Our good friend Mark Hallock stops by to talk about the nuts and bolts work of Replanting a local church, but before getting to strategy, Mark looks at the character and heart of the Replant Pastor.
Replanter be aware of this:
We need the supernatural presence of God in Replanting – so pray!
We are called to Shepherd God’s people, the flock in our church!
We will face challenges in this work – we must persevere!
In loving and leading our family
In dealing with conflict
In managing your schedule well
Shepherding and Membership matter-get it right and your work will be filled with Joy!
In Mark’s new book, The Perseverance of a Faithful Pastor, he unpacks practical steps, actions and heart postures to take as you lead in your Replant.
Check out Mark’s books, get equipped, encouraged and ready yourself to serve the Lord and people.
Check out the Calvary family of Churches resources and all the great books over at Acoma Press
We love our great sponsor, One Eighty Digital. They’ve helped us and they can help you make sure your web presence conveys who you are which helps you connect you with your community. Drop them a line, give them a call, let them know you’re a bootcamp listener!
The Bootcamp boys continue the ATL Bootcamp series and are joined by none other than Pilot Mountain’s own, Walker Armstrong. Walker serves as the AMS Leader for the Pilot Mountain Association and is one of the leaders who helped create the Replant Practitioner Training. Listen in as they discuss what it takes to be healthy as a Pastor serving in a local church.
Staying Healthy is challenging when:
Pastors/Leaders become isolated and alone
When they persist in the hard work of ministry without any breaks
When they don’t have a coach, mentor or friend
When they ignore their own health (physical, spiritual, financial etc.)
What can be done to address pastor health?
Develop a regular practice of “check-ups” and “Check-in’s”
Join a pastors cohort group-where proactive care and focus are given to members
Develop a list of conversational questions aimed at discussing the issues of life, ministry and spiritual growth
Great quote from the episode: “You are only as sick as your secrets.”
Guys, don’t Pastor alone, connect with other Pastors. your Associational Leader or check in with us here at the Bootcamp. Drop us a line, send an email reach out today.
Need help? Pastoral Care Line: 1-844-PASTOR1 is a free, confidential, dedicated help line for pastors. Trained, professional counselors are available every day from 8 a.m. – 10 p.m. (ET). Confidentiality is ensured by Focus on the Family.
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While the boys were in Atlanta for the annual AMS Replant Practitioner Lab they took some time to record several episodes with some of the plenary speakers. Keelan Cook is OG for the Replant Practitioner Lab and the OG Replant Bootcamp Missiologist.
In the previous episode with Dr. Casey “The Chin” Williams the guys discussed the importance of missions methodology being informed first by right theology and then right missiology.
Theology > Missiology > Methodology
But when it comes to methodology, what is the best way to get people to act on the call we all have to be missionaries? Good information won’t be enough. There has to be a desire, there has to be affection.
In this episode, Keelan Cook helps us think through the integrity of our messaging and the ways that we learn.
Developing desire is the most important aspect of navigating outreach.
Integrity of message:
MACRO-LEVEL — Broadcast level that is most likely to hit the whole church at once. Think sermons, website, emails, etc.
MESO-LEVEL (mid-level) — Smaller groupings of people within the church where much equipping and fellowshipping takes place. Think sunday school classes, small groups etc.
MICRO-LEVEL — Interpersonal interaction. Think the foyer prior to corporate worship, or lunch following the service
Learning domains
Cognitive (Head) – Knowledge and concepts
Affective (Heart) – Emotional buy-in
Behavioral (Hands) – Activity-based
“In 1964 Leon Festinger’s research led him to advance the radical notion that the knowledge–behaviour relationship actually works the other way around – that is, people are more likely to behave their way into thinking than think their way into behaving” – Shaw, Transforming Theological Education, 2014.
Your website is part of your church’s mission to reach the community-is it working? Connect with our great partner, One Eighty Digital and get their help to make sure your website both reflects who your church is and what you are about.
Drop us a line, send us a voicemail-we’d love to hear about your story in reaching the community God has placed you within.
We’re back at the Bootcamp and ready for the next episode. Joining us again is, Dr. Casey Williams, this time we’re talking about how to develop a missionary mindset in your church. This is no small task, listen in as Casey explains how to move your congregation toward mission.
