Episode #18 – Replanter Wives – The Unsung Heroes of Replanting

Joining the guys on this episode are Barb Bickford and Audrea Stewart, they share from their experience as spouses of Replanters.
Is it harder for the Pastor’s wife than anyone else?
-Yes, a lot of times it is. When people attack or criticize your husband (the pastor) you feel the need to defend.
-You often feel alone.
What do you wish someone would have told you about Replanting?
-It’s hard and it is supposed to be
-It’s lonely. Replanting is unique, it’s not like anything else.
-Friendships are difficult, you often benefit from having friends outside your Replant.
What are some helps during the difficult days?
-Other pastors, often more seasoned older pastors and their spouses who can listen, pray and encourage you.
-Reading helpful books (see some of them below)
-Be prayed up, be ready.
How do you deal with personal attacks?
–You have to let a lot of things roll off your back
-Recovering from serious attacks-is a very long process.
-Give yourself time to recover-spend time in prayer, give the hurt to God.
-Be okay with not being who people think you should be, be who God has made you to be, and do what he has called you to do.
How do you deal with the revolving door of people coming and going from your church?
–Maintain perspective, people come and go.
-Many of the people who join you in the first years of your Replant will not be with you in the second or third year.
-The more adamant a person is that they will stay with you regardless are most often the ones who will leave.
-Often you will be tempted to think you are not enough-but the truth is you never were, only God is enough.
What are the unique joys of being a Replanter’s wife?
–Remember what it was like in the early days and look at what the church is like now!
-Stories of life change!
-The personal transformation that has taken place in our lives personally.
Links Mentioned on the Show
Brother’s Taco House (the place where we ate breakfast, twice!)
The Google “Florida Man” Phenomenon
Replanters Wife Facebook Group
Checkout our Sponsor: oneeightydigital.com
Audrea Stewart, Barb Bickford, family, first ladies, first lady, grit, marriage, ministry, spousal perseverance, Wives