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Tag: Mark Clifton

Episode #1 – What is the Difference Between a Replant and a Revitalization?

Replant Bootcamp
Replant Bootcamp
Episode #1 - What is the Difference Between a Replant and a Revitalization?

In this episode, Bob and JimBo discuss and define terms. This is one of the questions we get the most. What is the difference between a replant and a revitalization.

Replanting is a form of revitalization. Every replant is a revitalization, but not every revitalization is a replant.

REVITALIZATION = existing church + existing leaders + existing structure + history or legacy + renewed/new effort (over a protracted period of time)

REPLANT = new qualified/skilled leader + existing people + new structures/approaches + outside partners + new people + history

Want to read more? Check out this blog post