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Tag: reframing conflict

EP 257 – Reframing Conflict with Mark Clifton

Replant Bootcamp
Replant Bootcamp
EP 257 - Reframing Conflict with Mark Clifton
Mark Clifton joins us this week at the Tri-County Baptist Association office in Colt (not Croft) Arkansas (the home of Charlie Rich) to discuss reframing conflict. We discuss the importance of addressing conflict as a gospel opportunity rather than avoiding it. Mark Clifton shares personal anecdotes and biblical insights, particularly from the book of Philippians, to illustrate effective conflict resolution.
Conflict in ministry can be challenging, but it’s also an opportunity to bring the light of the Gospel into your church. Instead of running from conflict, here are five things to consider that can help you reframe it in a healthy and constructive way:

1. Conflict is Inevitable, But It’s Also an Opportunity.
You can’t avoid conflict, especially when leading a church through renewal. Instead of seeing it as something to flee from, view it as a Gospel opportunity. This is your chance to let the Gospel do its transformative work within your congregation.

2. Avoiding Conflict Can Lead to Greater Harm.
While most pastors naturally want to avoid conflict, dodging it can lead to bigger problems down the line. Addressing issues head-on, with grace and wisdom, helps to prevent larger divisions and misunderstandings.

3. Reflect on Your Relationship with Conflict.
If you find yourself drawn to conflict, it might be time to take a step back. Some individuals thrive on drama, which can be damaging to both them and their ministry. Honest self-reflection is crucial to ensure your motives align with your calling.

4. Lead with the Gospel.
Conflict is not just a hurdle; it’s a platform to demonstrate Gospel-centered leadership. Approach disagreements with a spirit of reconciliation, aiming to restore relationships and bring healing through Christ.

5. Embrace the Process.
Reframing conflict isn’t about finding quick fixes. It’s about embracing a process that requires patience, prayer, and persistent Gospel application. Trust that God is at work, even in the messiness of ministry conflicts.

Remember, conflict is not something to be feared but an opportunity to glorify God by applying the Gospel in real and tangible ways.

00:00 Introduction and Sponsor Message
00:41 Meet El Jefe: Mark Clifton
02:33 Replant Summit: Reframing Conflict
03:59 Understanding and Managing Conflict
10:51 Biblical Insights on Conflict Resolution
19:15 A Story of Conflict Resolution in the Church
25:40 Closing Thoughts and Prayer
26:24 Outro and Sponsor Message

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