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Episode #26 – ?BOOTS ON THE GROUND HIGHLIGHT ? with Min Lee

Replant Bootcamp
Replant Bootcamp
Episode #26 - ?BOOTS ON THE GROUND HIGHLIGHT ? with Min Lee

Joining the guys on the bootcamp is Min Lee, Replant Pastor of LA City Baptist Church

Min is a Korean-American Pastor, replanting a predominately Hispanic Church in Boyle Heights. He learned about the church from his Director of Missions // Associational Missional Strategist who asked him to join him in visiting the church.

On his very first visit to the church he was asked to lead a song in Spanish, he also prayed in Spanish and taught them a Bible study in English. They kept inviting him back and eventually called Min to be their Pastor.

What did you do first?

  • I asked for help from other churches and pastors in the area.
  • I prayed, we prayed for God to work.
  • I got out and began to meet people in the neighborhood, introducing myself and the church.

What are some of the challenges you faced?

  • Everything is so new!  There is a big learning curve.
  • There is a cross cultural challenge-there are not many instances of a Korean Pastor leading a Hispanic church.

What have been some of the most helpful things for you?

  • I’ve learned to ask for help-and God has provided!
  • Churches have partnered with us to do events like VBS.
  • We’ve had help remodeling our facilities.

What resources have been helpful to you?

  • The Replanter Assessment provided by NAMB and the Replant Team.
  • The training materials and coaching that are available for me as a Replanter.

What advice would you offer Replanters?

  • Go slower and go with God-bring the congregation along with you. Get counsel as you lead the body toward the vision of a renewed and Replanted Church.  
  • We can look back into Christian history and see God using people cross culturally to present the Gospel-so be bold and be courageous, see each person and people group through the eyes of Christ.

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?BONUS EPISODE ? COVID-19 ? Pastoring a Replant in a Pandemic

Replant Bootcamp
Replant Bootcamp
?BONUS EPISODE ? COVID-19 ? Pastoring a Replant in a Pandemic

Joining us today on the Bootcamp are some boots on the ground Replanters who share with us how they are thinking and making decisions in the time of the Coronavirus Pandemic.

Chris Snider – Catonsville Baptist, Catonsville MD

Evan Skelton – Bayless Baptist Church, St. Louis MO

Stuart Dace – Exchange Church, Arnold MO

Bob Bickford – The Groves Church, Webster Groves MO 

Jimbo Stewart – Redemption Church, Jacksonville FL


CDC Guidelines regarding meeting (as of 3.15.20)

How DC Churches Responded to the public ban on gatherings in 1918


Concerns stated by these boots on the ground Replanters

  • Loss of Momentum in a key time of the year
  • Finances
  • The risk factors associated with having members who are at great risk
  • Losing connection with church members and attenders


How are thinking through staying connected to your congregation in light of a possible eight week pause?

  • This is the time for the local pastor to shine
  • Develop call lists, divide them among leaders, check-in with them and encourage them in practical ways.
  • Text messaging and phone messaging services
  • Writing notes to your congregation and sending via mail
  • Being intentional with your communication-pointing them to scripture
  • Be pastoral in your communication-take into account where your people are, what questions they are asking and lead them to the truth of God’s word.
  • Encourage small groups (eight or less) to meet and care for one another.


How South Korean church gatherings may have spread the Coronavirus

Physicians explain how Coronavirus spreads


What concerns do you have about your long term viability as a Church?

  • Momentum-but we have an opportunity to speak the gospel into a crisis situation right now.
  • Finances: loss in giving and actual expenses, also needs of members whose personal income diminishes during this time.
  • Some replants will have to think through how they might deal with the loss of income from rental fees from groups who use their church facilities.
  • Personally a Replanter should think about ways to be financially nimble-develop a side hustle from which a personal income stream can be developed.


How are you serving or engaging your community during this season?

  • Through a pre-existing relationship Jimbo was invited to do a bible study video for school faculty.
  • Mercy Ministries-by providing meals for kids in need.
  • Offering your building and it’s free wi-fi for those who may need it for online school learning.


How are you leading your family?

  • Praying for and with your family on a regular basis
  • Leading them not to fear and trust in God
  • Explain the dynamics of the situation but also the certainty we have in faith in God.


