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Tag: leading change

The Windows of Revitalization, Explained

Is it ever too late to Revitalize or Replant a church? For churches facing imminent closure, it may be possible that they’ve missed the opportunity to see church renewal. When finances are scarce, laborers are few, and ministry opportunities are thin, the options begin to narrow. But if those windows are acknowledged, a church can pause, ask the right questions, and determine a roadmap for church renewal.

Life Cycles in a Church

When we met with our first church to explore why they had lost 100 members in 20 years, we tried to find out what were the factors of their decline. Was there a major split? Deacons fighting in the parking lot? Did one bad pastor drive everyone out? No, it was none of those things. When we looked at their church’s trends over the past 20 years, we found that the decline had been a slow and gradual one.

The factors of decline involved spiritual warfare, arguing about secondary theological matters, and multiple changes in leadership. The pastor explained it as a slow, gradual loss. It wasn’t a church split that caused members to leave, it was gradual loss of mission and a disconnection from their community ministry. For twenty years, the church had been doing, “business as usual,” without asking the question: “Why are we declining?” 

Fortunately, this church has a high receptivity to change. They have now begun to address those declining factors and started a Revitalization process. They have a great mission field ahead of them, and are seeking out ways they can bless their community while they refocus their church spiritually. 

Churches experiencing decline have windows of opportunity in which they can address decline and see a turnaround. If they fail to address the underlying issues of decline, they could miss the window and head toward irreversible decline and eventual closure. As Bob and Jimbo mentioned in Ep. 161 of the podcast, there are predictive patterns and life cycles in Churches with predictable success or failure.

Seasons of growth, plateau, and decline are present in almost every church at some point in its history. For some churches, a season of decline can lead to eventual closure. The task of every church is to be keenly aware of where it is presently and what steps toward its future it must take.

Asking the Right Questions

When you go to the doctor, you may tell them all of your symptoms. A wise doctor will not ask the question, “How can we treat your symptoms?” unless they first ask, “What sickness do you have?” Once the sickness is identified, the appropriate course of treatment can be prescribed. A foolish doctor might simply give you Tylenol and send you on your way, instead of treating your sickness at its root.

One of the most critical issues facing the church is a failure to ask the right questions. Churches that are facing imminent closure often ask, “What can we do?” Instead, they should be asking, “Why are we declining?” This type of question gets to the root of a church’s decline, whereas the first question deals more with the symptoms than the actual cause. 

A growing church asks, “What must we do?” A plateaued church asks, “How are we doing?” And a declining church must ask, “Why are we not growing?” Every church should evaluate their present condition, take the time to ask the right questions, discern the answers, and once they have gained insight and wisdom from God and others,  chart a course in a new direction. 

Understanding the Windows

No example is perfect, but we’ve found the Windows of Revitalization very helpful in identifying where a church is in their life cycle. For a detailed explanation of each window, see Bob Bickford’s work here.

Revitalization Window 1 – Plateau stage or onset decline (change required)

During this stage, you begin to see symptoms of decline in your church. Some families begin to leave, you see a few less people in youth or children. Giving is down by 5-10%. During this first window, change is needed. There is a small difference, but it’s not very noticeable. 

You then need to begin a prayerful effort and ask what are the changes that need to be looked at. We often miss it because we aren’t looking close enough. During this stage, the missional and ministry efforts of a church begin to wane, leadership becomes exhausted, and conflicts in the church go unresolved. If those things are left unchecked, it can result in a quick change of your church atmosphere. While the issues may not seem urgent, they can grow quickly.

Revitalization Window 2 – Persistent / continued decline (significant change required)

During this window, issues and conflict persist. The loss of missional vitality becomes evident, and the church begins losing touch with their community. They may seek to blame their decline by saying, “The community is changing,” or “We just need a new pastor.” There is a growing number of losses, and at the end of the second window there is an exodus of key members and mission leaders. 

At this point, full time staff may become part time staff or giving starts to drop drastically. The church may adopt a “play it safe mentality” – most people resist significant change, because significant change could lead to loss. People become increasingly more opinionated about how they like church, and they become more selfish with their giving. 

When a church fails to pause and ask critical questions to address concerns, these windows begin closing. And while Revitalization is possible, it’s not always probable. The longer the decline, the more radical changes are necessary to reverse the church’s trajectory.

