Jimbo is joined by the Bob’s (Bob Bickford and Bob Bumgarner) in this EP on Servant Leadership. Join the guys as they explore leadership from the perspective of a three – legged stool.
Leadership Foundations
Personal: who is God shaping me to be?
People: how am I leading those God has given me?
Purpose: what is God calling me to do?
Leadership Action
Setting direction
Generating Commitment
Facilitating Change
Jump in and listen to the rest of this episode as Bob Bumgarner drops some great leadership wisdom applicable in your ministry, job and role.
Contact the leader in websites and branding, our parters at One Eighty Digital, are leading the way in helping churches connect with their communities in meaningful ways that truly convey who they are in an authentic way. Tell them you’re a bootcamp listener.
The boys are back at it again. This week Bob and JimBo are dipping their toes into a discussion about servant leadership. Stick around next week and they will dive even further in with the help of Bob Bumgarner.
Jesus came to serve – not to be served
As elders, pastors, and leaders we have been called to serve – to equip – to honor God and others
Robert Greenleaf writes “The servant-leader is servant first. It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve. Then conscious choice brings one to aspire to lead. The difference manifests itself in the care taken by the servant – first to make sure that other people’s highest priority needs are being served. The best test is: Do the served grow as persons; do they, while being served, become healthier, wiser, freer, more autonomous more likely to become servants.”
In his book, The Servant, James C Hunter defines servant leadership as “The skill of influencing people to work enthusiastically toward goals identified as being for the common good.”
Hunter says we lean toward power or authority in our leadership
POWER – “The ability to force or coerce someone to do your will, even if they choose not to, because of your position and might.”
AUTHORITY – “The skill of getting people to willingly do your will because of your personal influence.”
Three questions we should ask ourselves
Person – Who is God shaping me to be?
People – How am I leading those God has given me to lead?
Purpose – What is God calling me to do?
It’s not too late to sign up for the Replant Summit in ATL, we’d love to see you there!
Are you currently revitalization a church? We’d love to hear from you. Drop us a line, leave your comments and help the discussion continue.
If your website needs to be revitalized get in touch with our great sponsors at One Eighty Digital. They can have you up and running in no time. Tell them you’re a bootcamp listener.
Why is change so difficult to accept? Especially by churches who are steeped in decline? We may need to consider how we’re wired up and what we think. In this episode the guys talk about brain science, group think and what we need to know about it all as Replanters. Dial it up, sit right down and let us know what you think.
What do we need to know about Brain
Your experiences shape your brain and your reactions
Habits and Responses become hardwired into your brain
Your brain has a natural negativity (protective) bias
Thinking is contagious
Remapping a thought pattern is possible but difficult, time consuming
Church Application for Replanters/Revitalizers
Some congregants are fearful
Church traditions are hardwired in the congregations collective conscience and not easily disrupted
Congregations are hyper vigilant regarding potential threats to their existence
Remaining Members in a deeply declined church will likely have the same mindset
Changing the existing group-think is possible but will be difficult and time consuming
It’s not too late to sign up for the Replant Summit in ATL, we’d love to see you there!
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The Bootcamp guys are back, discussing the realities of Church Revitalization. In this EP they break down the idea that it is possible to see a church revitalized but it is often not probable.
It may be wrong to assume that revitalization is the best option
Churches often will choose the revitalization option when they want to avoid making the necessary radical changes
How can a church determine if they should revitalize?
Confirmation from the word of God
Affirmation of the Holy Spirit
Unity among the Body that God is leading the church to chose this
Church revitalization requires hard work-Pastors and leaders do their part, God does his part.
Are you currently revitalization a church? We’d love to hear from you. Drop us a line, leave your comments and help the discussion continue.
If your website needs to be revitalized get in touch with our great sponsors at One Eighty Digital. They can have you up and running in no time. Tell them you’re a bootcamp listener.
EP 149 - Planters and Replanters - Interview with Matt MacNaughton
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Welcome back to the bootcamp. This week we have a special guest, Pastor Matt MacNaughton. Matt is the founding church planter and pastor of Grace Life Church – https://thegracelifechurch.org
Matt joined JimBo at the Calvary Family of Churches Non-Ignorable Conference in Denver, CO. JimBo and Bob interviewed Matt MacNaughton to discuss what lessons a church planter can learn from replanters and what lessons replanters can learn from church planters.
Matt also shared that church planters often have a visionary mindset and can learn from replanters about an emphasis on shepherding. Bob and JimBo discussed some cautions for visionary leaders in a previous episode – https://replantbootcamp.com/podcast/ep93/
In today’s connected culture your church needs a functional and strategic web presence. Our great sponsor One Eighty Digital can get your Church a website up and running in the right direction.
