The guys are back at it and joined by, double doctor Josh Dryer who is on hand to breakdown all the demographic info for the area around Bob’s church in STL. Listen to EP 86 Understanding and Utilizing Demographics to get the backstory.
Follow the demographic report as Josh walks Bob through it and shares his insights.
Here are some things to note
- Look for natural barriers (highways, interstates etc)
- Education level – this impacts how you go about connecting and reaching the people in your area.
- Commute time – you can produce podcasts, audio training and devotionals etc. for use while people are traveling to and from work. Your people also have some time for weekday night activities.
- Languages Spoken – consider offering learning a second language.
- Racial Diversity – does your congregation match the racial diversity in your area?
- Age/Stage – is your congregation reflective of the average or median age group? How can you reach them?
- Affluence – determining how to connect with affluent people can be challenging, consider exploring how to provide opportunities to re-evalute wealth and charity.
- Dependant people – kids and seniors (look for areas where there are 65+ as Seniors are often an unaddressed population group)
The Tapestry Section
This section describes the majority of people in your area, it doesn’t mean that everyone one fits this description only that the predominate population fits this description. Those right around Bob’s church are in the top 15% of the wealthiest folks in the US. Josh noted the following:
- The resources you need for ministry are in the mission field!
- Individuals in this group have a close knit friend group – you’ll need to discover a person of peace to introduce you to the population.
- Food and diet classes, Farmer’s market etc. might be ways to reach them.
- They go to nice places – so your church facilities need to look nice as well.
- They are often out of town – on vacations, weekend trips etc.
Some Suggestions from Josh
- Go where they are – I noticed there are some golf courses and country clubs
- Consider a Business Men’s bible study where a known personality shares his story/testimony.
- Explore what people in your population are into and then consider ways to connect there interest with your ministry and the gospel.
The Free Demographics Report is paused now but check back and see when you can get one for your church
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Show notes powered by Descript are an approximation of the verbal content, consult podcast audio for accuracy
[00:00:00] JimBo Stewart: Here we are back at the bootcamp. Glad to be here with the golden guru of replanting, with the golden voice, Bob Bickford and. Double doc, Josh dryer, yet again, to talk about demographics. And I gotta say, first off, I appreciate the shirt that you’re wearing Bob, in the last episode or one of the previous episodes we talked about, uh, you guys had a bear running through your county.
and so you’ve got this great shirt that now did anyone, other than you by the shirt.
Bob Bickford: I don’t think so. Jimbo, I think I just make a shirt and buying for my own amusement.
JimBo Stewart: I love it.
Bob Bickford: yeah, this says the St. Louis mid county bear. And I’ll put a link on the show notes for anybody who wants you know, order one. But the tagline that the cops gave when the bear was running loose was.
No selfies with the bear.
JimBo Stewart: no selfies with the mayor.
Bob Bickford: these are the various, I just, you know, made myself a shirt that said the St. Louis mid county bear and put on the bottom of the bear space and no selfies, please. so I’m having fun. At least the con the short is comfortable. [00:01:00] I’ll say that it is nice and cool.
And, everybody needs a new t-shirt occasionally and I, I was in need of one. So there you go.
JimBo Stewart: it’s a good looking shirt.
Bob Bickford: Thanks.
JimBo Stewart: You did a good job designing it. Um, but speaking of designing, we’ve got the doctor Dr. Josh dryer here designed, the most brilliant demographics report ever known to man.
Josh Dryer: Nowhere to go, but down nowhere to go, but down from here,
JimBo Stewart: We had Josh on and we talked about offering a free demographics report to the bootcampers and we were overwhelmed with responses, to, to the point that we have paused, the ability to request your free demographics report as of yet. and our hope is to talk Josh into letting us turn that button back on here soon.
And so we’ll let you know in the show notes and when we post this, when it goes live, if we’re ready yet, for now, if you go and you click the button that says, Hey, we can’t do that right now. Uh, it says something.