Start with Theology – what does God say about the church and mission? Be careful to ensure that the most basic and simple and biblical doctrines and definitions are shaping your understanding.
Next Consider Context – where has God placed your church in the community? What do the demographics right around your church reveal? How do you begin to know your neighbors and reach them?
Finally, Focus on Methodology – based on the previous two steps, prayerfully consider with your leaders what are the most likely steps you should take in seeking to reach your community.
Check out this helpful chart that Casey shared with us.
There are some really solid gems here in this EP, listen to it all, consult the show notes and consider sitting down with your leaders and beginning a process of seeking God as you fulfill the mandate to reach your community for Christ.
Your website is part of your church’s mission to reach the community-is it working? Connect with our great partner, One Eighty Digital and get their help to make sure your website both reflects who your church is and what you are about.
Drop us a line, send us a voicemail-we’d love to hear about your story in reaching the community God has placed you within.
EP 129 - HEALTHY CHURCH PARTNERSHIPS - with special guest Dr. Casey Williams
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Joining the Bootcamp bros on this EP is Jimbo’s longtime friend, Casey Williams. He is the lead pastor of North Trenholm Baptist Church in Columbia SC. Listen in as they talk about how church partnerships develop as an outgrowth of church health.
Healthy Church Partnerships
Begin when a church becomes healthy itself
Flow from a sincere desire to help other churches become vital
Are possible when deep relationships form between pastors and sister churches
Require a “the kingdom first” mentality
When a city is filled with more healthy churches, there are more opportunities for neighboring, serving, proclaiming the gospel than if a single church simply grows larger.
Listen in as Casey describes the vision God has given their church to help develop healthy, gospel centered, mission focused and autonomous churches to reach their neighborhoods.
Recommended Resource: Partnership Profile Tool via the Resound Network of the Missouri Baptist Convention – thanks to Brandon Moore Director of Resound. Check it out as a helpful guide for your church as it considers partnership.
We would love to hear your feedback, drop us a line, a voicemail share your comments.
Every church needs a partner to help them develop their website. Our great sponsor, One Eighty Digital is the partner you need. Connect with them today and let them know you are a Bootcamp listener.
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We’ve been talking about the characteristics of a Godly Leader here at the bootcamp-by way of review here’s the list:
In today’s EP the guys talk about the importance of Integrity. Let’s get right down to a definition: Integrity does not just mean telling the truth. Integrity also refers to the strength and reliability of a structure.
What stands out to you? We’d love to hear from you, drop us a line, a comment a phone call and share your insights and questions with us.
Need help with your website? Our great sponsor, One Eighty Digital has you covered and can get you up and running quickly with an affordable, great looking site that helps you share your message and connect with your community.
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The boys are back at it here at the Bootcamp! Today we’re talking about RESPECT and how important that is to leading effectively as a godly leader in a Replant or Revitalization. Jump in, give a listen and drop us a line or comment with your thoughts, experience or question.
Recap: Five key factors of character are
Humility – (covered)
Goodwill – (covered)
Empathy – (covered)
Respect – TODAY
Five imperatives of respect
Honor others
Open communication
Disagree productively
Help others win
Express gratitude
You need a respectable website and we’ve got a great sponsor who can help! Call our friends at One Eighty Digital and they’ll get you up and running quick.
In this EP the guys talk with a boots on the ground pastor, Tim Williams of Gladewater TX. Pastor Tim is new to the field, remodeling the Parsonage, celebrating their new 10month old and doing the hard work of revitalizing a local church.
Tim asks the guys this question: How can I effectively and empathetically lead a 150 year old church, with long time members, toward change in a healthy and respectful way, that will help us reach younger families and not alienate the older members?
The guys engage in some good convo and break down the emotional cycle of change that faces church members and the Pastor as they embark on a change journey.
