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Jimbo Stewart

JimBo Stewart is a follower of Jesus, Audrea’s husband, and proud father of three Stewart Littles. Professionally, JimBo serves as the Associate Director of Replant at the North American Mission Board (NAMB) and as the Replanting and Revitalization Strategist for First Coast Churches in Jacksonville, FL. He is also the co-founder of He holds a D.Min. in Church Revitalization and an M.Div. in Urban Missions, both earned at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. JimBo also loves exploring new places and playing disc golf with his kids.

Erin Cofield

Blog Contributor

Erin Cofield loves Jesus, Italian food, UGA football, coffee, musicals, and dessert. She has been married for 26 years to her highschool sweetheart and has three grown children. She also has an overweight cat and a poorly behaved dog. She has a B.A. in English with a Creative Writing cognate from Regent University, which she almost never uses in her day job as a Veterinary Technician.

Caleb Duncan

Blog Contributor

Caleb Duncan is the Associational Mission Strategist for the West Florida Baptist Association. He has an B.A. in Missions from the Baptist College of Florida and an M.A. in Ethics, Theology and Culture from Southeastern Seminary. Email him at  or follow his Twitter @calebtduncan.