Relentless Encourager by Mark Hallock and Scott Iken

  • Encouragement is a differentiator that makes you want to follow a leader!
  • The warmth and love that is experienced through encouragement creates a response to the one who exhibits it from an authentic life.

Best Hallock Quote of the Show:

“Many of us have encouraging thoughts, but we don’t let those translate into encouraging words. Until encouragement flows from my tongue to your ear it’s not encouragement. It’s just a nice thought that you had that no one is blessed by.”  -Mark Hallock

What keeps us from encouraging others?

  • Lack of intentionality
  • Laziness
  • Pride (especially in leaders)
  • Insecurity

Being an effective leader in a small dying church is different than serving in a large church, this is why warmth, hugs, encouragement and healthy touch are important to bring about a new culture.

In the early days of a Replant-just about everyone is discouraged!  It so important to be an encourager!


Notable Quotes from Mark:

“What you bleed as a leader, is what your people will bleed in time.” 

“The culture of a dying church is changed by the encouragement and love of the leader.”

“You can’t fake being a loving encouraging person for long! You need to beg God to make you an encouraging person.”

“The lack of encouragement is robbing you and others of joy!”

“Being an encourager is like Christmas everyday!”


Mark’s Children’s book: Our Great God! 

Other books by Mark Hallock


Episode # 10 – Luter Replant Legacy Part Two with Chip Luter (Boots on the Ground Highlight)

Replant Bootcamp
Replant Bootcamp
Episode # 10 - Luter Replant Legacy Part Two with Chip Luter (Boots on the Ground Highlight)

Chip Luter Pastor, Idlewild @ The Springs

Lessons Learned from my Father, Dr. Fred Luter

As a Pastors’ kid, I was able to watch a pastor who was a great shepherd.  

When you meet a pastor whose staff knows more about the church than he does he is not a Pastor Shepherd.

My father was a great example of a Pastor/Shepherd.

One of the best lessons I learned is that I was never an interruption to my dad, even when he was busy.  He loved me and modeled for me what it was like to be a great pastor and a great father.

As a kid I never felt like I was in competition with the church. There was never a time where I didn’t like the church.

My dad showed me how to not live in isolation as a pastor-he demonstrated the value of connecting with other Pastors who are ministering in my area.


New Orleans Dictionary Gris-gris: voodoo, a powerful spell put on something/someone.


The Idlewild Story

Trinity Baptist Church was dying and located in a changing/transitioning area, the youngest  was 60 and they were down to eight people.

  • The Neighborhood was 60% African American, 30% White, 18% Hispanic.
  • 50% of the neighborhood was aged 18 and younger.

I was not looking to Replant, I was happy serving where I was.

Idlewild was intentional about hiring a person of color.

The congregation had determined to give the building to Idlewild for ministry.

In January 2014 Idlewild began a ministry called “Adopt a Block” where they regularly entered the neighborhood to meet and pray for the people. They provided connection events and opportunities to reach the community. 

Pastor Ken Whitten shaped the approach with this philosophy; “We didn’t just want to go to them, we want to grow among them.”

Advice for Replanting in a multi-cultural context

Be intentional from the very beginning

It’s best if the Replanter is already engaged and active in multicultural relationships.

The people drawn to our church were not drawn because we have multicultural worship, they were drawn to our church because the church was intentional in the approach to reach the community-both white people and people of color were actively involved meeting people in the community.

People bought in even before they came to attend a worship service.

We gave opportunity and value to a variety of styles in worship as a natural expression of who we are.

Check out the church program mentioned here

Church Program

Episode #9 – The Luter Replant Legacy Part 1 with Dr. Fred Luter (Boots on the Ground Highlight)

Replant Bootcamp
Replant Bootcamp
Episode #9 - The Luter Replant Legacy Part 1 with Dr. Fred Luter (Boots on the Ground Highlight)

This is the first episode of a 2-part ? BOOTS ON THE GROUND HIGHLIGHT ?about Dr. Fred Luter Jr. and his son Fred “Chip” Luter III. In part 1 we will hear from Dr. Fred about his replanting journey at Franklin Avenue Baptist Church in New Orleans and in part 2 we will hear from Chip and his journey to replanting with Idlewild in Tampa.

Dr. Fred Luter starting pastoring Franklin Avenue Baptist church 33 years ago when most people suspected the church was about to die. Local ministry leaders even told Pastor Fred that he was the wrong choice and he just needed to bury the church. Years later Franklin Avenue is a powerful testimony to God’s faithfulness through Dr. Fred who eventually became the first African-American President of the Southern Baptist Convention.

33 years of pastoral ministry has given Pastor Fred some great wisdom and we are excited to share it with you. Here are a few highlights:

  • The key to pastoral ministry is faithfulness to who God has called you to be and where he has called you to serve.
  • One of the greatest challenges in many dying churches is to remind them that the WORD of GOD works. Pastors must be faithful to the Word.
  • Replanters must be VISIONARY SHEPHERDS that have TACTICAL PATIENCE: Pastor Fred shares about taking 2-3 years to move Franklin Avenue from funding their church through selling chicken suppers to faithful and biblical giving.
  • Replanters must have a MISSIONAL FOCUS and GOSPEL ORIENTATION: Fred shares how he had a creative and missional strategy to engage the men in his community that were not coming to church through watching a pay-per-view boxing match. He then followed this up with personal evangelism and discipleship.
  • Replanters must make their families a priority. Pastor Fred has held hard to regular time off on a weekly basis to invest in his marriage and his kids.

Vocabulary word of the day –  Lagniappe

If you enjoyed this episode please share it with your friends, subscribe to the podcast on your favorite podcast platform, and leave us a rating.

Our sponsor, One Eighty Digital, just launched two new products that we think could really help your church. The first is called Launchpad, it’s an all-in-one custom branding and website bundle developed specifically for planters, replanters, & revitalizers who need to get things moving quickly. The second is Church Quicksite. It was created for churches working with tight budgets and can help get them an amazing new church website in as little as 1 week at a really affordable price. Check out OneEighty.Church to learn more about these special new offerings and how OneEighty can help your church Move Forward!