The guys are back talking about the characteristics present in Replanters. Listen as they break down stories of the bacon-y greatness of Shoney’s Breakfast Buffet, and the important characteristics of Replanters.
Visionary Shepherd: “A Visionary Shepherd has the ability to sense and see God’s next steps for a congregation and the capacity to lead the church forward as a loving shepherd. He is patient, wise, strategic, and relational.”
Organizational Awareness: A replanter with Organizational Awareness is adept at understanding how power dynamics work within the church, anticipating how changes would be received, recognizing where change may produce friction, and showing an awareness of how current practice and changes affected their position within the community in which they served.
Tactical Patience:Tactical patience is the ability to skillfully implement change at a pace that is appropriate to a specific congregation’s health and needs. It is about having the discernment of knowing when something must be changed and how it should be changed.
For an example of a lapse of organizational awareness listen to EP #20 “How not to change the name of a Replant.”
Book Recommendations for these Characteristics
Embers to a Flame by Harry Reeder III
Leading Major Change In Your Ministry by Jeff Iorg
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Bacon, Bob Bickford, Jimbo Stewart, Mark Clifton, NAMB, Organizational Awareness, Replanter, Shoney's, tactical patience, visionary shepherd