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Tag: projects


Replant Bootcamp

Happy 2024 Bootcamp crew!  Welcome to the beginning of the new year, we’re praying for you!  Check out this list of 8 critical questions you can ask as you plan for the coming year. We’d love to hear from you!  Drop us a line, send us some feedback and submit your own questions!

Eight questions to ask as you plan your projects and priorities for 2024

  1. Have we prayed about this? 
  2. Is this a really big decision? (See our previous episode on weighing big decisions)
  3. Is this just something I want or is it something that is good for the church? Are you alone in this idea, or have you run it by others? (See our previous episode about formal and informal permission) – notes below
  4. Is this the right time to be making this change? Do I have the leadership capital for this change?
  5. How does this project or priority help our church grow in love, unity, or maturity? 
  6. Are our priorities and projects focused more on God’s people and purpose or programs?
  7. Is the issue at hand a biblical command or a missional context issue? (Think front seat of the car [identity] or back seat of the car [infrastructure] – see our previous episode on spiritual and organizational church health)
  8. Does everything on our list of priorities, projects, and programs have a current value and purpose or are we just re-doing things because that is how we have done them before? 

You might have questions about your website, check out what our good friends at One Eighty Digital can do to get you up and running.  They have the know how and expertise to get you up and running and connecting with your community.



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