The Replant Window – Late / critical / significant decline (radical change required)

In the last window, a church desperately needs outside help and perspective. The options to see the church thriving again is very narrow and improbable. The church can no longer do it by themselves as they’ve missed the time of change when renewal was likely. A church facing this stage is likely facing imminent closure within the next 1-3 years, and radical change is necessary. 

Think of a frozen computer screen. It’s sitting there, not producing any work or being used for any good reason. You’ve tried different methods like hitting “escape.” You’ve tried ctrl+alt+delete. But, it still stays frozen on that same screen. You may have to do a whole system reboot to get the computer up and running again. 

A church facing imminent closure has likely disconnected entirely from their community and work of ministry. Leadership is scarce, finances are slim, and hope is wearing out. The church is in survival mode, and are not concerned with reaching lost people for Christ. They may be aged, unable, or unwilling to engage the unchurched in the community.

Thankfully, in Replanting, there are different ways to address these issues. A partnership replant is a helpful option for churches facing possible closure. This can look like a merge/marriage, church fostering, family network churches, or other partnership replants. Replanting from within is also an option if there is still a healthy leadership team that exists.  

Hope for the Future

All of these changes require hard work. And that is why outside help is needed. While a Replant can occur from within, It is often a difficult road. But with the grace of God, we are seeing more and more congregations go through replants and revitalizations for God’s glory and seeing their churches turnaround.

Jesus cares deeply about the health of His local church. When a church recognizes where it needs to change, and begins to seek the face of God, it’s amazing how God can turn a situation around for His glory. We must remember that the church does not belong to us, it belongs to Christ. And He alone can bring renewal if we are seeking Him. How are you stewarding the time God has given you at your church? Are there concerns that need to be addressed?

For more info about the life cycles of a church, see Bill Henard’s book, ReClaimed Church, or Mark Hallock’s book, “God’s Not Done with Your Church.” If you think your church is in danger of closing, take this church health assessment. This self-assessment is meant to help assist you in determining the current state of your local church. Another way to get started is by taking an introductory course that will help anyone understand what church replanting is and how it provides hope for dying churches.


Replant Bootcamp
Replant Bootcamp

Why is change so difficult to accept? Especially by churches who are steeped in decline? We may need to consider how we’re wired up and what we think. In this episode the guys talk about brain science, group think and what we need to know about it all as Replanters.  Dial it up, sit right down and let us know what you think.

What do we need to know about Brain

  • Your experiences shape your brain and your reactions
  • Habits and Responses become hardwired into your brain
  • Your brain has a natural negativity (protective) bias
  • Thinking is contagious
  • Remapping a thought pattern is possible but difficult, time consuming

Church Application for Replanters/Revitalizers

  • Some congregants are fearful
  • Church traditions are hardwired in the congregations collective conscience and not easily disrupted
  • Congregations are hyper vigilant regarding potential threats to their existence
  • Remaining Members in a deeply declined church will likely have the same mindset
  • Changing the existing group-think is possible but will be difficult and time consuming

It’s not too late to sign up for the Replant Summit in ATL, we’d love to see you there!


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Replant Bootcamp
Replant Bootcamp

Hope you had a great 4th of July-we’re back at it this week talking about something that every Pastor, Replanter and Revitalizer needs to get a handle on: Formal and Informal Permission. What is it? Check out the definitions and discussion below.

Formal Permission: the act of garnering approval via a recognized and agreed upon process for a decision or action. Like these examples below.

  • Bylaws
  • Policies
  • Committee meetings
  • Business meetings

Informal Permission: the leadership skill and insight which recognizes the power of influence and influencers and knows that forward progress often moves at the speed of relationships

  • Every church has influencers, gatekeepers – they are the ones who everyone looks at when a discussion turns to a point of decision or is considering killing a sacred cow.
  • These aren’t necessarily “problem” people – they are often faithful process oriented folks who have made the hard decisions or assumed the important role of keeping the church legal and alive.

Keep this in mind:

You can’t ignore the processes and expect to have the support of the congregation

You have to know the processes and policies and work within them (even if you want to change them)

You gain the opportunity to change them – by working in them and then suggesting or proposing a better way

  • Is this decision making structure leading to the accomplishment of our mission?
  • Is this decision making structure hindering the accomplishment of our mission?
  • How might we more effectively make decisions on important matters?

Forward progress often moves at the speed of relationship and trust.

Need some help with Bylaws? Check out the Bootcamp EP 92 with the Baptist Bouncer, Craig Culbreth to brush up on your bylaws skill.



