EP 205 – Renewal and Partnership with Hispanic Churches

Hey there, Bootcampers! Say hello again to David Quiroa! He’s joining us today to shed light on the unique challenges that Spanish-speaking churches are facing. Church renewal might be a buzzword, but it’s still finding its footing in the Hispanic community. From declining youth engagement to a lack of awareness about revitalization, David spills the beans on what’s happening. Psst, have you checked out his Spanish podcast Revive It’s making waves across countries!
When Cultures Collide: Navigating Multi-Ethnic Partnerships
Let’s talk about multi-ethnic partnerships—especially in Spanish-speaking churches. David breaks down the intricate dynamics of churches sharing facilities and bridging cultures. Trust us, it’s not as straightforward as it seems. We’re diving into the nitty-gritty of these partnerships and understanding how respect and unity play a monumental role.
Dreaming of a Multicultural Ministry Future
The future is bright, Bootcampers! We’re asking David about his vision for ministry in our beautifully diverse world. Brace yourselves for some inspiring thoughts. David envisions a Church that’s a true reflection of the vibrant diversity we’ll experience in heaven. With communities becoming melting pots of cultures, the Church needs to step up its game. David’s got the golden advice on making everyone feel welcome and cherished.
JimBo Stewart: [00:00:00] Here we are, back at the bootcamp. Back at it again. Bob. I hope you’re ready for the next episode as we keep on checking through. when this episode releases, we will be what, uh, like a week away or less from the replant summit.
Bob Bickford: Man, I’m excited about that. It’s gonna be a great time and we’re looking forward to seeing a lot of our listeners. And by the way, bootcampers, Jimbo and I do work for the North American Mission Board, so that’s why we’re at the North American Mission Board. I. And that’s why we talk about some, replanting things.
And man, I’m, I’m looking forward to seeing some guys, my pastor is going, Jimbo, pretty excited about that. And, he is, doing a fantastic job. He’s in the middle of, starting year three at, the replant. And so, man, I’m, I’m praying for him to be encouraged and equipped and looking forward to hanging out with our team and then seeing a bunch of our friends.
JimBo Stewart: Yeah, man, I’m hoping he can skip the year three, battlefront that so many people seem to just run right into that buzz saw, including myself.
you know, [00:01:00] in talking to Mark Hallick, I think he somehow missed a year three battlefront, or he just always has such a rosy disposition that he just didn’t like even notice that it was a battle.
’cause like he’s the happiest most, you know, happy, joy, go-lucky person I’ve ever met in my life.
Bob Bickford: I think he, he, uh, hugged year three and put it in a submission hold. That’s probably what happened.
JimBo Stewart: You know, if anybody could, could hug year three and fix it, it would be Mark ick.
Bob Bickford: It could be him.
JimBo Stewart: he’ll be one of the guys at the Replant Summit. So I’m looking at, I’m looking at my calendar. This will come out on. August 23rd, which is just, little bit before, less than a week before the replant summit.
So Hallock will be there. H b Charles will be there. Jeff Chang will be there. Tim Buer will be there. Andy Addis is speaking, some great breakout sessions. one of the things I’m excited about, Bob, that we’ve not announced publicly about the Replant Summit. Is, this year we will have a couple of people that [00:02:00] are ready to have intentional times of prayer and encouragement, available.
Like you can literally slide, sign up for a slot of time with, some people that are gonna go into a room with you. Hear what’s going on in your life, share some encouragement, maybe some biblical wisdom, and pray for you. and there’ll be opportunities for you to literally sign up for, man, I need to sit with somebody.
I need to get some things off my chest, and I need to talk through some things with somebody and hear some biblical wisdom, some encouragement, and some prayer. and I’m, I’m, I’m excited about us offering that this year.
Bob Bickford: Jimbo, that’s great. Who, who are these people? They’re not just like fast food workers or a custodian or
JimBo Stewart: We just gonna draw and.
Bob Bickford: I mean, these are, we’re talking qualified people, aren’t we?
JimBo Stewart: Yes. Yeah. So, uh, so Darlene Dryer, we have had Double Duck on here several times. Josh Dryer, his wife, Darlene, just finished a doctoral degree, and has focused very heavily [00:03:00] on offering biblical wisdom, discipleship and counseling to women. and so she will be there. Offering that for the ladies.
and then Jim Parrish, runs a ministry called Shepherd’s Help. That is a ministry that is just to serve pastors and their families. He and his wife will be at there and they’ll have a table that’s where you can go to sign up for a slot to get some time of prayer, encouragement. And Jim, offers this to pastors all across the country, through Zoom.
he is here in Jacksonville, is how I know him. So he does a lot of stuff all throughout Florida and South Georgia in person. But he also does this over Zoom. He has a, they have a prayer ministry where you can send in any prayer you want and they have a team of people that are actively praying over those, Over those things.
