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Replant Bootcamp
Replant Bootcamp

Well, we made it to 100! Thanks for being part of the Bootcamp crew-we’re thankful for you spending time with us each week as we talk about Replanting and Revitalizing Churches.

In this episode, Jimbo and Bob talk about what it means to have reached our one-hundredth episode and then take a look ahead at some potential trends we see coming down the line. Stay tuned, drop us a line and let us know what you think Replanters will face in the coming season.

  1. Children’s ministry is changing: with the COVID resurgence workers and parents are concerned about the health of their kids. Volunteers are quitting, parents are staying home, others are leaving the normative-sized churches for larger churches who have programming.
  2. Pastors need personal and professional care: a lot of our friends, pastors that we know are really really tired. Many are struggling and barely hanging on. We hear you-we see you.  Get the help you need, call the Pastor Care Hotline, it’s confidential and free: 1-844-Pastor1
  3. A trend toward more bi-vocational and co-vocational pastorates: with the challenging financial situation, with rising inflation, with decreasing church attendance and contributions, Pastors will need to figure out how to support themselves and their families. Here’s an upside-if as a Pastor you need to say some difficult things to help a church move forward, earning a living outside of the church may free you up to say what needs to be said.
  4. An increasing need for churches to help other churches: there is a rising need for churches to assist and collaborate with one another to do ministry. Adoption, Fostering and partnerships among strong churches and struggling churches will need to happen on an increasing basis. We anticipate closures will pick up at the end of 2021 and early 2022.

What do you see?  We’d love to hear from you, drop us a line, send us text, leave a comment.

Thanks for being part of the Bootcamp family!

We’re grateful for our sponsor, One Eighty-Digital for making this all possible. Check them out if you need help with your website!


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Replant Bootcamp
Replant Bootcamp

We’re one EP away from #100! But, before then the guys take a TXT message from the Bootcamp Batphone and break it down.

Here’s the question in summary: “What are the issues that keep churches from Revitalizing?” 

  • Most often churches refuse to face their true condition (denial)
  • They ignore reality or explain it away
  • They grow accustomed to their condition and are comfortable
  • They tried and failed – so they quit

In many cases churches are resistant to change because they are fundamentally afraid of losing something. We need to understand how the fear of loss keeps a church from resisting change.

Don’t underestimate the need congregants have for stability and security-the real discipleship issue trusting God regardless of what might happen in the future.

Here are some other reasons why churches resist revitalization:

  • The founding families of the church don’t want the church to change
  • Embedded dysfunctional leadership, generations of controllers keep things the same
  • A previous bad pastorate and a reaction to abusive leadership make a church resistant to change

Fundamentally, change in a church is always a spiritual issue. There will be no change until there is change in the lives and hearts of the congregation. Spiritual problems require spiritual solutions.

What are your thoughts?  Have a question or comment? We’d love to hear from you.

Drop us a line at the Bootcamp:

Text us at the Bootcamp: 904.270.9520



As always we want to thank our great sponsor over at One-Eight Digital, they can help you with all your website needs, contact them and let them know you’re a bootcamp listener.

Show notes are powered by Descript and are an approximation of the content. Consult podcast audio for accuracy.

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EPISODE #98 – Sermon Prep

Replant Bootcamp
Replant Bootcamp
EPISODE #98 - Sermon Prep

In this episode, the guys discuss the latest news in JAX and STL as well as the importance of good sermon prep.

  • Don’t be legalistic about your style or process
  • Start with God’s Word and let that inform the whole sermon
  • Don’t try to be impressive
  • Get feedback on your preaching – keep growing
  • Listen to others
  • Make specific application


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EPISODE #97 – IS REPLANTING WORTH THE ROI (return on investment)?

Replant Bootcamp
Replant Bootcamp
EPISODE #97 - IS REPLANTING WORTH THE ROI (return on investment)?

The Bootcamp boys are back talking about why it’s worth saving dying and declining churches across N. America and around the world. Often, we hear pushback on investing time, money and resources in Replanting dying churches.

Here are some of the highlights:

  • A dying church doesn’t bring glory to God-that’s why Replanting is important
  • In history, a group of people determined that location needed a gospel witness-make sure to examine the history and see if that original decision still stands
  • Is there a pocket of “lostness?” Are there people to be reached?
  • Every church provides an opportunity to reach a person who is not presently being reached by the existing churches.
  • It’s worth the investment, you cannot buy in today’s dollars what was built with yesterday’s resources.
  • Replanting requires followers of Jesus to take a step of faith and live it out-primarily by dying to their self (and their preferences)

On very rare occasions you might consider repurposing and reinvesting the resources for kingdom purposes rather than replanting or revitalizing a particular church.

What are you thoughts? We’d love to hear from you. Drop us a line, leave a comment or contact us on the Bootcamp Hotline.

Are you a Replanter? Need some encouragement? Join us in Atlanta August 25-26, 2021. Register now for the Replant Summit  

Let’s be honest-your web presence needs to be spot on. You likely need help. Our great partner can help you with all your website needs, check out One Eighty Digital today!

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Replant Bootcamp
Replant Bootcamp

In today’s episode Bob and Jimbo take time to hear the real life story of a Pastor who left his church. Many Pastor’s we know have experienced and are experiencing challenges and difficulties and eventually arrive at the the decision that it is time to leave the church they serve.