Bob Bickford: it says that in nicer language, but [00:02:00] I just felt bad because I think Jimbo, you must’ve been out like on, in the wilderness, on your 4runner, you might’ve been making bread. You might’ve been doing something, but Josh starts texting, like help. Please turn this thing off, like are getting overwhelmed here.
And you are radio silence for a long time. And I can only do show notes on the, on the bootcamp website. And I just felt bad for Josh. I felt like, I felt like he was just getting inundated and I felt
JimBo Stewart: Yep.
I think it was like 150 requests came in in between his text message.
Josh Dryer: It was like, ding, ding, ding. I’m like, Jibo turn it off.
JimBo Stewart: Turn it off. No, we got it turned off. so check back with us, let us know. We’ll let you know if we haven’t turned back on. but for those of you that have gotten it and that we’ll get it in the future when we haven’t turned it back on this episode is for you. But I would say this episodes for you, even if you haven’t gotten your demographics through the bootcamp, which you’ve got them some other way, the way we’re going to do this is [00:03:00] Josh has done a demographic report.
For the church that Bob pastors, and we’re going to let them kind of talk through interpreting that and applying that and how that goes. So take it away. Double dock.
Josh Dryer: All right. So yeah, so I did my best to put an ugly pixelated graphic of Bob’s church on the front cover. It’s did you notice that? so we’ll just dig in. We don’t have a ton of time. There’s, there’s a lot more in this. We could mine out, but I just kind of grabbed some of the highlights. What, what Bob asked me to do was look into, surrounding zip code, a zip code to the west of St.
Louis six three, 109. And, what we did was we looked in the zip code. And when you did demographics research you the way that the government. Divides land in the United States is that it starts with block group division. Then it goes to track division. And then from tracks, it goes to zip codes and then counties, and then, states.
And then of course the United States. [00:04:00] so we took a zip code, which was divided up into seven tracks of land. And so. we looked at each of those tracks of land, and pulled out some data about the people who live there. And then the point of this isn’t just to learn more, sent, you know, useless information, but to learn about the people there.
So we can. Better develop strategy to reach them with gospel. And so, the first page that we have here that has map on it is the total population. so you see there in the tracks of land, there’s 6,000, 4,006,000. So on. So in that zip code, there’s over 28,000 people. that means Bob, if you, if your church, the Lord led you guys just to reach 1% of your zip code, you’d have a church of 280 people.
I don’t know how big your, your, uh, sanctuary is, but that’d be a pretty healthy Midwest church right there. I think.
Bob Bickford: Absolutely. We’d be in multiple services at that point. probably two services plus, but yeah, that’s great. I love that. That’s great.
Josh Dryer: Yeah. Sometimes churches. They want to look farther away from their [00:05:00] location than they really need to.
so really in a pretty close proximity because you’re more urban in nature, I think, Yeah. lots of people. I did have one question that would be important for the people watching. I see that an interstate runs by right to the north of you guys.
The people generally cross, the north and south of that interstate to like go shopping and stuff like that.
Bob Bickford: Yeah. There’s a lot of crossing all the time. And, uh, and we’ve got several routes that will take us across one is, under an, there’s two over into, under I think. and so there’s a lot of crossing the, the. When interstate 44 was put through Webster groves. Obviously it took a chunk right out of the middle and divided the city in the north and south, but there are some demographic differences in the north and the south.
Typically the houses in the north are larger and there’s a little more affluence. And then most of the businesses like the trendy businesses and eateries and, and downtown Webster and old orchard. There are north of the height of the interstate and our church south of the interstate, but we [00:06:00] never hear anybody say, well, that’s, you know, that’s on the other side of 44.
Uh, we don’t go there. so it’s, it’s a division, but it’s not a, it’s not like a division in some other
Josh Dryer: Yeah, sometimes, when, when I do consultation and do missional mapping with people where we try to identify, uh, A realistic ministry context, a divided highway, like an interstates, usually, uh, a barrier,
Bob Bickford: yep.
