Welcome back Bootcampers. As we’re heading toward the new year we wanted to take a few minutes to talk about the importance of looking back (reflecting upon the past year) and then looking ahead the the new year which is approaching. We’re finding the twin disciplines of reflection and futuring extremely helpful in life, leadership and serving the local church. Our good friend, Bob Bumgarner developed a helpful sheet to guide this practice.
Here are some questions to guide this process:
- What were you attempting for Jesus in 2022?
- What progress did you make?
- What were some of the highlights or turning points?
- What will you carry over (actions steps) into the coming year?
- What challenges did you face? How did the Lord see you through?
We would love to hear from you Bootcamper! Is there something that made a difference for you? Have some wisdom to share or a question to ask? Drop us a line, voicemail-we would love to hear from you.
Maybe you’ve been looking at your web presence and realize you need to do something different in the coming year. Our awesome sponsor, One Eighty Digital, can get you headed in the right direction. Contact them today and let them know you are a Bootcamper!