If you’re a Pastor in a difficult situation we encourage you to reach out for help. Whether it be your Associational Mission Strategist, a State Convention Staff member the Replant team at NAMB or us here at the Bootcamp-we want to see you get the help and encouragement you need.

Contact the Replant Team

Call the Pastor’s Help line: 1-844-Pastor1  (confidentiality is ensured)

Drop us a line at the Bootcamp:

Text the Bootcamp: 904.270.9520

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EPISODE #95 – Sheep that bite and wolves that bicker

Replant Bootcamp
Replant Bootcamp
EPISODE #95 - Sheep that bite and wolves that bicker

Bob (Replant Guru) and JimBo (the Good Doctor) discuss how to deal with biting sheep and bickering wolves.

Listen to them fully

Repeat back to them what they said and ask if that is correct

Go to the Bible

Your perspective is your perspective

God’s word is God’s word = get them to take their issue/complaint, attitude and submit it to God’s word

Warn and Teach – Colossians 1:28-29

Remove the divisive and destructive  – Titus 3:10


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Replant Bootcamp
Replant Bootcamp

The guys are back in action after celebrating the 4th of July! They talk about favorite fireworks, Bob nearly getting arrested and Jimbo’s near death experience with a church member who loved him some fireworks.

In today’s episode the guys get down to offering some key cautions for Shepherding Pastors as they lead their congregation.

Here are the quick points, give them a listen and give us your feedback.

Cautions for Shepherding Leaders

  • Lead at a pace faster than you might normally prefer
  • Realize that you may not ever have a unanimous consensus around decisions – If God has spoken, move forward
  • Shepherds may become “flock” focused rather than “Father” focused – get away from the flock (congregation in order to hear from God and get His vision
  • Bring courage with your calm and clarity as you lead. Expect pushback and proceed when God has clearly spoken about His direction for your church.
  • Be ready to deal with negative and divisive people who persist in their criticism, negativity and antagonism-do this according to Colossians 1:28-29. Proclaim the gospel, warn and teach.
  • Know your time frame- a Shepherd Leader may be tempted to stay beyond the time of his effectiveness-be sensitive to God’s leadership and direction if it is time to go.

Have a question? Can we help? Drop us a line or give us a call and we’d be happy to connect with you.



As always we want to thank our great sponsor over at One-Eight Digital, they can help you with all your website needs, contact them and let them know you’re a bootcamp listener.

Show notes are powered by Descript and are an approximation of the content. Consult podcast audio for accuracy.

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Replant Bootcamp
Replant Bootcamp

Welcome back to the Bootcamp! Bob is another year older and Jimbo confesses he feels old too, but hey let’s jump in and get started. Today the guys are talking leadership and vision today and outlay some cautions for Visionary Leaders.  Have a question or comment?  Drop us a comment, send an email or leave us a voicemail with our questions or feedback.


Cautions for Visionary Leaders

  • Some Visionaries can be impulsive
    • Sit on big ideas for a day or two to make sure
    • Make big decisions with a team with feedback – not alone
    • Spend time praying about it
    • Consider times to lead the group in groupthink and let others pitch their ideas first
    • Don’t try to persuade them to go with your idea
  • Some Visionaries can be big on ideas while weak on execution
    • Make sure you are making a executable plan – with steps – and deadlines
    • Make sure to have a follow up process – be clear on who is responsible for what
  • Some Visionaries struggle to prioritize people over progress
    • You will most likely need to lead change at a slower pace than you desire
  • Some Visionaries struggle with longevity in ministry
    • Revi/replanting takes 5-7 years – stick it out
    • Don’t lead the church to make a major change and then bail


In today’s connected culture your church needs a functional and strategic web presence.  Our great sponsor One Eighty Digital can get your Church a website up and running in the right direction.

Show notes powered by Descript are an approximation of the verbal content, consult podcast audio for accuracy

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Replant Bootcamp
Replant Bootcamp

The guys are back from the #SBC21 in Nashville. Aside from being a bit concerned about their “review” powers Jimbo confesses that all the Robert’s Rules of Order steps had him simultaneously confused and amazed so we reached out to, none other than the Baptist Bouncer himself, Craig Culbreth who served on the SBC Parliamentary team.

Craig offered his insights into why your church business meetings need structure, what role Robert’s rules play, when to set them aside and if a Pastor should serve as a moderator or not.

This is gonna be a helpful one to many, give it a listen.

  1. What is the benefit of parliamentary procedure for a small church?
  2. Should you use Robert’s Rules for every decision and every business meeting?
  3. What do you do when meetings erupt into conflict?
  4. Where can you find help if you’re not sure what to do?

A Parliamentary Guide for Churches by Barry McCarty

Robert’s Rules for Dummies

Is your Website “out of order?”  Our great sponsor One Eighty Digital can get your Church a website up and running in the right direction.

Show notes powered by Descript are an approximation of the verbal content, consult podcast audio for accuracy


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EPISODE #91 – The dangers of Cookie-Cutter Approach to Ministry

Replant Bootcamp
Replant Bootcamp
EPISODE #91 - The dangers of Cookie-Cutter Approach to Ministry

The guys are back talking about approaches to ministry in this (SBC week) edition of the bootcamp. In this episode they discuss how to find your “own” approach to ministry in your local context and warn against simply adopting a strategy that worked for someone else, somewhere else.

Check it out and stay tuned for next week’s episode as the boys break down some of what they learned and some of the connections they made at #SBC21

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