Josh Dryer: or an edge. So I was interested in that. All right, let’s go to the next one. So, Bob’s ministry context is very educated.
most people there have a bachelor’s degree or higher, uh, according to my data and almost all. folks have at least a high school diploma or more. So I would say, generally you have a pretty educated population of people that you’re going to work with.
JimBo Stewart: does it tell you how many have two
Bob Bickford: yes.
Josh Dryer: Yeah. It’s probably like a, 1% of 1% generally. Yeah, thanks. Thanks for pointing that out. Jimbo.
It just
means I spent too much time and money on education. That’s what you’re trying to say.
JimBo Stewart: Not at all. I was saying you are in the top [00:07:00] 1% of the 1% of this country.
Josh Dryer: it just took twice as long for it to take with me. That’s why I had to do it twice.
thank you, Jimbo for getting me off time off topic there. let’s go to commute time. So Jimbo could attest, as someone living in the ginormous city of Jacksonville, that commute times for people is a big part of life during the week. But what I see Bob here is your folks don’t really have really long commute times. It’s generally 35 minutes or less.
Bob Bickford: Yeah. So that’s one of the good things about St. Louis is it’s a really, geographically compact Metro area. our particular city is in the mid county area. And so it’s really easy for us to pretty much get out to west county or down to the city in any in 15 minutes to 30 minutes. And so we were kind of in that, we’re in a very desirable place.
One of the original bedroom communities of St. Louis back in the, you know, Early 19 hundreds, late 18 hundreds. There was this daily train that used to stop. Make two stops out here to bring people, back home from work when they migrated in the [00:08:00] city. So that’s kind of a, it’s been a long-term deal for us here in Webster.
Josh Dryer: so a couple of applications to your ministry, I thought about was you people probably have time for weekday night activities where some cities you’re not getting anybody at night cause they don’t get home until seven 30, eight o’clock at night. as well as if they’re in the car. Or in some sort of public transport for 30 minutes, they might, you might be able to get them to catch a podcast or a sermon on the way to, or from, your weekly sermon or if you’re trying to use it as a evangelism technique, giving out jump drives or, you know, getting people to connect with your podcasts, they do have that free time.
They probably use it for this crowd. The one, the one in your tract where your churches, If they’re still driving to work, probably use it, for, you know, like books, maybe for, um, podcasts and things like that. Weekly financial updates, things of that nature, probably.
Bob Bickford: Maybe we should put a financial update on the bootcamp Jimbo. We could start funneling that Jimbo’s financial update, I think would be good.
[00:09:00] JimBo Stewart: I’m not sure what details we would include in that. I will say, my wife is the highest level of membership you can have at Chick-fil-A
Josh Dryer: Perfect.
Bob Bickford: okay.
JimBo Stewart: So whatever that tells you about our financial update.
Bob Bickford: Yeah. All right. All right. Well, that’s a good application though. That’s super helpful. Next jobs.
Josh Dryer: next page language spoken at home. You guys are about as English speaking as it gets. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a more homogenous zip code in my life. have you ever hear another foreign language? Do you hear a foreign language in your zip code ever?
Bob Bickford: I don’t think so from anybody who lives here except for we have a, an elder and a member of our church. Who, actually grew up and was raised in Wu Han, China and left there. as a teenager found Christ in England and then ended up here in Webster groves. the only other languages I’ve heard, I’ve been Mandarin Chinese from him and his mother.
and maybe [00:10:00] Spanish from the guys who are doing the landscaping, but not so much here in the city. Well, actually there’s a, there’s a family that lives around the corner from us. And I think they are Bosnian. We have a high concentration of Bosnians here in the city of St. Louis, but not here in my city, in Webster.
Josh Dryer: So I don’t know the people you’re not really going to have probably a lot of success, just starting an alternative language service, you know, like a Spanish speaking service or anything, the people around you may be interested in learning a new language. so that’s a little more popular these days.
So you may be able to host. Something find out what people are interested in learning and actually host a, Bible, centered language training class. I’ve seen that happened before, especially in some of fluent, fluent culture or affluent areas. All right. let’s keep going. So Rachel diversity.
