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The guys fielded a question from Johnny Upchurch on Partnership-Thanks Johnny for being a bootcamp listener and for giving us a great question for the podcast.
Q: How do I go about cultivating and growing partnerships with other Replanters and other churches?
Here are some of the quick bullet points from the guys as they answered Johnny’s question.
- Take the initiative to reach out a fellow Replanter in your area, talk about your questions, joys and frustrations.
- Have a clear vision and a prospectus-get help and coaching from a church planter in your area-they are usually skilled and experienced in this area.
- Determine your needs: how can partners and people help you most? Avoid the trap of only considering the building and finances as ways people can partner.
- Define the Relationship: make sure you both understand the terms of the relationship-partnership is a 2way street, both have something to give and receive.
- Money often flows toward activity and vision.
- One of the partnerships you might consider is allowing a church plant, who may not be able to meet in the school they were renting, to join you for worship. Either as an adoption or marriage or sharing space.
- When considering partnerships make sure you two churches are aligned doctrinally, and missionally. This takes time!
- Avoid combining two struggling churches-it multiplies the struggle.
- Churches are built for partnership-it makes sense! It’s important to find ways to partner with other churches in your city.
- Build a relationship with your Associational Missionary Strategist or Director of Missions-they often receive calls from churches who are looking for partnerships with other churches.
Pathways to Partnership by Bob Bickford and Mark Hallock
Better Together by Warren Bird and Jim Tomberlin
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