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Tag: when church conflict happens

EP 265 – Reframing Confrontation and Willingness to Confront

Replant Bootcamp
Replant Bootcamp
EP 265 - Reframing Confrontation and Willingness to Confront

For This episode of the Replant Bootcamp podcast I pulled the audio from a presentation I gave at the Replant Summit this year on Reframing Confrontation.

In this talk I dive into the dynamics of confrontation within church leadership, emphasizing the significance of approaching conflicts with a spirit-led attitude. The discussion highlights various types of confrontations, emphasizing motivations such as restorative versus competitive, and the necessary attributes to handle them effectively—rooted in love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

We are called to lead like Jesus, confronting issues with humility and wisdom, and striving for spiritual maturity.

The necessity for leaders to address conflicts with love rather than ego is important, along with the pivotal role of unity within the church. The talk includes practical advice on conflict resolution, real-life examples, and prayers from Psalm 139 to guide and support listeners in dealing with challenges, ultimately showcasing how properly handled conflict can lead to growth and unity.

00:00 Introduction and Sponsor Message

00:40 A Different Approach: Reframing Confrontation

01:50 The War of the Peace Lilies: A Case Study

05:59 Lessons in Conflict Mediation

10:39 The Role of the Holy Spirit in Conflict Resolution

14:03 Leading Like Jesus in Confrontation

15:40 Commitment to the Holy Spirit

16:22 The Goal of Maturity in Christ

16:53 Unity and Reconciliation

18:18 Confrontation and Restoration

19:28 Characteristics of Effective Renewal Leaders

21:09 Navigating Conflict with Wisdom

22:22 Biblical Approach to Conflict Resolution

26:41 Prayers for Conflict Mediation

28:16 Conclusion and Podcast Information


Replant Bootcamp
Replant Bootcamp

Hey Boot Campers we’re back in action but this time, with another Bob, the Lead Missional Strategist of First Coast Churches, Bob Bumgarner.

In this EP Jimbo and Bob get down to the important work of discussing how to deal with Church conflict. They recommend a great book-When Church Conflict Happens.  Here are some of the great highlights.

  • When conflict happens – you are not a failure.
  • Conflict always presents opportunities for new thinking, responses, and breakthrough.
  • There are three facets or types of conflict
    •             Unhealthy – when conflict goes unrecognized
    •             Benign – when church disagreements occur because of oversight
    •             Healthy – a disagreement that is spotted and responded to in a biblical manner

According to Hare, there are are five levels of conflict. Knowing them will help you navigate conflict in a way that can lead to productive healthy progress.

  1. Personal – conflict occurring inside of me personally
  2. Interpersonal – conflict occurring between two people
  3. Intragroup – conflict that occurs within a group of people
  4. Intergroup – conflict occurring between different groups
  5. Structural – something within the organization that creates conflict

Check out the rest of this EP for more great info and helpful tips on dealing with conflict and a coming EP Crucial Conversations.


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