EP 246 – Redeeming Your Time with Jordan Raynor

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The boys are both in Florida enjoying some vacation time, JimBo rocking it at Universal, Bob is at Sea Side, but that’s not stopping great content coming your way! In today’s EP we’ll be talking about how to structure your time in a way that will help you execute your vision, plan, mission and values. Give it a listen, check out the resources and use this summer to bring some structure into your week.
Join the boys and other Bootcampers at the Replantsummit in ATL, August 29-30, 2022
Redeeming Your Time by Jordan Rainer
Becoming a Coaching Leader by Daniel Harkavy
Eight Hours or Less by Ryan Hugley
The Trellis and the Vine by Marshall and Payne
Time Management Notes (Chp 8) Becoming a Coaching Leader
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