And so Jim has been a blessing in my life, man. During year three, he was on my speed dial. Jim Parrish and his Ministry of Shepherd’s help. So Shepherd’s help. And then Darlene has a ministry called Renewing Her Mind. and so those are gonna be the people providing those opportunities of [00:04:00] intentional prayer, encouragement, some biblical wisdom, as an opportunity.
’cause we know that a lot of people are going through a lot of hard things right now.
Bob Bickford: Yeah, I mean, it’s, it’s not uncommon for us to hear every week that, a replant or renewal pastor’s just about to ready to, to check to check it in, right? He is just ready. He’s done. And so I would say for, if you’re listening and you’re gonna be there, and sign up for one of those spots and, and just get some perspective.
And a lot of times it’s just helpful to, to talk it out and to have somebody ask you questions and remind you the truth of scripture. And so I, I’m just encouraged by that and I’m, I’m looking forward to that being a part of this year’s event and hope we’ll be able to do it in the future time and time again.
JimBo Stewart: Yeah, absolutely. Hey, today I am excited that we have a, repeat guest here on the bootcamp, but it’s been a while since we’ve had David Cara on here. back during the height of Covid, we did a special episode in Espanol and we had [00:05:00] David Cara and Jaime Lopez, came on. They recorded an episode talking about.
Especially back when everybody kind of had to do lockdown and figure out some online stuff, and they offered some really good practical wisdom for Hispanic churches back then. man, David since then has completed a doctoral degree in church revitalization. He has, started his own podcast, on renewal for Spanish churches.
he’s helping lead some other things, for Spanish churches as well as he continues to pastor there in California. And so we’re excited to bring David on. David
welcome back to the
David Quiroa: It’s been a while, guys, but thank you so much. Um, by the way, I listen week, and, and every week I go, I wonder if they’re call.
JimBo Stewart: Well, here you are, man. You made it. You made it back to the bootcamp, and we’ve
got you here to share your wisdom with
David Quiroa: a pleasure to be here with you guys. I’m excited for all that God is doing. started, the first, [00:06:00] to what I know so far. Spanish podcast on revitalization. we have listeners in Spain. Believe it or not, we have listeners in Netherlands. I had no idea. that was shocking to me. a lot of listeners in Portugal, we also have them, uh, all up and down central, and North America as well.
And, uh, of course a lot of people out here in the United States as well.
JimBo Stewart: Awesome, man.
So what’s The name of the podcast?
David Quiroa: is,
JimBo Stewart: Oh, I like that.
Bob Bickford: That’s, there’s no way I could
say that at all.
David Quiroa: You gotta roll your
Bob Bickford: Yeah, I can roll, but I can’t roll him like that.
JimBo Stewart: Look, I, I have some Scottish heritage in me, so you’d think I’d be able to roll an R Good. Like an Alistair Begg, but I, I can’t seem to roll an R. Well,
David Quiroa: R’s.
Bob Bickford: Well, David, man, give us sort of your perspective of renewal work in the Spanish [00:07:00] church context, and maybe you, you know, you’ve got a lot of international LI listeners, but kind of focus it in, in North America here for us. What are some of the challenges the Spanish churches are facing in terms of just their life, their
direction, and why are
they in need of renewal?
David Quiroa: Yeah, well, great question Bob. You know, one of the things that I am challenged with is when I tell people, Hey, I got a doctorate in church revitalization. When I say that in Spanish, they go, what is that? so I would say that in Spanish culture, this is very, very new. and. The only option we’ve had for so many years is to die.
we had no idea that we can revive. We have no idea that there’s strategies in place. Not only do we have a biblical, biblical way of teaching, we have to have a biblical way of, presenting the gospel and ministry. But there’s also a practical way of doing ministry. And, this is, I think where this comes in.
However, I just make a quick shameless plug here. Texas is killing it. they’re doing, they’re doing really well. [00:08:00] They got some great players there for, revitalization and they’re making some dent. But outside of Texas, I would say that, most of the United States when it comes in regards to Latinos or Spanish speakers, may not have a lot of.
knowledge even of what revitalization is. So our biggest challenge is starting the conversation, and I think you guys experienced this. I would say this, the revitalize and replant with, marks, with a marks, if I can say it that way. And replant bootcamp. you guys almost made like, you know, the word revitalization back in the day was very taboo.
