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Tag: Church adoption

FREE RESOURCE: Navigating Alignment in Church Adoptions

Replanting often involves adoption: A healthy church enters a conversation with a declining church so that two congregations, each with different stories, can prayerfully unite to reach a community for the glory of God.

Let’s say, for example, Redemption Crossroads Church, a new congregation meeting in a school cafeteria, enters an agreement with First Baptist Church, which has a building but only a handful of people. Redemption Crossroads has no building but does have a huge community presence and close to 200 people. The plan is for the new church to adopt the older one and move into their building.

What happens, however, is more than one church just adopting another. Adoption actually creates a new entity

An adopting church just doesn’t absorb the other one. Rather, it brings in those people with their culture, corporate identity, history, experiences and story. That changes both the new church and the old one. What comes out is something new and different.

Both groups, however, must know each is going to lose something and gain something. Both must decide whether the potential gain is worth the losing and gaining. The two churches begin the adoption process in prayer and with a posture of humility.

When you can bring two generations together, not based on preferences but on the love of Jesus, that’s glorious! This is hard work. It’s not easy, but if we follow the Lord’s leading, it can be great.

All that sounds good, but what does the adoption process look like? How do you get from entering the adoption conversation to the end of the process? How do you navigate the conversation?

Those are important questions and we are excited to introduce a new free resource that we hope will help simplify the adoption conversation process.

The purpose of the adoption process is to prayerfully explore God’s direction regarding one church adopting another. This resource will help a church and its leadership navigate alignment with another congregation during adoption.

Adoption is a significant and sacred undertaking that requires careful thought, prayer, humility and open communication. This new resource is designed to guide both churches through a structured process with a facilitator, ensuring that each aspect of the potential adoption is carefully considered.

The process is divided into six stages that represent different levels of exploration and discussion, beginning with prayerful preparation and culminating in the details of daily operations and the final decision.

While every adoption process is unique to the churches involved, there is a common path forward. We hope the Church Adoption Alignment Process resource will help you on the path toward vitality.

For a more in-depth discussion of this subject, we recommend a corresponding episode of The Replant Bootcamp Podcast, which focuses on navigating alignment in church adoptions.

The free Church Adoption Alignment Process resource can be downloaded here.

**This blog was originally posted on the NAMB Replant Blog

EP 258 – Navigating Alignment in Church Adoptions with Mark Clifton

Replant Bootcamp
Replant Bootcamp
EP 258 - Navigating Alignment in Church Adoptions with Mark Clifton

Mark Clifton comes back to the bootcamp again to drop some wisdom on how to navigate the process of church adoption alignment. When one church is prayerfully considering adopting another, both churches have a lot to consider, and it is easy to get bogged down in the wrong things – or at least in the wrong order.

Mark Clifton shares about an approach he takes that moves churches slowly through various levels of consideration. Throughout this process, the churches will give an ample amount of time to pray and deepen relationships with each other.

We took Clifton’s process as he outlined it and developed this document to help you navigate the process: Adoption Framework.

Another document to consider is the Partnership Profile made by the Resound Network linked in the show notes of Episode 129

Church Adoption Alignment Process Overview

The Church Adoption Alignment Process is a comprehensive, prayer-driven guide designed to help two churches explore the possibility of one church adopting another. This process is broken down into six distinct stages, each focused on different aspects of alignment between the two churches. Below is an outline of the process with key points from each level:

1. Prayerful Preparation
Objective: Seek God’s guidance before initiating formal discussions.
Key Actions:
– Establish prayer teams and integrate prayer into the church’s regular activities.
– Form Exploration Teams from existing leadership groups or create new ones specifically for this process.
– Identify a facilitator to guide the process, potentially with input from local associations or state conventions.

2. 50,000-Foot View: Theological Alignment
Objective: Ensure alignment on core theological beliefs.
Discussion Topics:
– Authority and inerrancy of Scripture.
– Doctrines of salvation, church ordinances, and denominational beliefs (e.g., Baptist Faith and Message).
– Biblical views on marriage and gender.
– Additional theological items as determined by the facilitator.
Action Steps:
– Schedule town hall meetings for congregational input.
– Organize a joint fellowship event to build relationships.

3. 30,000-Foot View: Church Structure and Governance
Objective: Align on church structure, governance, and leadership roles.
Discussion Topics:
– Denominational affiliation and involvement.
– Roles of pastoral staff, deacons, and elders.
– Church membership and governance models.
– Additional structural items as necessary.
Action Steps:
– Set dates for town hall meetings.
– Plan a joint fellowship event to further unify the congregations.

4. 15,000-Foot View: Financial and Facility Realities
Objective: Align on financial structures and facility management.
Discussion Topics:
– Budget structure and financial plans.
– Assessment of assets, debts, and overall financial health.
– Facility management and operational realities.
Action Steps:
– Schedule town hall meetings to discuss financial and facility issues.
– Plan a joint fellowship event to encourage transparency and trust.

5. 5,000-Foot View: Ministry Philosophy and Processes
Objective: Align on the philosophies and processes of key ministries.
Discussion Topics:
– Approaches to Children’s, Youth, and Senior Adult ministries.
– Discipleship strategies, including small groups and Sunday School.
– Worship times, music styles, and church committees.
– Additional ministry-related processes as required.
Action Steps:
– Host town hall meetings to gather congregational feedback on ministry alignment.
– Organize a joint fellowship event to promote shared ministry goals.

6. Grassroots Level: Day-to-Day Operations
Objective: Finalize the practical details and implications of the adoption at an operational level.
Discussion Topics:
– Staffing structures and roles post-adoption.
– Review and possibly revise the constitution and bylaws.
– Decide on the church name and other branding considerations.
– Address any remaining operational details essential for the smooth integration of the two congregations.
Action Steps:
– Conduct final town hall meetings to solidify decisions.
– Hold a concluding joint fellowship event to celebrate the partnership and unity.

This process is designed to ensure that both churches are thoroughly aligned in their beliefs, structures, and operations before moving forward with an adoption. It emphasizes prayer, open communication, and congregational involvement at every stage to foster unity and ensure that the decision reflects God’s will.


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