In Summary

  • Church is more than Sunday worship
  • Shepherd your people well in various ways
  • Pray and think through how you can serve your community
  • Love and lead your family is service that allows a church to set up Text-to-Pay and offers a 30 day free trial. (this is for your reference and not an endorsement)

Episode #25 – ?Boots on the Ground Highlight?with Walker Armstrong

Replant Bootcamp
Replant Bootcamp
Episode #25 - ?Boots on the Ground Highlight?with Walker Armstrong

Pilot Mountain Associational  Missional Strategist Walker Armstrong stopped by the bootcamp when we were in ATL for the Replant Practitioner Lab.  Here are some of the highlights.


There are a lot of characters in dying churches. 

Humor is a great way to not make a big deal about something — but also to address difficulty. 

Humor, well used can bring back hope.

If you’re going to see a movement in Replanting — you got to have an Assessment process.

Things to note when working with a congregation that needs to be Replanted

-Don’t be in a hurry

-Compromise where you can

-Serve the congregation and invest in them

-There is value of having an outside voice, someone who cares and can help them see the truth.


The Value of Associations for struggling churches and Replanters

-Partnership with NAMB and the training for Associational leaders

-Networking among churches and pastors


What are the inherent challenges as an Associational Leader in working with struggling churches?

-They have money in the bank and can meet together indefinitely while living off of those resources

-They are not living on mission or impacting the community



Q:What one piece of advice would you share with a Replanter/Pastor?

A: How is your soul?  We minister out of our relationship with the Lord-we can have a lot of talent but if we are not spiritually connected to Jesus then we will crash.


Psalm 127:7 “He is not afraid of bad news; his heart is firm, trusting in the Lord.”


Check out this great Replant Story from Revo Church of the Pilot Mountain Baptist Association

The Knights of Ni: Tis but a scratch!

Episode #24 – ?Jason Rumbough Boots on the Ground Highlight?

Replant Bootcamp
Replant Bootcamp
Episode #24 - ?Jason Rumbough Boots on the Ground Highlight?

**Show Note** Early Wednesday morning East Nashville TN was it with a severe tornado. Many business and homes in the area were impacted, 24 lives were lost and the community is in great need. Jason’s church, Hope Church was undamaged yet just blocks from the church the damage was severe.  Pray for Jason and his church as they provide much needed support, care and the hope of the Gospel to those impacted by this storm.

Here are some of the show highlights

Jason Rumbough is the Replant Pastor of Hope Church Nashville, a Replant from Eastland Baptist Church

Eastland Baptist Church was 106 years old, down to 40 people, average age of the congregation was 72 years.

As a Replant from within, this is the most difficult type of Replant.

One Sunday, the attendance was 13, six of which were Jason’s family. This was a low point and also a turning point.

Things began to turn around-God began brining people to the church, assembling a team of unlikely people who formed the Replanting core group.

Jason began doing the work of an Evangelist, people came to faith and the Church has grown.

In a Replant people may not know exactly what the Gospel means, how it informs us and how it leads us on mission. It’s important define the Gospel.

When you preach the Gospel, people may leave.

Replanting from within is difficult, it’s hard. One of the things that helps, is being honest about where you are with yourself and the church.

One of the long time members at Eastland said: “I knew we needed to change, I just didn’t know it would be this hard.”

Advice to Replanters: Love your people, preach the gospel, take care of your family.

The Soda Parlor

Burger Up

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Episode #21 – Replant Hacks – Volume 2

Replant Bootcamp
Replant Bootcamp
Episode #21 - Replant Hacks - Volume 2

The guys are back with Replant Hacks vol. 2. Checkout some of these helpful tricks of the trade they’ve found useful as Replanters. Video Doorbell: allows you to interact with someone who stopped by the church office. You can also delegate answering to others.

Google Voice: allows you to forward calls, set up voice mail and text alerts.

Wunderlist: for to-do lists, tasks and sharing. (We’re’s switching to Microsoft To Do)

Asana: a great task manager

MileIQ: a great way to keep up with your mileage for expense reporting. a great way to manage your finances, payroll and taxes.

-The most read blog on a great way to connect with your children when they are attend Big Church.  They are customizable and can display your church logo.

Google Docs: a great one stop shop for all your document needs. every study that Lifeway has produced is available to you online and fees are based on size of your church.

Think differently about how you do outreach: commission your church members and attenders to be mission partners with existing organizations.

Need a website? Checkout our sponsor,

Episode #20 – How NOT to Change the Name of a Replant

Replant Bootcamp
Replant Bootcamp
Episode #20 - How NOT to Change the Name of a Replant

(JimBo) As a Campus of Hibernia Baptist Church at Hyde Park, we were going autonomous and needed to change our name.