It’s a big no no word. It means we failed or something. But now it’s like something we can strive for. There’s a beautiful movement that we don’t have to let churches die. so right now in the Spanish world of that, we’re at the beginning of that where people will go, whoa, what do you mean? My church is dying?
Well, bro, I’m from California. Far sorry. So, well, bro, you know, you were running three now you’re 12. you’re, you’re, you know, you’re, you’re not growing. and the majority of Spanish churches, and I [00:09:00] hate to put everyone in in one box, but the trend is that most Spanish churches lose their youth, that second generation, and they have no option.
And many times whether to, they have no option of life other than to close.
JimBo Stewart: I was exciting that you’re, getting to be a part of several leaders that are kind of helping bring this idea, into the world of Hispanic church, especially in North America. And so to our listeners. One of the reasons we wanted to bring David on is we recognize probably the majority of our listeners are not leading Hispanic churches.
we do have some, but you probably know somebody who is leading a Hispanic church and, we want to help get good resources out there and, and make sure, so part of this is, is, man, we wanna hear that, and help, help us spread the word about. Davis podcast and things that are going on there so that people who need to hear that can hear it and be a part of that.
the other thing is we, we were able to, to have dinner with you and a handful of other Hispanic leaders down in New Orleans, [00:10:00] which was at one of our favorite places to gather. I. and get, some char grilled oysters, New Orleans Food and Spirits, which are just beautiful, beautiful things.
and, and talk about, some other exciting things happening for Hispanic church leaders coming up in October. Talk to us just a little bit about this event that is, we, we don’t have all the details nailed down yet, but we do have dates and a location and you can kind of put this on your radar and get ready for an, a great event for Hispanic leaders or
anybody that works with Hispanic churches.
David Quiroa: First of. Rare and we’re so excited, to have the first m I re planter, uh, in Spanish, and which we’re calling Eva, which means to renew. and it’s gonna be in Houston, the weekend of October 20th. we’re looking excited. So I would say there, our target group is not only, uh, pastors who are in churches obviously.
[00:11:00] In your church, I recommend you let them know to come to this. It’s the first of its kind. Uh, we wanna provide, uh, workshops. We’re gonna have some dynamic speakers. And of course, since it’s a Hispanic event, we’re gonna have some delicious food because the gospel can’t be preaching Lester’s good food. And that’s a joke.
So, uh, we’re gonna have some great speakers, uh, resources. We lack resources in Spanish and, and any, type of renewal work. so we hope that some of these speakers will point us to great resources and teachings and, just get this, on the board is really what we wanna get, you know, get the word revitalization or renew in the minds of people that churches do not have to die.
JimBo Stewart: We’ve got you and Victor Marte and Jesse, and some others that are helping us put this together and see a great event. Who are some of the speakers that we’re working on
having for this event, other than you guys?
David Quiroa: Well, you know, I hope Victor’s listening. Do we really need anybody else other than Victor? [00:12:00] That’s a joke. we’re having Victor Rincones and, and Jesse, we’re looking at some guy named, uh, David Ramirez, who’s gonna be awesome. And, uh, Tony, He’s producing some revitalization, work, for lifeway.
I don’t know if you knew that. so he’s gonna be talking, teaching some lessons through I think bible studies for life, looking at getting those guys involved. And there is a speaker, who’s been doing, church revitalization, for, 30 years in expansion in another country that we’re hoping to be able to book.
And I wanna leave him as a surprise. it’ll be good for us, and I think it’s gonna be great. I think this is the first time this is happening in the entire country and I’m, I’m, so we get to do it and teach churches, Hey, we can renew, we can revive, we can replant if.
Bob Bickford: David, one of the things you mentioned, and the leaders we were discussing about when we were there at the Southern Baptist Convention was the fact that a Spanish language church is often a multi, ethnic or mul [00:13:00] multi, uh, people group church. Common language, but you’re talking about a variety of people who are in that church together worshiping the Lord.
Can you describe that to us? Some of our listeners, I don’t think have that perspective, and
I’d love for them to hear that from you.
David Quiroa: Yeah, so we have a, we have
a saying here, so, my parents are Guatemalan. I was born here in Los Angeles. we have a saying we’re not all a Mexican church. you know, and, uh, because that’s what people think. We’re all just one people group. but on Sunday mornings, when I preach here on Sunday mornings, I’m preaching to 17 different countries, 17 different cultures, 17 different ideologies, and cultural differences.
