EP 115 – No Shame in Your Game

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The boys have been kicking it in the Big Easy for the past few days doing some training for Replant and eating their way through some fine NOLA cuisine. JimBo finally paid the bet debt by donning the Hog Hat. After the pleasantries they get down to discussing how shame plays a part in keeping Replanters isolated, separated and struggling.
Here are some of the quick insights:
- Your identity is not tied to your success
- God’s approval is not tied to your success
- The Gospel frees us to be confident in Christ, no matter what happens
- Often God allows us to struggle and develop a limp to humble us and make us more usable in his service
- Every church struggles somewhere
- Success is faithfulness
Are you struggling with shame? Do you need a safe place to talk? Give our friends at the Pastor Hotline a call, it’s free, confidential, and available to serve you. Call 1-844-PASTOR1