The process that was suggested to JimBo

-Announce a name change (you have 6 weeks)

-If you (JimBo) have an idea-share it with the church

-Gather suggested names from the entire congregation

-Hold a two votes: one to arrive at the top name and then to select the name from the top vote getters


Funny names that were submitted: MoTown Church, Good Friends Church


Mistakes I made along the way:

-Accepting names from everyone multiple times for six weeks (unlimited suggestions accepted)

-Failing to check to see if the suggested names were already being used by churches in our city

(After googling EACH of the SUGGESTED NAMES every single suggested name was being used by a church in our city, except one, Redemption Church)

-Giving too many options created conflict.

-We ended up having to do re-vote


Things I learned along the way

-Always google any suggested names to see if they are eligible.

-Never “wing” a business meeting always have a plan

-Limit the options to diminish conflict.

-It may be a good idea to have a detailed minded person to moderate your business meetings-especially potentially contentious ones.

-Visiting in the community helped me to see how people in our community responded to “Baptist” in our name.

-Be transparent and own your mistakes:I had to confess that I messed up the whole process in public and in private.

-When conflict is serious, pause: we chose not to vote after the two weeks of deliberation because the conflict was so serious.


Suggested Process from Kevin Handy in Replant Roadmap

  1. Celebrate the old name 
  2. Look for sacred cows
  3. Pick a name that honors the legacy of the name of the church (Bob threw a flag on this)
  4. Spell out clearly the reasons for the name change


Redemption Church in Jacksonville FL

Replant Road Map by Mark Hallock

Name Change Documents mentioned by Bob

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Episode #19 – Replant Hacks – Volume 1

Replant Bootcamp
Replant Bootcamp
Episode #19 - Replant Hacks - Volume 1

Bob and JimBo take some time to share their favorite Replant hacks. This wide ranging conversation had the boys riffing about practical stuff they have found helpful to them as Replanters.


How do you handle pit stains?  Thompson Tees

Need some Graphic Design help: and

Great photos sources: Pexels and Unsplash

Need to communicate with volunteer team members and want to do it outside of text and email? is your huckleberry.

Flocknote is a great way to communicate with your church family.

Mailchimp is awesome for E-Newsletters

Want to write notes to your congregation? Check out JimBo’s favorite app:

Here’s a great resource on cutting down your sermon prep: Eight Hours or Less

Make a change from celebrating statistics to stories, stories of life change, transformation, God breaking through, answering prayer.


Fun Links

Congrats to JimBo’s LSU Tigahs!

Which is the real “death valley”

The Earthquake Game


Thanks to our sponsor One Eighty Digital as always! Check them out for all your website needs.

Episode #18 – Replanter Wives – The Unsung Heroes of Replanting

Replant Bootcamp
Replant Bootcamp
Episode #18 - Replanter Wives - The Unsung Heroes of Replanting

Joining the guys on this episode are Barb Bickford and Audrea Stewart, they share from their experience as spouses of Replanters.

Is it harder for the Pastor’s wife than anyone else?

-Yes, a lot of times it is. When people attack or criticize your husband (the pastor) you feel the need to defend.

-You often feel alone.


What do you wish someone would have told you about Replanting?

-It’s hard and it is supposed to be

-It’s lonely. Replanting is unique, it’s not like anything else.

-Friendships are difficult, you often benefit from having friends outside your Replant.


What are some helps during the difficult days?

-Other pastors, often more seasoned older pastors and their spouses who can listen, pray and encourage you.

-Reading helpful books (see some of them below)

-Be prayed up, be ready.


How do you deal with personal attacks?

You have to let a lot of things roll off your back

-Recovering from serious attacks-is a very long process.

-Give yourself time to recover-spend time in prayer, give the hurt to God.

-Be okay with not being who people think you should be, be who God has made you to be, and do what he has called you to do.


How do you deal with the revolving door of people coming and going from your church?

Maintain perspective, people come and go.

-Many of the people who join you in the first years of your Replant will not be with you in the second or third year.

-The more adamant a person is that they will stay with you regardless are most often the ones who will leave.

-Often you will be tempted to think you are not enough-but the truth is you never were, only God is enough.


What are the unique joys of being a Replanter’s wife?

Remember what it was like in the early days and look at what the church is like now!

-Stories of life change!

-The personal transformation that has taken place in our lives personally.


Links Mentioned on the Show

Brother’s Taco House (the place where we ate breakfast, twice!)

The Google “Florida Man” Phenomenon

She can’t even Play the Piano

Leading and Loving it

Replanters Wife Facebook Group


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