So I have to be careful what I say because I could say something and like, The American people think that’s a common word, but the southern south part of, of like, you know, Peruvians or even the islands, Dominican Republic and so forth, Rico might be a bad word. So I really have to really. [00:14:00]Think about how I’m preparing my sermon, uh, because I’m not gonna force everyone, Hey, you’re here and you’re gonna listen to my California Spanish.
By the way, California Spanish is a little different than Texas Spanish. And may the Lord help, high mail in Florida. ‘ cause it’s a little, a little bit different there. A lot of Cubans. We got a lot, we don’t have a lot of Cubans here. but when we are preaching. It’s, it’s a multi generation multi.
Not only are we dealing with multi-generations, but we’re dealing with multicultural, groups. In fact, we have, families here from like, they’re, um, even from specialized, if I wanna say it that way. People groups. So you have like o unreached people groups. So I go up to them and I go, Hey, how would you say this in your language?
Or whatever. And you know, and they’ll go, oh, that word is this. And then I go to the Dominican Republic, how? And I try to add those words into my sermon just so there’s a, some familiars there for them.
JimBo Stewart: So one of the things I’ve heard you talk about is When Spanish churches partner with Anglo churches or African American churches, that seems to be something that [00:15:00] happens a lot. is there at least partnered in using facilities? there are different ways that we can think about that. And so while many of our listeners may not be leading his Hispanic ministries, I would guess there are several that have a Hispanic church.
In their building or are considering having a Hispanic church in their building or planting one. I know at our replant, we decided to plant one because we, we saw that like a lot of communities, if you do the demographics, which we’ve talked on this podcast a lot about executing your community and understanding your community and, almost every church I’ve been a part of helping them. Interpret their demographics. Spanish is the fastest growing demographic in their area, right? So like any given area, almost in the country, you do a one mile circle and you do the demographics. Then Hispanic may only be like 10% or 5%, but it’s the fastest growing, right? And it’s projected to be a much larger percentage in the coming years.
That we were no exception of the church that God allowed me to be a [00:16:00] part of replanting. So I saw a need and was like, okay, we’ve gotta do something about this. And so it took us a while to find the right guy that would help us do that. We brought in Atos who came in and helped. Plant at Glacier Rodion there with us as a partner of Redemption Church and do ministry together.
And we were able to set up some good patterns and rhythms where we could build comradery and fellowship every fifth Sunday. We worship together in Spanish and in English, and then eat a meal together. And and some other ways do outreaches together and things like that. But you’ve got some good language and paradigm that you, I’ve heard you talk about when it comes to Anglo or English speaking churches
and Hispanic churches partnering together.
David Quiroa: Yeah. You know, the reality, is that Latinos are, are the fastest grown group and, you’ll see ’em everywhere. Now, I dunno you guys know this, but maybe some of the audience doesn’t. but that, you know, that world renowned famous bluegrass band, chosen road, you know, the, the, uh, [00:17:00] prodigies, the, the ones of a kind, Jonathan Buckner is actually my brother-in-law.
I lived in West Virginia, for a while, and we were trying to, create, a, uh, awareness in that area because in that small town of Princeton, West Virginia, there’s about 7,000 Latinos and no one was reaching. Uh, and even now, I’m, uh, I, uh, through Zoom, I am, uh, meeting with a future church planter in that area that, that we’re training to hopefully start a Spanish church in West Virginia.
There’s no Spanish church in West Virginia yet, so we’re excited to to, to be able to be parted
in a whole state. Yeah,
at the, I did not know that till I went to the convention and the guy goes, is there anyone here in Spanish that is willing to go to West Virginia to start a church? We don’t have one in an entire state, so I hope we get to be part of the first one there.
so the dynamics that we talk about is when there is, one building. So we’ll take the building as an example. The church is the body. The building is just building, so you could be one building two churches. [00:18:00] Because these, these churches don’t talk, they don’t communicate. You can be one building.
There’s a church and then there’s the renters, so they’re, they’re just renting. I also added this one where there’s the building, there’s the church and there’s the mission trip. Uh, and we treat the other language, and it doesn’t necessarily have to be Spanish, but the other ethnic group, English, Spanish, or whatever, we treat them as a mission field.
This is how we’re giving to the gospel. We’re, we’re not charging rent for, they’re just our, this is us participating. And then there’s, uh, ultimately there’s the one building. One church dynamic where there is these two churches, these, this, building houses. one church concept in two languages, the function as one, they help each other.