You guys are fairly homogenous, as well as some African American population at the
top. the Northwest of the, of the, um, zip code. but you’re primarily white. and so I’m assuming you’re probably your [00:11:00] congregation is predominantly white then.
Bob Bickford: yep. That’s correct. I think it was, uh, our, our rates are like 0.8 per paint 0.8% or less in terms of minorities here in our city.
Josh Dryer: okay. So there’s not really much to pull out of that. Let’s keep going since our time’s limited, median age. you guys, generally, your zip code is above. The national, median age is 38.4. You can see that in the bottom right corner of the, of the, the map there. and even Missouri is a tad higher at 38.9.
looks like Shrewsbury, which is to the east. Probably has a lot of retirees. and so that could be its own unique ministry, but you’re, you’re sort of most local ministry is, uh, folks in the higher 30. So it’s close to the national median. you probably have generally what that means is you have people that are married with, uh, with kids.
and I think that we’ll talk about that later when we look at that map, but is that tend to be what you’re looking at
right now?
Bob Bickford: Yeah, absolutely. Our, our, when I first came to the replant, our average [00:12:00] age was like in the seventies and then, at our peak before COVID it was in the low thirties. So we, we had gotten down to a more reflective, population at the church.
Josh Dryer: Yeah, so that, that I would say, you know, then we’d want to focus attention on that age group, probably young marriage with kids. And, uh, it looks like you got plenty of them there as well as you do have retirees. and that’s. that’s something we’ll talk about in a minute. So let’s keep going. this is probably one of the more affluent zip codes in the state of Missouri. one of the things I tell people when they look at the income map your levels of, poverty look like they’re pretty low, comparatively to national averages. Your income levels are very high. It’s a very affluent area.
Bob Bickford: Yup.
Josh Dryer: So that’s going to bring, bring about some unique, ministry opportunities. The folks we’re trying to minister to might assume that they don’t need anything.
they’d probably don’t feel like they need the church. You’re not going to come to church like for food or. Medical help, you know, things like that. but wealth could be an idol for them. and [00:13:00] therefore that that’s probably your niche and the way you’re going to reach them, the gospel is to show them maybe the emptiness of wealth, and how Jesus is going to provide something they can’t buy,
Bob Bickford: yeah.
Josh Dryer: you know? Sure. You’ve thought about those types of things.
Bob Bickford: Yeah. I think one of the things that we realized was that our, our families and in the people around our church, like weekends are ghost town sometimes, right. Because they’re, they’ve got the means and the ability to get out of town and not just out of town, but like out of region, out of state, out of country.
And so there’s a lot of people just. And they’re just going out and they’re gone. They’re different places because they have the accessibility to travel and the means to travel
JimBo Stewart: so
maybe maybe with that, you could appeal to the, uh, the touristy type mission trips, right. Where you could do mission trips that have good Instagram opportunities
Bob Bickford: well, you know, I’ve thought about this and this is something that. Know, maybe we should kick around a little bit. [00:14:00] So our, our, uh, supervisor or boss, the, king of replant, the movement leader of replanting the guru before there was a guru of replanting, John mark Clifton talks about the fact that when you’re in an, a fluent community, With the highly educated people, lots of disposable income and some discretionary time.
One of the things that that creates is this a sense of meaningless and also guilt, almost like just this, you know what I’m super privileged I should give back. And so this altruistic benefactor type attitude where it’s almost like Jimbo, I was thinking is this, as I was looking through the report, is this an opportunity for me to think about.
You’re taking people on a mission trip where we, it’s not a touristy thing, but we like take them to some of the hardest, most difficult places to really be exposed to people that are in need and people that don’t have much in leverage. What they’re feeling with the resources, but also this [00:15:00] desire that everybody has, or many people have to make a difference, right.
Would, would, when you can get them to sign up for that
JimBo Stewart: Obviously I was joking about that.
