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Episode # 10 – Luter Replant Legacy Part Two with Chip Luter (Boots on the Ground Highlight)

Replant Bootcamp
Replant Bootcamp
Episode # 10 - Luter Replant Legacy Part Two with Chip Luter (Boots on the Ground Highlight)

Chip Luter Pastor, Idlewild @ The Springs

Lessons Learned from my Father, Dr. Fred Luter

As a Pastors’ kid, I was able to watch a pastor who was a great shepherd.  

When you meet a pastor whose staff knows more about the church than he does he is not a Pastor Shepherd.

My father was a great example of a Pastor/Shepherd.

One of the best lessons I learned is that I was never an interruption to my dad, even when he was busy.  He loved me and modeled for me what it was like to be a great pastor and a great father.

As a kid I never felt like I was in competition with the church. There was never a time where I didn’t like the church.

My dad showed me how to not live in isolation as a pastor-he demonstrated the value of connecting with other Pastors who are ministering in my area.


New Orleans Dictionary Gris-gris: voodoo, a powerful spell put on something/someone.


The Idlewild Story

Trinity Baptist Church was dying and located in a changing/transitioning area, the youngest  was 60 and they were down to eight people.

  • The Neighborhood was 60% African American, 30% White, 18% Hispanic.
  • 50% of the neighborhood was aged 18 and younger.

I was not looking to Replant, I was happy serving where I was.

Idlewild was intentional about hiring a person of color.

The congregation had determined to give the building to Idlewild for ministry.

In January 2014 Idlewild began a ministry called “Adopt a Block” where they regularly entered the neighborhood to meet and pray for the people. They provided connection events and opportunities to reach the community. 

Pastor Ken Whitten shaped the approach with this philosophy; “We didn’t just want to go to them, we want to grow among them.”

Advice for Replanting in a multi-cultural context

Be intentional from the very beginning

It’s best if the Replanter is already engaged and active in multicultural relationships.

The people drawn to our church were not drawn because we have multicultural worship, they were drawn to our church because the church was intentional in the approach to reach the community-both white people and people of color were actively involved meeting people in the community.

People bought in even before they came to attend a worship service.

We gave opportunity and value to a variety of styles in worship as a natural expression of who we are.

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Episode #9 – The Luter Replant Legacy Part 1 with Dr. Fred Luter (Boots on the Ground Highlight)

Replant Bootcamp
Replant Bootcamp
Episode #9 - The Luter Replant Legacy Part 1 with Dr. Fred Luter (Boots on the Ground Highlight)

This is the first episode of a 2-part ? BOOTS ON THE GROUND HIGHLIGHT ?about Dr. Fred Luter Jr. and his son Fred “Chip” Luter III. In part 1 we will hear from Dr. Fred about his replanting journey at Franklin Avenue Baptist Church in New Orleans and in part 2 we will hear from Chip and his journey to replanting with Idlewild in Tampa.

Dr. Fred Luter starting pastoring Franklin Avenue Baptist church 33 years ago when most people suspected the church was about to die. Local ministry leaders even told Pastor Fred that he was the wrong choice and he just needed to bury the church. Years later Franklin Avenue is a powerful testimony to God’s faithfulness through Dr. Fred who eventually became the first African-American President of the Southern Baptist Convention.

33 years of pastoral ministry has given Pastor Fred some great wisdom and we are excited to share it with you. Here are a few highlights:

  • The key to pastoral ministry is faithfulness to who God has called you to be and where he has called you to serve.
  • One of the greatest challenges in many dying churches is to remind them that the WORD of GOD works. Pastors must be faithful to the Word.
  • Replanters must be VISIONARY SHEPHERDS that have TACTICAL PATIENCE: Pastor Fred shares about taking 2-3 years to move Franklin Avenue from funding their church through selling chicken suppers to faithful and biblical giving.
  • Replanters must have a MISSIONAL FOCUS and GOSPEL ORIENTATION: Fred shares how he had a creative and missional strategy to engage the men in his community that were not coming to church through watching a pay-per-view boxing match. He then followed this up with personal evangelism and discipleship.
  • Replanters must make their families a priority. Pastor Fred has held hard to regular time off on a weekly basis to invest in his marriage and his kids.

Vocabulary word of the day –  Lagniappe

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