Episode #26 – ?BOOTS ON THE GROUND HIGHLIGHT ? with Min Lee

Joining the guys on the bootcamp is Min Lee, Replant Pastor of LA City Baptist Church
Min is a Korean-American Pastor, replanting a predominately Hispanic Church in Boyle Heights. He learned about the church from his Director of Missions // Associational Missional Strategist who asked him to join him in visiting the church.
On his very first visit to the church he was asked to lead a song in Spanish, he also prayed in Spanish and taught them a Bible study in English. They kept inviting him back and eventually called Min to be their Pastor.
What did you do first?
- I asked for help from other churches and pastors in the area.
- I prayed, we prayed for God to work.
- I got out and began to meet people in the neighborhood, introducing myself and the church.
What are some of the challenges you faced?
- Everything is so new! There is a big learning curve.
- There is a cross cultural challenge-there are not many instances of a Korean Pastor leading a Hispanic church.
What have been some of the most helpful things for you?
- I’ve learned to ask for help-and God has provided!
- Churches have partnered with us to do events like VBS.
- We’ve had help remodeling our facilities.
What resources have been helpful to you?
- The Replanter Assessment provided by NAMB and the Replant Team.
- The training materials and coaching that are available for me as a Replanter.
What advice would you offer Replanters?
- Go slower and go with God-bring the congregation along with you. Get counsel as you lead the body toward the vision of a renewed and Replanted Church.
- We can look back into Christian history and see God using people cross culturally to present the Gospel-so be bold and be courageous, see each person and people group through the eyes of Christ.
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