Bob Bickford: a tourist opportunity on the way home. yeah,
yeah, yeah, no, I get it. I get it. But
JimBo Stewart: but
Bob Bickford: a touristy stop on the way home. Right. You know,
JimBo Stewart: yes. But, but I also mean not just even mission trips, but, causes that there are gospel centered organizations that
help human trafficking, they’re they’re organizations that, are gospel centered and work towards rescuing people from human trafficking that it, that might be a way to engage those people in conversation
Josh Dryer: Yeah. I met a guy who, um, used to attend a Chet’s creature church in Jacksonville, which is a church in Jacksonville on the sorghum fluent side of Jacksonville. he started, he was a business owner who had been very successful and he started a ministry to build a soccer. and clinic, and I think it was Nicaragua or it might’ve been [00:16:00] Brazil.
I can’t remember anymore, but it was in south America. And, uh, anyway, he had like one gangbusters at chats because, uh, he could present it well and professionally, and the people there just got behind it, they were do A annual mission trip. give their money toward providing soccer, facilities to the kids so they could hear the gospel play soccer.
So. you might have something like that, you know, as a, as a possibility. I really want to get to the tapestry because there’s some, some gold in there that we need to mind out. let me just quickly just make a comment about a few of these pages that okay.
Bob. So the population of dependent people, what we see, you have plenty of kids in the zip code. but I kept kind of, I was continually drawn to.
that, the bottom, the Southeastern side of your zip code, the numbers in red there, Shrewsbury and the one in the, in the track immediately to the west.
Those are both, pretty high numbers of seniors. That’s 65 plus. So I don’t know that you’d see them at your church, but. I’ve found that seniors tend to be an addressed population [00:17:00] of people, the 65 and up kind of a forgotten part of our, of our society. so you may, you may have a niche there of people that are not being reached by churches, that you’re not reaching yet.
That would be open. So maybe just something to think about.
Bob Bickford: yeah. Now part of that may be there’s a large retirement, facility there that is, part of the Lutheran denomination. So the 1900 number with all the senior adults. There might be, you know, 500 or so that account for that now coming to closer to the next track that’s right next to us with the Fort, the 1500 number that there’s not a retirement facility in there.
So that may be more of a, these are folks that are in the neighborhood, still in the homes, you know, entered in retirement, that sort of thing. There are a lot of guys, in ladies who walk their dogs on Sunday morning, past our church. during the time that I arrive on, uh, you know, to get there for church and, and I’ve made connections with field them and have conversations with them.
I think their [00:18:00] dog is like for a couple of them, the dog is like their family member. You know what I’m saying? It’s like, this is like, you can just tell, you know, when somebody is really about their dog, you can tell, well, these folks
are really their dog, right?
Josh Dryer: Yeah. I mean, maybe you need to start a dog park or, uh,
Bob Bickford: Yeah,
Josh Dryer: you know, something like that. Bring your dog to the, you know, the outskirts of the church,
something like that.
Bob Bickford: no dog fighting. That’d be Jimbo’s neighborhood,
right. Or gym?
Josh Dryer: fighting would be Jimbo. yeah.
that would be, could be lucrative too, if you want. so that, that go to the next page, that, that household size of 1.89 in Shrewsbury.
That totally makes sense that that would be the retirement facility would draw that down. All right, let’s go to the tapestry segmentation. I want to spend this time and the Southwestern corner. Of the zip code, which is the track that your church is located in. the tapestry there is, is code one a and it’s the first one that we see here.
It’s the top tier. So the people living around your church generally are [00:19:00] the most affluent people in the United States. So this was the way the tapestry works is it’s not going to be, it’s not an exact number based on the people that live in that area. It’s a national. database where they, they look at socioeconomic, uh, other demographic factors and then the people of one neighborhood that have the most things in common with that, that life group.
they’re going to be generalized as being that. So it’s like the predominant type of person that’s in that track is called a top tier. Does that make sense? So you’re gonna be able to find examples while I know this really. Some of that. Doesn’t meet this at all that lives next door to me. And that, that could be true.