Make the decision today to take your church website up to the next level by contacting our great partners at One Eighty Digital. They can have you up and running in no time.

Show notes powered by Descript are an approximation of the verbal content, consult podcast audio for accuracy and detail.


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Replant Bootcamp
Replant Bootcamp

While the boys were in Atlanta for the annual AMS Replant Practitioner Lab they took some time to record several episodes with some of the plenary speakers. Keelan Cook is OG for the Replant Practitioner Lab and the OG Replant Bootcamp Missiologist.

In the previous episode with Dr. Casey “The Chin” Williams the guys discussed the importance of missions methodology being informed first by right theology and then right missiology.

Theology > Missiology > Methodology

But when it comes to methodology, what is the best way to get people to act on the call we all have to be missionaries? Good information won’t be enough. There has to be a desire, there has to be affection.

In this episode, Keelan Cook helps us think through the integrity of our messaging and the ways that we learn.

Developing desire is the most important aspect of navigating outreach.

  • Integrity of message:
    • MACRO-LEVEL — Broadcast level that is most likely to hit the whole church at once. Think sermons, website, emails, etc.
    • MESO-LEVEL (mid-level) — Smaller groupings of people within the church where much equipping and fellowshipping takes place. Think sunday school classes, small groups etc.
    • MICRO-LEVEL — Interpersonal interaction. Think the foyer prior to corporate worship, or lunch following the service
    • Learning domains
      • Cognitive (Head) – Knowledge and concepts
      • Affective (Heart) – Emotional buy-in
      • Behavioral (Hands) – Activity-based

“In 1964 Leon Festinger’s research led him to advance the radical notion that the knowledge–behaviour relationship actually works the other way around – that is, people are more likely to behave their way into thinking than think their way into behaving”  – Shaw, Transforming Theological Education, 2014.

Your website is part of your church’s mission to reach the community-is it working? Connect with our great partner, One Eighty Digital and get their help to make sure your website both reflects who your church is and what you are about.

Drop us a line, send us a voicemail-we’d love to hear about your story in reaching the community God has placed you within.

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Replant Bootcamp
Replant Bootcamp

In this EP the guys talk with a boots on the ground pastor, Tim Williams of Gladewater TX. Pastor Tim is new to the field, remodeling the Parsonage, celebrating their new 10month old and doing the hard work of revitalizing a local church.

Tim asks the guys this question: How can I effectively and empathetically lead a 150 year old church, with long time members, toward change in a healthy and respectful way, that will help us reach younger families and not alienate the older members?

The guys engage in some good convo and break down the emotional cycle of change that faces church members and the Pastor as they embark on a change journey.

Emotional Cycle of Change:

  • Uninformed Optimism is an exciting stage, but it doesn’t last long. (Israelites following Moses out of Egypt)
  • Informed Pessimism ”is characterized by a shift to a negative emotional state. At this point, the benefits don’t seem as real, important, or immediate, and the costs of the change are apparent. You start to question if the change is really worth the effort and begin to look for reasons to abandon the effort.” (Israelites at the first sign of trouble)
  • The Valley of Despair “This is when most people give up. All of the pain of change is felt and the benefits seem far away or less important—and there is a fast, easy way to end the discomfort: going back to the way you used to do things. After all, you rationalize that it wasn’t so bad before.” (Take us back to Egypt)
  • Informed Optimism – Finally back in optimism. Don’t stop! (Crossing the Jordan – first Passover in promised land)
  •  Success and Fulfillment – You are finally experiencing the benefits on the other side of change. (Defeating Jericho)

Are you navigating change in your Replant? Have some insights? Drop us a line or leave a voicemail on the bootcamp hotline.

Thanks for being a loyal bootcamp listener, be sure to leave us a review and share this podcast with your friends.

Change is good for your website, get help for yours by contacting our great sponsor, One Eighty Digital, let them know you’re a bootcamp listener.


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EPISODE #81 – Holy Discontentment – Overcoming Resistance to Change

Replant Bootcamp
Replant Bootcamp
EPISODE #81 - Holy Discontentment - Overcoming Resistance to Change

JimBo and Bob discuss the importance of holy discontentment in overcoming resistance to change.

Holy Discontent + Vision + First Steps + Leadership > Resistance to Change

Holy Discontent – The unquenchable Spirit-Initiated conviction that things are not as they should be–and that must change.


Get the website help you need, connect with our great sponsor One Eighty Digital they’ll get you up and running in the right direction.