Show notes powered by Descript are an approximation of the verbal content, consult podcast audio for accuracy
Actions: repent, resign, enter into a process of spiritual not positional restoration. (don’t already have a vision of when you are able to get “back” into ministry in mind.
Disconcerting – something that causes those led by you to feel unsettled. (not disqualifying)
Disappointing – Something that lets others down, misses the mark of their expectations etc.
If you’ve made a mistake on the caliber of the latter two…here are some options….
Connect with those who have been hurt or offended Matt 5:23
Correct a misstep or wrong or hurtful action – an unqualified apology Romans 12:18
Consider (for you) how this took place, what happened what was said, done etc. know the why’s behind the action. The 5 Why’s
Don’t be paralyzed by a mistake – you’re going to make them, you will not lead without offending, misstating and even doing something wrong-own it, deal with it and then move forward.
Other misc. thoughts.
Sit with your mistake and process it – think it through
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Today the guys are talking ministry in the rural setting with none other than Andy Addis who serves as the Volunteer Coordinator for Rural Strategy for the Replant team at The North American Mission Board.
Here are some interesting trends related to Rural Ministry
Jump in and listen to the full EP as Andy provides some great insights into why Rural ministry matters and is something that you prayerfully should consider.
Our great partners at one eighty digital can help you, regardless of your context, to help you get your church website up and running. Contact them today and let them know you are a bootcamp listener.
Hope you had a great 4th of July-we’re back at it this week talking about something that every Pastor, Replanter and Revitalizer needs to get a handle on: Formal and Informal Permission. What is it? Check out the definitions and discussion below.
Formal Permission: the act of garnering approval via a recognized and agreed upon process for a decision or action. Like these examples below.
Committee meetings
Business meetings
Informal Permission: the leadership skill and insight which recognizes the power of influence and influencers and knows that forward progress often moves at the speed of relationships
Every church has influencers, gatekeepers – they are the ones who everyone looks at when a discussion turns to a point of decision or is considering killing a sacred cow.
These aren’t necessarily “problem” people – they are often faithful process oriented folks who have made the hard decisions or assumed the important role of keeping the church legal and alive.
Keep this in mind:
You can’t ignore the processes and expect to have the support of the congregation
You have to know the processes and policies and work within them (even if you want to change them)
You gain the opportunity to change them – by working in them and then suggesting or proposing a better way
Is this decision making structure leading to the accomplishment of our mission?
Is this decision making structure hindering the accomplishment of our mission?
How might we more effectively make decisions on important matters?
Forward progress often moves at the speed of relationship and trust.
Need some help with Bylaws? Check out the Bootcamp EP 92 with the Baptist Bouncer, Craig Culbreth to brush up on your bylaws skill.
Make the decision today to take your church website up to the next level by contacting our great partners at One Eighty Digital. They can have you up and running in no time.
Show notes powered by Descript are an approximation of the verbal content, consult podcast audio for accuracy and detail.
The boys are both in Florida enjoying some vacation time, JimBo rocking it at Universal, Bob is at Sea Side, but that’s not stopping great content coming your way! In today’s EP we’ll be talking about how to structure your time in a way that will help you execute your vision, plan, mission and values. Give it a listen, check out the resources and use this summer to bring some structure into your week.
Join the boys and other Bootcampers at the Replantsummit in ATL, August 29-30, 2022
Get your website on track by connecting with our partner at One Eighty Digital, the professionals there can make your site accessible and helpful to not only the members of your church but also those who live in your community. y
Well, welcome back Bootcampers to the newly minted and freshly labeled, “Leading National Podcast” the Replant Bootcamp. We’re fresh off of the SBC annual meeting and happy to jump right into some great content related to Organizational and Spiritual health of the church.
Here are some of the highlights of this discussion, we’d also love to hear from you. Be sure to drop us a line, email or voice mail your comments.
Church health and Organizational Health
Why are numbers not a good metric to determine church health?
Church health and organizational health are two different things but they do influence each other.
Organizational health does influence and is influenced by church health (and vice versa) but they are not the same thing.
Church health markers
Love, unity, and maturity
Love, unity, and maturity are rightly pursued and promoted from the platform and the table ministries (mentioned last episode).
Love, unity, and maturity result in the Body of Christ loving each other well in biblical community and loving their communities well through gospel mission.
Organizational health markers
Decentralized leadership (Team)
De-personified alignment (Mission, vision, values, strategy throughout the org. not just lead pastor)
Dependable resources (finances, facilities, personnel, systems, and processes)
Don’t confuse having a healthy organization with having a healthy church. The org is only scaffolding for the body, like a trellis is for the vine.