Emotional Cycle of Change:
Uninformed Optimism is an exciting stage, but it doesn’t last long. (Israelites following Moses out of Egypt)
Informed Pessimism ”is characterized by a shift to a negative emotional state. At this point, the benefits don’t seem as real, important, or immediate, and the costs of the change are apparent. You start to question if the change is really worth the effort and begin to look for reasons to abandon the effort.” (Israelites at the first sign of trouble)
The Valley of Despair “This is when most people give up. All of the pain of change is felt and the benefits seem far away or less important—and there is a fast, easy way to end the discomfort: going back to the way you used to do things. After all, you rationalize that it wasn’t so bad before.” (Take us back to Egypt)
Informed Optimism – Finally back in optimism. Don’t stop! (Crossing the Jordan – first Passover in promised land)
Success and Fulfillment – You are finally experiencing the benefits on the other side of change. (Defeating Jericho)
Are you navigating change in your Replant? Have some insights? Drop us a line or leave a voicemail on the bootcamp hotline.
Thanks for being a loyal bootcamp listener, be sure to leave us a review and share this podcast with your friends.
Change is good for your website, get help for yours by contacting our great sponsor, One Eighty Digital, let them know you’re a bootcamp listener.
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The Bootcamp Bros are back talking about another characteristic of a godly leader, empathy. Perhaps this is one of the most misunderstood characteristics so some good definition work is in order. Check out this EP and the notes below to dig a little deeper into this very important quality and spend some time examining God’s word, your life and work.
According to Oxford dictionary Empathy is defined as “the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.”
“According to Carl Rogers, empathy is ‘to perceive the internal frame of reference of another person with accuracy and with the emotional components and meanings that pertain thereto as if one were the person, but without losing the as-if condition.’In other words, to show empathy toward another individual or group means to imagine what it would be like to be that person or group. One should do so in moderation, without losing the sense of one’s own self in another.”
Scot Mcknight makes the following distinction between Compassion and Empathy:“Compassion is the broader word: it refers to both an understanding of another’s pain and the desire to somehow mitigate that pain. Empathy refers to the ability to relate to another person’s pain vicariously, as if one has experienced that pain themselves.”
Examples of empathy in Scripture:
Romans 12:15 – Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn
Splanchnizomai is often used to describe Jesus being moved with emotion and pity for someone in pain in which Jesus responds with understanding and action.
Here are some references in Mark and Luke, and I italicize the translations of splanchnizomai:
Mark 1:41Moved with pity, Jesus stretched out his hand and touched him, and said to him, “I do choose. Be made clean!”
Mark 6:34 As he went ashore, he saw a great crowd; and he had compassion for them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd; and he began to teach them many things.
Mark 8:2I have compassion for the crowd, because they have been with me now for three days and have nothing to eat.
Mark 9:22 It has often cast him into the fire and into the water, to destroy him; but if you are able to do anything, have pity on us and help us.
Luke 7:13 When the Lord saw her, he had compassion for her and said to her, “Do not weep.”
Luke 10:33 But a Samaritan while traveling came near him; and when he saw him, he was moved with pity.
Luke 15:20 So he set off and went to his father. But while he was still far off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion; he ran and put his arms around him and kissed him.
Have a question, a comment or a story to share? Drop us a comment, email, voicemail, we’d love to hear from you!
Got a website you just can’t seem to manage or need help in getting your branding and social media in order? Our friends at OneEighty Digital are the go to for all things web. They can help get up and running. Check them out and tell them your a Bootcamp listener.
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Good news! The full Bootcamp crew us back in action. Jimbo got over his “Rona” while moving to a new residence-he’s the man for sure. Aside from celebrating health and great football games the bootcamp bros jump right back into their series on the characteristics of a godly leader. This week they discuss the characteristic of goodwill.
Goodwill – a “friendly disposition; benevolence; kindness” or “cheerful acquiescence or consent.”
Here’s another definition of goodwill from a business source; “an intangible, salable asset arising from the reputation of a business and its relations with its customers, distinct from the value of its stock and other tangible assets.”
What does goodwill look like in the life of a leader? Consider these five points.
Have a generous spirit
Practice self-management
Maintain emotional regulation
Provide specific encouragement to others
You are quick to forgive
We’d love to hear from you, loyal Bootcamper! Drop us a text, email or leave a voicemail on the bootcamp line.
Get some goodwill going for your church website-contact our great sponsor at One Eighty Digital. They have the expertise to get you up and running and connecting with your community. Tell them the Bootcamp sent you.