Show notes powered by Descript are an approximation of the verbal content, consult podcast audio for accuracy

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Replant Bootcamp
Replant Bootcamp

The boys are back (in their domiciles) and serving up another episode to you about implementing change in your Replant/Revitalization.  Congrats to Bootcamp Listener, Gary Hinkle-the winner of a new “black ops” Replant Bootcamp cap!  Get your very own Replant Bootcamp hat-the contest continues!

What to keep in mind as you are leading change

  • Operate as a team – avoid isolation
  • Communicate the vision – in as many ways as possible
  • Celebrate wins along the way – they show the sacrifice is worth it
  • Engage in strategic evaluation – from those on the change team and in the congregation
  • Maintain tension – keep things moving forward, you never arrive at the finish line.
Our sponsor, One Eighty Digital, is running a great discount this month. If your church needs a new website or logo, this is the time to get things started!  Get your Fall Discount Now!


Replant Bootcamp
Replant Bootcamp

In this episode the boys talk about the importance of celebrating wins along the way in Replanting. Why is this necessary? Because the work of Replanting is hard and difficult.

Here are some of the highlights

  • Celebrate small steps and wins
  • Find something to celebrate each weekend
  • Be sure to celebrate missional activity-even if it starts small
  • Celebrate changes in attitude and heart
  • Celebrate being part of something bigger (especially if you are part of a denomination)
  • Celebrate steps that your church is taking toward the accomplishment of your vision
  • Get someone outside your church to come in and help you see things you can celebrate

What wins are you celebrating? We’d love to hear from you-send us an email, a photo or a story.

Fun Razorback Football Twitter

Is your website making you sad? Not much to celebrate about your online presence? Get the help you need by connecting with our great sponsor: oneeighty digital

Check out the show notes below for more detail. Show transcripts are an approximation of the podcast, audio should be consulted for exact detail.

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Replant Bootcamp
Replant Bootcamp

After some small talk about the correct pronunciation of States, the guys talk about the importance of vision in replanting. Vision is a key ingredient for the work of a Pastor and Replanter. By way of reminder here are the initial steps of leading a change process

  • Stop and Pray
  • Define and Confront Reality
  • Build a Change Leadership Team
  • Discover and Communicate a Clear Vision for Replanting

Two core components in a Replanting Vision: Making Disciples and Missional Engagement

Vision = where we are trying to go

Mission = how we get there

Your church can have a unique expression in it’s expression of making disciples and missional engagement.

Vision is often discovered, defined and clarified through a process-we recommend you get outside help in facilitating discussion around discovering your vision.

But…don’t make the mistake of doing this alone or quickly.

In short the vision must be Clear, Compelling, and Biblical.

Our fearless leader, Mark Clifton’s book, Reclaiming Glory is a must read for every Pastor and Replanter.


Ready for more? Dive into the show notes below. Check out this episode’s show notes below delivered by: Descript  

Hey, every church needs a great website! We encourage you to connect with our sponsor, One Eighty Digital they can get you going!

TRANSCRIPTS are an approximate account of the audio recording and may not be 100% complete. Audio should be consulted for accuracy

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Replant Bootcamp
Replant Bootcamp

In this episode the guys pick up where they left off last time-talking change leadership. To lead change in a Replant or Revitalization you are going to need help-how do you build a team to lead change? The guys break it down.

In examining your church you need to diagnose if you have a leadership problem or a followership problem.  Jimbo’s Quote:  A church can go much further with great followership and mediocre leadership than with mediocre followership, and great leadership.

Building a Change Leadership Team: Characteristics to look for

  • Character-are they growing in godliness?
  • Chemistry-is this someone I could sit with for 3 hours in a room at church talking ministry?
  • Competency-can they lead and serve?
  • Commitment-are they going to stick it out?
  • Credibility-do others follow them?

If you have a sending church or sponsoring church here are some important steps to consider:

  • Have a clear vision (write it down, share a prospectus with potential change team members)
  • Offer a clear opportunity for involvement
  • Ask for a commitment from them
  • Explain reality for them-they need to understand what they are likely to experience

Resources: Replant Roadmap by Mark Hallock



Need a great website? Our sponsor, One Eighty Digital can get you going! Check them out.

Show Notes: want to read along while the show plays? Check out this episode’s show notes below delivered by: Descript  

TRANSCRIPTS are an approximate account of the audio recording and may not be 100% complete. Audio should be consulted for accuracy

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