But generally these are generalities that you might be able to apply, you know, to the people that live around your church. they’re called top tier they’re. They’re the most affluent people in the United States. they have purchasing power. they take vacations, they spare no expense. they’re gone a lot, which is something you, you, uh, talked about and actually wrote in this note, your [00:20:00] resources for your church are in the mission field, which is awesome.
Bob Bickford: yes.
Josh Dryer: God’s surrounding you with people, when they’re safe, they’ll, you know, they’re going to give it’s going to be great.
Bob Bickford: Yes, that is awesome. I was noticing in some of the finer detail, it says, these highly educated professionals have reached their corporate career goals within accumulated average net worth of over $3 million.
That’s amazing.
Josh Dryer: yeah.
JimBo Stewart: I don’t think, I don’t think I will make $3 million in my lifetime.
Josh Dryer: Jimbo will probably have earned and, lost $3 million in his lifetime. It won’t be an accumulated wealth.
It’ll all be a Chick-fil-A. So they’re generally married couples. This has generally married couples without children or older children. The good thing about that is it might be a little more flexible and have more time to be a part of things if they’re not working too much.
Bob Bickford: Yep.
Josh Dryer: one thing that’s important to recognize that has a lot to do with, you know, applying this to your, your church under the socioeconomic traits on the [00:21:00] first page there, it says they maintain a close knit group of friends. So you need to find a person of peace in those individual groups. And when you do, when, when, when they, when they, when one of them is comfortable with you or you lead one of them to the Lord, there’s a better chance that they’ll use that network for the gospel because they’re close knit. It says there they’re attentive to good nutrition and fresh organic foods.
So. I don’t know if you’d want to think of a farmer’s market food and diet classes, bringing in somebody, uh, to teach, uh, you know, a gospel centered, diet and nutrition class. The thing about this group of people, generally, when you look at, the third page, where it has market profile on the top left corner. When you read through that stuff. The one thing that I gather is the places they go are really nice. So your church can’t be dingy, stuff can’t be busted and, ugly and
Bob Bickford: Yeah,
Josh Dryer: And
I know that probably feels [00:22:00] kind of secular, but,
know, it’s your reality.
Bob Bickford: no, totally, totally
get. Yeah. Barbara and I were talking about this at lunch today. We were, we we’ve just looked over that. The demographic report. And that’s one of the things I was making the observation of these are top invokes, that they’re used to nice things and nice places. And so that, that has impact for the way that the church presents itself in its facilities and its landscaping and et cetera, all those sorts of things.
So totally get that. And we see that there’s a, a Catholic parish that’s right around the corner from us an upper way. It’s actually where the bear was. The bear climbed up in the tree at the Catholic parish. That’s like the high end top dollar. Perish. I mean, there’s like beautiful everything right.
And historic, but beautiful. And so, so yeah, totally get it. Here’s here’s the question in my mind. And maybe you can think through this. So we’ve talked about some opportunities and strategies, you know, Host a second language at the class, maybe for, you know, folks to do some, some improvement. they’re highly educated.
They seem to be gone a lot mobile, a lot [00:23:00] use technology a lot. So often turn, oftentimes when we think about ministry, we think of place-based ministry, like location-based ministry at the church. And if they’re a fluent, not necessarily inclined to feel like they have needs out of town a lot. And not necessarily even been inside of a church.
How do you do the ministry? I mean, digitally goes anywhere. Right? So did the digital ministry is, a really key piece here, but there’s also a piece of getting into the community, discovering that person at peace, going into those circles, going. An incarnational ministry where people are right. And so that presents some unique opportunities.
Also some unique challenges, because most of us were trained about doing ministry is place-based event based ministry, which a fluid folks who can go anywhere and have the best things probably are coming to your churches block party, right. With a bounce house and a Whac-A-Mole. Okay. So, Thoughts about that.