The Spanish pastor. For example, here would have an office, uh, where the English guys meet and they have meetings together and together as a body, they make decisions for Spanish and English. so to [00:19:00] me, when you get to this point, you’re really gonna do more for the gospel because you’re reaching together.
We’re coming together, we are co-laborers in the gospel to reach our community.
Bob Bickford: David, I love that vision for a partnership among, churches, right? Regardless of people group, regardless of language, those sorts of things. As you look into the future, what do you believe will be some of the, the most important work that can happen between, people, groups of all kinds as we think about proclaiming the
gospel here in North America?
David Quiroa: You know, we all wanna get to heaven, right? and you know, there’s this verse where it just talks about all people groups, all tongues worshiping together. And then what a blessing it’d be to see a glimpse of that here, right? Where you can go into one church, I’ll take my church for example here, valley Baptist.
Valley Baptist Espanol, the Espanola doesn’t mean that I’m a separate church. The Espanol is just a linguistic clarification that we speak Spanish at the service. I don’t get [00:20:00] micromanaged. We work together. So I think as the society grows, you’re gonna see more interracial couples, you’re gonna see more, languages, more immigrants and from all over the world.
And if you can find this partnership where there is respect, where there’s love, but there’s also clarity, Hey, we’re working. CoLab. So one of the things we have here that I had to teach least in my church and I, I don’t like saying it this way, but I’m gonna say this way. if we needed something in the Spanish church, they’ll go, well, the white people.
So we, we’ve moved away from that to English and Spanish. So we, we identify as language more. Okay. This is an English church. We’re the Spanish church. So we tell people we have the biggest, uh, English church here. There’s about 6,000 people over there, and we’re about 400 here. but it’s, the English church has been here 36 years.
So, uh, you know, we, we make it seem like this is our English group and you can go to our, you’re started. Something incredible [00:21:00] happened that had I had not seen before. We started getting more second and third generation, and third, our smaller kids, second generation in our services because now we were available to two languages, and we’re available to these people who, and it’s just not Latinos, but we’re now a church that’s available to the origin.
Maybe the country of origin, which is in our case in Spanish and the, the country of, I grew up here. So you’re dealing with the Americanized and, wherever you’re from, combined. so it’s, it’s been great. So I, I genuinely think that’s the future, for Churches across America. impact. There’s an article that said that, Post-Christian Nation because of the Latinos.
I will forward that to you. If you guys read, it’s.
JimBo Stewart: Man, that’s really good. That’s a great perspective. And so [00:22:00] I think if nothing else, for our regular listeners, I just wanna encourage you to, think about, I mean, your missional responsibility to your community, where, where God ex you as, as you ex execute your community, you’re likely gonna find that there’s a greater.
Latino population than you anticipated and that it’s probably the fastest growing ’cause it seems pretty consistent in a lot of places. That’s not true everywhere. but it is true in a lot of places in our country. And so there’s gotta be some plan, some missional plan. I mean like a state like West Virginia where there isn’t a church.
Like, so be prayed about that. Look for resources. If you know people that are reaching Hispanics, then. David has some great resources. This conference is gonna be great. David, just as we come to a close, just tell us where can we find, where can we point people to for your podcast? and
us again about the event in October.
David Quiroa: Yeah, I, so I’m on everything, apple, Spotify, whatever you want, name it. And it’s just called,
It’s, I’m, I’m doing it through pod team, but if you, find me on, uh, apple, [00:23:00] just type in Davida, that would be the fastest way to find it because, and it’s also spelled revive, so you’re gonna run into a lot of like, uh, healthy stuff like, Don’t, don’t eat fried oysters, eat vegetables.
Uh, you know, so, uh, revive. So ve revive, it’s spelled the same way, and English is revived in Spanish. Reva is spelled the same way. And, uh, we’re excited if we can have everyone, you know, just pray for us for this October 20th event. we’re looking forward to just, sharing the gospel, not only at that event with our brothers, encouraging our brothers, but also equipping our brothers for the work of the ministry.
JimBo Stewart: And you’ll be at the Replant Summit. and so people can come just say hey to you and, get to get
to know you a little bit as well while they’re there.
David Quiroa: Yeah. Yeah. I’m gonna be there and I’m looking forward to meeting, you guys and meeting, everyone that
JimBo Stewart: All right. Thanks for coming on, David.
David Quiroa: Thank you guys.