And then I guess the other [00:24:00] question we have, we just kept asking ourselves this question, who in the world is really reaching rich, uh, fluent, people who don’t perceive that they have needs in their life. Right. That’s a question I constantly ask when I’m around pastors and other leaders from
Josh Dryer: Yeah. So, uh, to answer a couple of those questions,
The old,
like church planter, statement, I think applies here is find out where they are, you know, and then go there.
Bob Bickford: Yeah.
Josh Dryer: so I noticed there was a golf course, a country club. That’s probably where they are at least a lot of the men. if I could find a person, a piece in there and get invited to be a part of that group. I don’t know if you’d be comfortable, you know, around that, but they’re probably there, I’ve been in a fluent churches before and life kind of revolved around that country club. And it was a fluent and you had to get invited to go there. It wasn’t like you didn’t like sign up. You had, you had to get in.
but once, once I was invited to go in there, I made a lot of friends and a lot of contacts. So it’s definitely, the group is [00:25:00] definitely a tight knit network-based friend group. And you ain’t getting in there unless they invite you. so we need to pray for that person to peace and find that person that’s going to let us in.
And then once you’re in, then you have an opportunity to proclaim the gospel and, and be friends and go to dinner parties and all the stuff they do. That’s really where your gospel proclamation is going to take place on the front end, before they’re saved and come to church.
Maybe start a Bible study at the country club.
If you know that’s down the road, probably, but, it’s not going to be a, it’s a, I would think less Bible study in a traditional sense, more a, you know, the businessman’s luncheon where you have well-known Christians share the five minute testimony about how God helped him, you know, in their life. You know, you know what I’m talking about?
That’s that would be the end one to answer your second question. Once you’re set, does this really, really well is called fruit Cove Baptist church in Jacksonville. It’s tiny fruit Cove, but, they [00:26:00] successfully reach the affluent people of north St. John’s county. Neo corridor would be the guy to call. Uh, Jimbo can probably give you his phone number.
And they, they do one of the things I actually wrote this down. They do an annual car show because the affluent purchase, luxury cars, they like cars. This is what the report says. So Neil’s like, Hey, let’s do a car show. And they have a, I don’t know how many cars go there a year Jimbo, maybe like a thousand or it’s huge.
It’s ginormous. They reached a lot of people. So anyway, did that answer your two questions?
Bob Bickford: Yes.
Josh Dryer: I wish we had more
time cause we definitely could dig into all that stuff more.
Bob Bickford: for the guys that are listening, I know you’ve offered to do a phone call for them. What kinds of just to wrap up, thinking through what, what kinds of questions should they have to be ready for a phone call with you? That will be very helpful and help them help them time that you’re
on the phone together.
Josh Dryer: Sure. I would say, I want to know what kind of questions do you want to answer? So I don’t want to just give people [00:27:00] random demographic data, cause that’s really not useful for anything. The point is to help us discover the people around you. So what questions are you trying to answer about your ministry context? And then we, what we’re going to answer from that information is what are the people care about? What do they need and how am I going to use this information to leverage the gospel among that people group, among that population of people?
Bob Bickford: Awesome.
JimBo Stewart: man. I want to thank you so much for just even offering the service again and going above and beyond. We willing to have some of these phone conversations and I think. That can have kingdom impact, beyond what any of us will ever know. And so on behalf of all the bootcampers, Thank you so much for generously given of your time and your resources and your gifting, to, to help the kingdom.
And so, guys, if you haven’t taken advantage of this, keep checking the website, we’re going to leave the button up there. but it just does not take you to the registration yet. and so once we. Get through the requests that [00:28:00] are here, we’ll turn the button back on and turn it off whenever we need to.
but just check there and if it’s open and there, that means you’re, you’re ready to go and know that, you’re getting, you’re getting way more than, your money’s worth for sure. if you get this, this resource in that phone call, with Josh, so, let us know again. So we’ve had it. We had.
We have a desire to serve you guys as best we can. And so contact us. If there are ways we can better serve you and other things that we can do, if there are other resources that you need to find either free or affordable, let us know, and we’ll do everything we can to continue to serve you. As you serve boots on the ground, in the kingdom.